How to Draw an NFL Logo
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How to Draw an NFL Logo – A step by step guide to help you draw the logo of your favorite NFL team.
National Football League logos are some of the most iconic and recognizable images in North America. If you’re a fan of the NFL, chances are you can name all 32 teams just by looking at their logos. But have you ever wondered how those logos are designed?
In this instructable, we’ll take a look at the process of designing an NFL logo, from start to finish. We’ll also explore some of the unique challenges that come with designing for such a high-profile client. So whether you’re a diehard football fan or just interested in learning more about logo design, read on!
What You’ll Need
-Ruler or a template
-Black marker
-Colored pencils or markers (optional)
Drawing an NFL logo is a great way to show your support for your favorite team. Whether you’re a casual fan or a diehard supporter, this easy project is a fun way to show your team spirit. And, since it’s not too difficult to do, it’s a great project for beginning artists, as well. So, grab your supplies and let’s get started!
Step One: Sketching the Logo
Before you start drawing, it’s a good idea to have a reference image of the logo you’re trying to recreate. Since the National Football League (NFL) has been around for quite some time, there are plenty of images of their logos readily available online.
Once you have your reference image, you can begin sketching out the basic shape of the logo with a pencil. Start with the larger shapes and then fill in the smaller details. Remember to take your time and be as precise as possible — this will make it easier to erase any mistakes later on.
If you want, you can print out your reference image or use a projector to help Trace over your sketch with a pen or thin-tipped marker. This will make it easier to see the lines you need to connect when you start drawing the final version of your NFL logo.
Step Two: Filling in the Details
Start by sketching in the basic dimensions of the logo. Next, begin to fill in the details. The most important details to capture are the NFL shield, the letters “NFL,” and the football. Take your time and make sure that each element is well-defined.
Once you have the basic shape of the logo, start to add in some shading. Use a light touch at first, darkening the areas that will be shadowed once the logo is complete. You can always add more shading later if needed.
Finally, add any final details such as highlights or glare on the football. Once you are happy with your drawing, erase any pencil lines that are still visible and you’re done!
Step Three: Adding Color
Now that you have your basic outlines, it’s time to add some color! You can use whatever colors you want, but try to stay true to the team’s colors. For the Baltimore Ravens, for example, you would want to use a dark blue and a metallic gold.
Once you have your colors picked out, start filling in the larger areas first. In our case, we’ll start with the blue. Use light strokes at first, so you can easily erase if you make a mistake. Once you have the basic shape filled in, go over it again with darker strokes to give it more depth.
Next, add the smaller details like the beak and eyes. Again, start with light strokes and then go over them with darker ones. Remember to add white highlights to the eyes to make them pop!
The last step is to add the lettering. This part is entirely up to you – you can either freehand it or print out a template and trace it onto your drawing. Either way, once you’re happy with how it looks, erase any remaining pencil marks and admire your handiwork!
Now that you know how to draw an NFL logo, you can use your skills to create other football-related drawings. You can also use your new found knowledge to create a unique gift for a friend or family member who is a fan of the NFL. Thanks for reading and happy drawing!