How to Fix Corners on Baseball Cards

If you’re a baseball card collector, you know how important it is to keep your cards in pristine condition. But sometimes, those pesky corners can get damaged, resulting in a big headache.

Luckily, there are a few ways you can fix damaged corners on your baseball cards. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to fix corners on baseball cards using a few simple techniques.


If you are a baseball card collector, you know that one of the most important things to do is to take care of your cards. This means keeping them in sleeves and card protectors, as well as keeping them clean and free of dirt and dust. Another important thing to do is to make sure that the corners of your cards are not damaged. Damaged corners can decrease the value of your cards, so it is important to know how to fix them. Here are some tips on how to fix corners on baseball cards.

One way to fix damaged corners on baseball cards is to use a corner rounder. A corner rounder is a tool that can be used to round the edges of your cards. This will help to make the edges less sharp and more smooth. Another way to fix damaged corners on baseball cards is to use clear tape. Clear tape can be used to reinforce the corners of your cards and help prevent further damage. Finally, another way to fix damaged corners on baseball cards is to use a corner protector. A corner protector is a small plastic sleeve that fits over the corner of your card. This will help protect the corner from future damage.

What You’ll Need

-A straight edge
-A sharp knife
-A cutting board
– Clear packing tape
-A pencil

The Tools

In order to fix the corners on your baseball cards, you will need the following tools:
-A sharp knife
-A cutting board
-A ruler or a straight edge
– Tape
-An old toothbrush
-A bowl of warm water
-A soft cloth

The Materials

In order to fix the corners on your baseball cards, you will need the following materials:
-A pencil
-A pair of scissors
-A glue stick
-A stack of old newspapers
-A clean, dry surface

The Process

The process for fixing corners on baseball cards is relatively simple. All you need is a sharp knife and a steady hand.

1.First, find the corner of the card that is damaged.
2.Next, use your sharp knife to carefully remove the damaged corner of the card.
3.Be sure to cut as close to the edge of the damage as possible, without cutting into the rest of the card.
4.Now, take the corner you just cut off and use it to replace the damaged corner of the card.
5.Press down firmly on the replacement corner to make sure it sticks.
6.Finally, use your knife to trim away any excess material from the replacement corner.

And that’s it! Your baseball card should now have nice, clean corners that will be much less likely to get damaged in the future.

The Results

The corner repair technique that you use will determine the overall look of the baseball card. If done correctly, the corners will be nearly undetectable. If not done correctly, the corners will be noticeable and may affect the value of the baseball card.

There are a few different techniques that can be used to fix corners on baseball cards. The most common technique is to use a hobby knife to carefully trim the excess paper away. This can be a time consuming process, but it is fairly straightforward.

Another common technique is to use a corner rounder. This is a simple tool that can be purchased at most craft stores. It essentially punches out a small corner from the card, which helps to minimize the damage.

Finally, some collectors prefer to simply tape the corners of the baseball card. This is not an ideal solution, but it can be effective in some cases. It is important to use clear tape so that it does not adversely affect the look of the card.


Thank you for taking the time to read this guide. Hopefully, you now have a better understanding of the different types of roasts and how to fix corners on baseball cards. Remember, the perfect roast is a personal choice and there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Experiment with different roasts to find the flavor that best suits your taste.

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