How To Get More Power On Tennis Serve?

How to get more power on your tennis serve is a question that many players ask. In this article we’ll give you some tips and drills to help you increase your serve speed and power.


One of the most important strokes in tennis is the serve. A good serve can be a real weapon, particularly in singles tennis. It can win you points outright and it puts your opponent on the defensive, making it easier to win the subsequent rally. Not surprisingly, then, one of the most common questions I am asked is “How can I hit my serve harder?”

There are a number of ways to add power to your serve. In this article, I will share with you four of the most effective. But before I do that, there are two things you need to know about generating power on your tennis serve.

The Tennis Serve

The tennis serve is one of the most important aspects of the game. A strong serve can help you win points and games more easily. There are a few things you can do to increase your serve’s power.

First, focus on your grip. A tighter grip will give you more power, but be careful not to grip the racket too tightly or you will lose control. Second, stand closer to the baseline when you serve. This will give you more time to generate power before you hit the ball. Third, use your whole body when you serve. Use your legs to jump and transfer weight from your back foot to your front foot as you swing. Finally, follow through with your swing. A longer swing will generate more power than a shorter one.

Practice these techniques and soon you will be serving with more power than ever before!

The Physics Of A Tennis Serve

To increase the power of your serve, you need to understand the physics of a tennis serve. When you hit the ball, it produces a force that propels the ball forward. The amount of force depends on the mass of the ball and how fast it is moving.

The heavier the ball, the more force it will produce. The faster it is moving, the more force it will produce. If you hit the ball with a racket that has a large head, it will produce more force than if you hit it with a racket that has a small head.

You can also increase the power of your serve by using a longer racket. A longer racket gives you more leverage, which means you can hit the ball harder without putting as much effort into your swing.

Finally, you can increase the power of your serve by hitting the ball higher on the strings. This makes the Sweet Spot larger and produces more spin on the ball. The spin makes the ball travel further and makes it harder for your opponent to return your shot.

How To Get More Power On Tennis Serve

There are a few key things you can do to increase the power of your serve. First, make sure you are using your legs to generate power. Second, use your arm and wrist to snap the ball up into the air. Third, follow through with your arm after you hit the ball. These simple tips should help you increase the power of your serve.


If you want to increase the power of your serve, there are a few key things you can do. First, make sure you are using your entire body to generate power, not just your arm. Second, practice your mechanics and learn to generate speed through a combination of correct technique and explosive movement. Finally, increase the weight of your racket or use a heavier ball during practice to train your muscles to generate more power. By following these steps, you can make big improvements in the power of your serve.

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