How to Injure Someone in WWE 2K18

Injuring your opponent is a great way to get ahead in a match in WWE 2K18. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it.

How to Injure Someone in WWE 2K18

Identify your target

When you’re playing WWE 2K18, there will be moments when you’ll want to injure your opponent. Maybe they won’t stay down after you’ve hit them with your finisher, or maybe you just want to create some drama in the match. Whatever the reason, here’s how you can injure someone in WWE 2K18.

In WWE 2K18, there is a mechanic that allows you to injure your opponents. This is done by targeting a specific body part of the opponent. When you do this, their stamina bar will start to deplete. If you can deplete their stamina completely, then they will be injured and unable to continue the match.

There are two ways to target a body part in WWE 2K18. The first way is to press and hold the left trigger (LT) on your controller. This will bring up a targeting reticle on your screen. You can then use the left analog stick to move the targeting reticle over the desired body part of your opponent. when you have the targeting reticle over the desired body part, press and release the left trigger (LT) to select that body part as your target.

The second way to target a body part is by pressing and holding the right trigger (RT) on your controller while performing a strike move. This will cause your superstar to strike their opponent in their targeted body part.

Select your weapon

In WWE 2K18, there are several ways to injure your opponent. You can use your fists, feet, or elbows to damage different body parts. You can also select a weapon from the environment and use it as a bludgeoning tool. To do this, press and hold down the left trigger on Xbox One or PS4, then use the right stick to scroll through the available options.

Approach your target

As you approach your target, press and hold the “B” button on your Xbox One controller or the “Circle” button on your PlayStation 4 controller. Doing so will allow you to enter into a grapple with your opponent.

Attack your target

When you are attacking your target, there are a few things you need to do in order to increase the chances of injuring them. First, always aim for their head. This will do the most damage and is the most likely place to injure them. Second, use as much force as possible when attacking. The more force you use, the more likely it is that you will cause an injury. Finally, try to hit them in multiple places. This will increase the chances of causing an injury even further.

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