How To Keep Baseball Stats?

How do you keep track of all those important baseball statistics? Here are a few tips on how to keep baseball stats.


As a baseball fan, you might want to keep track of your favorite team’s stats, or maybe you’re interested in keeping track of your ownstats as a player. Either way, it can be helpful to know how to keep baseball stats.

There are a few different ways to keep track of baseball stats. One way is to use a software program designed specifically for tracking baseball stats. Another way is to use a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel.

If you want to track baseball stats manually, there are a few things you need to know. First, you need to know what statistics you want to track. Second, you need to know how to keep track of those statistics.

Third, you need to know how often you want to update your statistics. Some people like to update their stats after every game, while others only update them once a week or once a month.

Fourth, you need to decide what format you want your statistics in. For example, do you want them in text format or do you want them in en excel spreadsheet?

Now that you know the basics of keeping track of baseball stats, let’s take a look at some specific statistics that you might want to track.

What You Need to Know Before You Start

Before you start keeping baseball stats, you need to understand what statistics are important and how to keep track of them. There are a lot of different ways to keep track of baseball statistics, but you need to find the method that works best for you. You also need to make sure that you understand the rules of baseball so that you can keep track of the statistics accurately.

What is baseball statistics?

Baseball statistics are the objective, measurable performance of baseball players. Batting, pitching, and fielding statistics are often recorded and maintained separately.

What are the basic statistics?

To keep baseball stats, you first need to understand the basics of baseball statistics. Here are some of the most important statistics in baseball:

Batting average (AVG): This is the number of hits a batter gets divided by the number of times he or she goes to bat. A batting average of .300 or higher is considered good, while a batting average below .300 is considered poor.

Hits (H): A hit is any time a batter safely reaches first base on a batted ball.

Runs batted in (RBI): This stat measures how many runs a batter scores while he or she is at bat. A player gets credit for an RBI every time he or she hits a home run, or every time he or she hits a ball that leads to a run being scored.

Home runs (HR): A home run is when a batter hits the ball over the fence in fair territory, without any errors being committed by the defense. This results in the batter automatically scoring, and all runners on base also score.

What are the advanced statistics?

There are a number of different advanced statistics in baseball, but the most well-known and widely used are batting average on balls in play (BABIP), earned run average (ERA), and fielding independent pitching (FIP). These stats aim to measure a player or pitcher’s true talent level, rather than being influenced by factors such as luck or defense.

BABIP measures how often a batter gets a hit when they put the ball in play. It is meant to rule out factors like home runs (which don’t require a hit) or strikeouts (which the batter can’t do anything about). A BABIP of .300 is considered to be average, while anything above or below that is considered to be lucky or unlucky.

ERA measures the number of runs a pitcher gives up per nine innings pitched. It is influenced by things like walks and home runs, but it also takes into account outs that were due to defense or luck. A pitcher with a low ERA may have been lucky, while one with a high ERA may have been unlucky. FIP is similar to ERA, but it only looks at the things that a pitcher can control: strikeouts, walks, and home runs allowed. This makes it a better predictor of future ERA than ERA itself.

These stats can be helpful in evaluating players, but it’s important to remember that they’re not perfect. They’re useful tools, but they should always be used in conjunction with other information about a player.

How to Keep Baseball Statistics

If you are a baseball fan, you probably know that keeping baseball statistics is a huge part of the game. There are a lot of different ways to keep track of baseball stats, but not all of them are created equal. In this article, we will discuss some of the best ways to keep track of baseball statistics.

How to keep batting statistics

To keep batting statistics, you will need a scorebook, a pencil, and knowledge of the abbreviations used to record various kinds of hits. In scorekeeping, there is some subjectivity involved in deciding whether a batted ball was a hit or an error, but following the guidelines below will help you make accurate decisions.

To keep track of batting statistics, you will need to use a scorebook that has been specially designed for recording baseball statistics. You can find these scorebooks at most sporting goods stores. In the scorebook, each player is given a row for every game played. Across the top of the scorebook are columns for different batting statistics.

Here are the abbreviations used to denote different types of hits:

S – Single
D – Double
T – Triple
HR – Home run
BB – Base on balls (walk)
HBP – Hit by pitch
SF – Sacrifice fly
ROE – Reached on error
FC – Fielder’s choice

How to keep pitching statistics

Pitching statistics are, arguably, the most important statistics in baseball. A pitcher’s job is to prevent the other team from scoring, and so a pitcher’s success is measured by how well he does this. There are myriad ways to measure a pitcher’s effectiveness, but the most common pitching statistic is the earned run average, or ERA.

How to keep fielding statistics

Fielding statistics are some of the most important stats in baseball. They can tell you how well a player is performing in the field, and can be used to compare players at different positions. There are a few different ways to keep fielding stats, but the most common is to use the “Box score” method.

To use this method, you will need a piece of paper or a spreadsheet with nine columns labeled:
1. Date
2. Opponent
3. Fielding Position
4. Putouts
5. Assists
6. Errors
7. Total Chances
8. Fielding Percentage
9. Range Factor

You will also need a pen or pencil, and a calculator (if you are keeping track of more than one game). To keep track of putouts, simply write down the number of batters that were retired by the player in each inning. To keep track of assists, write down the number of runners that were thrown out by the player in each inning. To keep track of errors, write down the number of plays that were not made by the player in each inning (this includes dropped fly balls, missed ground balls, etc).

The total chances column is simply the sum of putouts and assists, and the fielding percentage is calculated by taking the number of putouts and assists divided by total chances (and then multiplied by 100). The range factor is calculated by taking the number of putouts and assists divided by the number of innings played at that position (and then multiplied by nine).

Keeping track of all this information may sound like a lot of work, but it’s actually fairly easy once you get used to it. And it’s definitely worth it – fielding statistics can give you a good idea of which players are performing well in the field, and which ones need to step up their game.


There are a variety of ways to keep baseball stats. You can use a simple scorecard, or a more sophisticated computer program. Whichever method you choose, be sure to be consistent in your tracking so that you can accurately compare players and teams over time.

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