How to Play Super Mega Baseball 3

Super Mega Baseball 3 is a baseball video game developed by Metalhead Software. It is the third installment in the Super Mega Baseball series. The game was released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on May 13, 2020.


Super Mega Baseball 3 is a baseball video game developed by Metalhead Software. It is the third installment in the Super Mega Baseball series. The game was released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on May 13, 2020.

The game features a brand new engine with improved graphics and physics. There are also new modes, such as an updated Franchise mode, and an all-new Home Run Derby mode. The game also features online play for the first time in the series.

What’s new in Super Mega Baseball 3?

Super Mega Baseball 3 features an all-new Franchise mode, major visual improvements, and on-field additions including pickoffs and stolen base logjams.

Franchise mode allows players to take charge of a team for multiple seasons, making decisions that affect player morale, staff development, and roster management in an attempt to bring a championship trophy to their town. The new development tree for each player type provides more focused abilities than ever before, so choosing the right path is crucial to ensure your team stays on top for years to come.

The bright and colorful art style from the previous games is back, but with more detail and nuance than ever before. The stadium models have been completely redone with obstacles, lighting changes, and lush greenery. And for the first time, all 30 teams have their own distinct charisma thanks to unique audio presentations created in partnership with Mixopolis Music.

How to play Super Mega Baseball 3

Super Mega Baseball 3 is a baseball simulation video game developed by Metalhead Software and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. The game was released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on May 13, 2020.

Basic gameplay

Super Mega Baseball 3 is a baseball video game developed byMetalhead Software. The game was released on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and Microsoft Windows on May 13, 2020.

Basic gameplay in Super Mega Baseball 3 has been designed to be immediately accessible to players of all skill levels. A key focus has been placed on providing a fun and rewarding experience for everyone. Games can be set up to be as competitive or casual as players want them to be. Equally, the level of customization options available should ensure that everyone can find settings to match their abilities and interests.


In Super Mega Baseball 3, hitting is all about timing. You need to swing at the right moment to make contact with the ball. The timing window is different for each pitch, so you need to pay attention to the pitcher’s release point.

If you swing too early or too late, you’ll miss the ball entirely. If you swing at the very edge of the timing window, you’ll hit a foul ball.

To get a feel for the timing, practice against the pitching machine in training mode. You can adjust the machine’s settings to match those of any pitcher in the game.


In Super Mega Baseball 3, pitching is all about finding the right balance of power and control. If you can paint the corners of the strike zone with your pitches, you’ll be in good shape. But if you can’t find the strike zone with consistency, your opponents will make you pay.

To pitch, use the left analog stick to control the direction of your pitch. If you want to throw a fastball, just leave the stick where it is. If you want to throw a curveball, move the stick to the left or right. And if you want to throw a knuckleball, move the stick up or down.

You can also use the right analog stick to control the break of your pitches. The further you move the stick, the sharper the break will be. Just be careful not to overdo it—if your pitches are too far out of the strike zone, your opponents will take advantage.

Once you’ve decided what kind of pitch you want to throw, press and hold down the appropriate button for that pitch type—A for fastballs, X for curves, and Y for knuckleballs. The longer you hold down the button, the more power you’ll put behind your pitches. But be careful not to overdo it—if you put too much power behind your pitches, they’ll start sailing out of control.

Once you’ve released the button, your pitcher will go into his wind-up and release point animation. At this point, you can use the left analog stick to fine-tune where your pitch will end up. If your pitch is headed forthe heart ofthe plate but you want it to end up closer tothe edges, just nudgethe left analog stick in that direction andyour pitcherwill adjust his aim accordingly.

Finally, once your pitcher has releasedthe ball ,you can use ertraind following controls tor ݇ssean additional level offocus on particularparts oftbestrike zone:
-Left Trigger: Reduces tbe sizeoftbe targetareatoppingand outside cornerstobalance improved accuracywith more difficult placements.-Right Trigger: Increases tbcsizeofthe targetarea totbe entire widthoftbeplateforkickers who wantto challengehitters with heat.-Left Bumper: Quicklyzero inonamore specific locationwithin tbesizeofthetargetarea indicatedbytbetriggers.-Right Bumper: Pullbackand get amoredetailed viewofpitching locationstoseethe full field offorceat workand makeprecise adjustments.— A Button (After Pitching): Throw afastball.—X Button (After Pitching): Throw acurveball.—Y Button (After Pitching): Throwaknuckleball.—B Button (After Pitching): Throwasinker ball.—Back Button(AfterPitchingior CatcherViewduring ateal): SwitchesovertoCatcher Viewduring playattheplateor afterapitchhasbeen thrown(fromPitcher View). Thisviewgivekat-a-glance informationaboutpossible throwing optionsbased oncurrent baserunnersand gameplaysituation


There are nine defensive players on the field at all times in Super Mega Baseball 3. Fielding is controlled with the left analog stick, and you can press X to dive and square to jump. You can also throw the ball to any bases by pressing the corresponding face button.

Pitching is probably the most difficult thing to master in Super Mega Baseball 3. There are different types of pitches, and each one behaves differently. There are also different ways to throw each pitch.

Fastballs are thrown by holding R2 and pressing X, square, or circle. The longer you hold R2, the faster the pitch will be. You can also add spin to a fastball by pressing up or down on the left analog stick before releasing the pitch.

Curveballs are thrown by holding R2 and pressing triangle. You can also add spin to a curveball by pressing up or down on the left analog stick before releasing the pitch.

Sliders are thrown by holding R2 and pressing X, square, or circle, then quickly moving the left analog stick either up or down before releasing the pitch.

Changeups are thrown by holding R2 and pressing triangle, then quickly moving the left analog stick either up or down before releasing the pitch.


We hope you enjoyed this quick guide on how to play Super Mega Baseball 3.This game is a ton of fun, and we think you’ll really enjoy it. If you have any questions, feel free to ask us in the comments below. Thanks for reading!

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