How to Put a String Through a Tennis Ball

This easy tutorial will show you how to put a string through a tennis ball without damaging the ball. You’ll be able to do this in just a few minutes!

What You’ll Need

All you need for this project is a tennis ball, string, and a sharp object. You can use a pencil, pen, or even a toothpick. Just make sure that whatever you use is sharp enough to pierce the tennis ball.


-Tennis ball
-1 pencil
-1 ruler or straight edge
-Knife or box cutter


-Tennis ball
-Ruler or measuring tape
-Ballpoint pen

Step One

In order to string a tennis ball, you will need to have the following materials: a tennis ball, a can of tennis ball string, a Phillips head screwdriver, and a wire cutter. You will also need a work surface on which to string the ball. A kitchen counter or table will work fine.

Make a Small Hole

In order to string a tennis ball, you need to first make a small hole in it. You can do this with a knife, but be careful not to make the hole too big. If the hole is too big, the string will not be able to hold the ball securely.

Insert the String

Thread the string through the tennis ball. Measure out about 10 inches (25 cm) of string and cut it off the spool. Fold the string in half and insert it into the hole in the tennis ball. Push the string through until half of it is poking out of the other side.

Tie a Knot

The first step to putting a string through a tennis ball is to tie a knot in one end of the string. This will prevent the string from slipping through the hole in the ball.

Next, insert the needle into the hole in the ball. If the hole is small, you may need to wiggle the needle a bit to get it started.

Once the needle is through the hole, thread the string through the eye of the needle. Pull the needle and string through until there is a loop of string on one side of the ball and both ends of the string on the other side.

Now you can tighten or loosen the string by pulling on either end. When you have achieved the desired tension, knot both ends of the string together. Trim any excess string and you’re done!

Step Two

After you have found a tennis ball that is the perfect size for your racket, the next step is to put the string through the tennis ball. You will need to make sure that the string is tight in the process. This can be done by using a simple overhand knot.

Inflate the Ball

Use a hand pump or an air compressor to inflate the tennis ball to its full size. If you are using a hand pump, insert the needle that came with the pump into the valve on the ball and pump until the ball is firm. If you are using an air compressor, hold the end of the compressor hose over the valve on the ball and turn on the compressor.

Check for Leaks

The second step is to check for leaks in the ball. You can do this by submerging the ball in water and looking for bubbles. If you find any, you’ll need to patch them up with a bit of adhesive. Once the ball is watertight, you can proceed to the next step.

Step Three

In this step, you will need to tie the string around the tennis ball. Make sure the string is tight so the ball won’t come off when you hit it. You can also add a little bit of tape to secure the string. Once the string is tight, you can move on to the next step.

Trim the String

Use scissors to cut a length of string that’s about twice as long as the circumference of the tennis ball. For example, if your ball has a circumference of 10 inches (25 cm), then you should cut a 20-inch (51-cm) long piece of string.

Step Four

Take the string and put one end through the tennis ball. The string should be long enough to go around the circumference of the ball with some extra string to spare. Once the string is through the ball, tie a knot to secure it in place.

Play Tennis!

Tennis is not only a great way to get exercise, but it’s also a lot of fun! If you’re new to the game, though, it can be a little confusing to figure out how to put a string through a tennis ball. Luckily, it’s not as difficult as it sounds – just follow these simple instructions and you’ll be playing tennis in no time!

-First, cut a small slit in the top of the tennis ball. Make sure that the slit is big enough for the string to fit through.

-Next, thread the string through the slit in the ball. Start at the top of the ball and thread the string down through the center until it comes out of the bottom.

-Now, tie a knot in the end of the string. This will keep the string from slipping back through the hole in the ball.

-Finally, cut off any excess string that is sticking out of the ball. You want to make sure that there is enough string to hold onto when you’re playing, but you don’t want it to be too long or else it will get in your way.

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