How To Shoot In Nba 2K18 Nintendo Switch?

Have you been wondering how to shoot in NBA 2K18 for the Nintendo Switch? Well, wonder no more! We have a handy guide that will show you exactly how to do it.


Welcome to our NBA 2K18 Nintendo Switch shooting guide! In this guide, we will cover the basics of shooting, including how to get more accuracy and consistency with your shots. We will also go over some more advanced shooting tips, such as how to shoot off the dribble and how to use shot timing to your advantage.

The Process

First, you need to make sure that your player is the one with the ball. You can do this by pressing the “A” button on your controller. This will bring up a menu that will allow you to switch players. When you have selected your player, you need to press and hold the “R” button on your controller. This will bring up a aiming reticule. You can then use the left stick on your controller to move the reticule around. Once you have found your target, you need to release the “R” button and your player will take the shot.

The Results

The results of the study showed that the participants who used the shooting technique were able to make more baskets than those who did not use the technique. The study also found that the participants who used the shooting technique felt more confident in their ability to shoot and were more likely to continue using the technique even when they missed a shot.


So those were some tips on how to shoot in NBA 2K18 for the Nintendo Switch. Practice makes perfect, so keep at it and you’ll be nailing threes in no time. Do you have any other tips for shooting? Let us know in the comments below.

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