How to Start an Esports Team at School

Are you interested in starting an esports team at your school? Here’s a quick guide on what you need to do to get started.


With the popularity of esports on the rise, there has never been a better time to start an esports team at school. But where do you begin?

There are a few things to consider before starting an esports team, such as what game you want to compete in and what kind of commitment you and your teammates are willing to make. Once you have a plan in place, you can start recruiting players and begin practicing.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to start an esports team at school:

1. Choose a game to compete in. There are many different games that are popular in the world of esports, so it’s important to choose one that you and your teammates are interested in and good at playing. Do some research on the different games and their respective competitive scenes before making your decision.

2. Create a practice schedule. Dedicated practice time is essential for any esports team if you want to be successful. Work with your teammates to come up with a practice schedule that works for everyone’s schedules and makes the most use of your time together.

3. Recruit players for your team. Once you know what game you’ll be playing, it’s time to start recruiting players for your team. Talk to people who share your interest in gaming and see if they would be interested in joining your team. You can also post flyers around school or online to try and attract new members.

4. Find a coach or mentor. A coach or mentor can be helpful for an esports team as they can offer guidance and tips on how to improve both individually and as a team. If you know someone who has experience in competitive gaming, reach out to them and see if they would be interested in coaching your team. Many universities also have programs in place where student athletes can get academic tutoring and support, so look into these resources as well!

5. Join an esports league or tournament circuit . Once your team is assembled and practicing regularly, the next step is finding ways to compete against other teams . The best way to do this is by joining an existing league or tournament circuit . This will give you access to regular competitions against other teams of similar skill levels , which will help you gauge your progress and identify areas that need improvement .

What is esports?

Esports is a form of competitive gaming that is organized and sponsored by professional organizations. Individuals or teams compete in gaming tournaments for cash prizes, scholarships, and other forms of recognition.

The most popular esports games are real-time strategy games like League of Legends and Dota 2, first-person shooters like Counter Strike: Global Offensive, and battle arena games like Hearthstone and Overwatch.

Competitive gaming has existed for decades, but it only began to be called “esports” in the late 2000s when professional leagues and tournaments started springing up around the world. The term “esports” is now used to refer to any kind of competitive gaming, whether it’s between friends at home or between professional teams at a major tournament.

Whether you’re interested in becoming a professional esports player or just want to start a casual gaming club at school, here’s everything you need to know about how to start an esports team.

Why start an esports team at school?

Whether you’re a student, teacher, or administrator, starting an esports team at your school has a lot of benefits. For students, it’s a great way to make friends and bond over a shared love of gaming. For teachers, it’s an opportunity to help students learn important life skills like teamwork and problem-solving. And for administrators, it’s a chance to show that your school is keeping up with the times and providing students with innovative opportunities.

No matter what your role is, starting an esports team at school is a great way to foster community and bring people together.

How to start an esports team at school

So you want to start an esports team at your school? Whether you’re looking to compete in tournaments or just play for fun, there are a few things you’ll need to do in order to get started. In this article, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know in order to start an esports team at your school.

Find students who are interested in joining the team

Before you start recruiting for your esports team, it’s important to have a plan in place. You’ll need to find a coach, identify which games you’ll compete in, and determine what kind of commitment you expect from your players. Once you have all of that figured out, you can start recruiting students who are interested in joining the team.

The first step is to reach out to students who might be interested in joining the team. You can do this by posting announcements in your school’s common areas, sending emails to students who have expressed interest in gaming, or talking to students who you know are already involved in gaming clubs or competitive gaming. Once you’ve found a few students who are interested in joining the team, you can start holding tryouts or practice matches to help you determine which students will be the best fit for the team.

It’s also important to think about how you will support your esports team once it’s up and running. You’ll need to find a way to fund the team’s activities, whether that means raising money from parents and guardians or finding sponsorships from local businesses. You should also create a schedule of events for the team so that players know when they need to be available for practices and matches.

Choose a game that the team will play

The first step in starting an esports team at school is choosing the game or games that the team will play. There are many factors to consider when making this decision, including what games students are interested in and skilled at, what kind of equipment is needed, and whether there is already an established competitive scene for the game. Once you have decided on a game, you will need to find out if there are any official rules or formats that need to be followed in order to compete.

Create a practice schedule

To start, you’ll need to create a practice schedule and make sure all of your team members can commit to it. It’s important to remember that, just like any other sport, esports require dedication and effort to be successful.

Your practice schedule will depend on the game you’re playing and the time you have available. For example, if you’re only able to practice for two hours a week, you might want to focus on one specific game mode or map.

On the other hand, if you have more time available, you might want to try playing a few different games so that your team can learn multiple strategies. Regardless of how much time you have available, it’s important to be as organized as possible so that everyone on your team knows what they need to do in order to improve.

Find a coach or mentor

The first step in starting an esports team at school is to find a coach or mentor. This person will be responsible for guiding you through the process and helping you to develop the necessary skills to be successful. They should also be able to provide you with advice and support when it comes to choosing the right games and platforms for your team.

Once you have found a coach or mentor, the next step is to start recruiting members for your team. The best way to do this is by advertising your team online and through social media. You can also approach students who you know are interested in video gaming and ask them if they would like to join your team.

Once you have recruited enough members, the next step is to start practicing. This is where a coach or mentor can really help you to improve as a team. They will be able to give you advice on how to improve your teamwork and communication, as well as help you to develop strategies for the different games you will be playing.


An esports team can provide students with a fun and competitive outlet, while also teaching them important teamwork and leadership skills. If you’re interested in starting an esports team at your school, there are a few things to keep in mind.

First, check with your school’s administration to see if there’s any interest or support for starting a team. Next, determine what type of game you’d like to play and find out if there’s already an established league or community you can join. Once you have a few committed players, start practicing and recruiting new members to build up your roster. Finally, create a schedule of events and tournaments to keep your team busy throughout the year.

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