10 Baseball Idioms You Need to Know

Baseball is a game full of colorful characters and interesting lingo. Check out this list of 10 baseball idioms you need to know!

“He’s a real diamond in the rough.”

This baseball idiom is used to describe a player with great potential who has not yet been fully developed. It can also be used more generally to describe anyone or anything with hidden potential.

“She’s a real slugger.”

10 Baseball Idioms You Need to Know

“She’s a real slugger.”

If you’re a baseball fan you probably know your fair share of baseball lingo. But did you know that many of the terms we use in everyday speech come from America’s pastime? Here are 10 baseball idioms you need to know.

1. “That was a close call.”

This idiom is used to describe a situation where something almost happened, but didn’t. It can be used to describe a near miss in any situation, not just in baseball.

2. “He’s a real slugger.”

A slugger is a powerful hitter in baseball so this idiom is used to describe someone who is very good at what they do. It can be used to describe anyone from athletes to businesspeople.

3. “She’s on first.”

This idiom means that someone is in a good position or they are ahead of the competition. It comes from the Game of Baseball where the player who is on first base is considered to be in a good position since they are the first to score.

4. “I’m feeling rundown.”

RUNDOWN: A situation where someonechases or tries to catch another person or animal who is running away This idiom means that someone is feeling exhausted or drained. It comes from the game of baseball, where one player chases another around the bases in an attempt to tag them out. When this happens, it’s called a rundown.

“He’s a real team player.”

When you’re watching a baseball game you may hear the announcers use some unfamiliar terms. These phrases are called idioms, and they are common in everyday language. An idiom is a figure of speech that is used to describe an actions or a situation. They are often used to describe someone’s character traits. For example, if someone is really generous, you might say “he’s a real team player.”

Here are 10 Common Baseball idioms that you need to know:

1. “He’s a real team player.” – This idiom is used to describe someone who is unselfish and always puts the team first.
2. “She really knows how to hit the ball out of the park!” – If someone hits the ball out of the park, they have done something extremely well.
3. “We’re going to have to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and turn this game around!” –

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