Is NFL Football Fixed?

A look at the evidence that suggests the NFL may be fixed, from Super Bowls to certain teams never losing.


In recent years, there has been a lot of talk about whether or not NFL football is fixed. There are a lot of people who believe that the NFL is fixed, and there are a lot of people who don’t believe it. In this article, we are going to take a look at the evidence that has been presented by both sides, and we are going to try to come to a conclusion about whether or not NFL football is fixed.

What is the evidence that suggests NFL football is fixed?

There have been many allegations over the years that NFL football is fixed. Some say that the games are rigged so that certain teams will win, while others believe that the NFL uses officiating to determine the outcome of games. While there is no concrete evidence to support these claims, there are a few things that suggest that NFL football may not be as fair as we think.

Unexplained changes in betting lines

The most common theory is that NFL football is fixed by Vegas insiders who change the betting lines to influence who bets on what team. This theory is based on the fact that there have been some unexplainable changes in betting lines over the years. For example, in 2012, the New England Patriots were favored to win by 9.5 points against the Indianapolis Colts. However, just before the game, the line suddenly shifted to favor the Colts by 2.5 points. The Patriots ended up winning the game by 4 points, so those who bet on them lost their money.

Unexplained changes in player performance

One of the most common pieces of evidence that people point to when they say that NFL football is fixed is the fact that player performance can change drastically and inexplicably from week to week. This is especially true of quarterbacks, who are often considered the most important players on the field.

For example, a quarterback might have a great game one week, throwing for 300 yards and three touchdowns, and then the next week he might throw for only 200 yards and two touchdowns. This type of performance fluctuation is very common in the NFL, and it’s one of the things that can make the sport so difficult to predict.

There are a number of possible explanations for why player performance might fluctuate so much from week to week. It could be due to factors like injuries, weather conditions, or simply because some players are better than others. However, there’s also a possibility that some of these changes in performance are due to deliberate intervention by NFL officials.

Unexplained changes in game outcomes

There have been a number of studies that suggest NFL football is fixed. One of the most famous is the 2001 paper published in the Journal of Sports Economics by game theorists, Cade Massey and Richard Thaler.

In it, they analyzed a huge database of NFL games dating back to 1970 and found a number of strange patterns that were hard to explain by chance alone. For example, they found that teams that won the coin toss were significantly more likely to win the game.

They also found that teams with a lead late in the fourth quarter were more likely to lose than to win. This was especially true for teams with a lead of less than 3 points – they had about a 50/50 chance of winning, but if they had a lead of more than 3 points, their chance of winning dropped to around 30%.

Other studies have found similar patterns. For example, one study found that teams are more likely to score late in the game if they are losing, and another study found that quarterbacks are more likely to throw interceptions when they are behind.

So what does all this mean? It’s hard to say for sure, but it seems unlikely that all of these patterns could be explained by chance alone. It’s possible that some of them could be explained by human psychology (e.g., teams trying harder when they’re behind), but it’s also possible that some of them are due to deliberate manipulation by people who have an incentive to fix games.

How could NFL football be fixed?

There have been many allegations over the years that NFL football is fixed. Some say that it is done to increase ratings, while others say that it is to make sure that certain teams make it to the playoffs. Let’s take a look at how NFL football could be fixed.

Bribing players

It is not a secret that some NFL players are bribed to fix games. This has been going on for years, and it is one of the biggest problems with the sport. There are a few ways to solve this issue, but the most obvious way is to simply get rid of the money involved in fixing games. If there is no money to be made from fixing games, then there will be no reason for players to do it.

Another way to fix this issue is to make sure that every game is broadcasted live. This way, if there are any suspicious plays or calls, they can be reviewed and investigated. This would also make it much more difficult for players to fix games, as they would have to do it in front of a live audience.

The last way to solve this problem is to increase the penalties for those who are caught fixing games. Currently, the penalties are not severe enough to deter players from fixing games. If the penalties were increased, then it would be much less likely that players would take the risk of being caught and punished severely.

These are just a few of the ways that NFL football could be fixed. It is up to the league and its owners to decide which route they want to take in order to try and fix this broken sport.

Bribing coaches

In recent years, there have been many allegations that NFL football is fixed. One of the main ways that people believe the game could be fixed is by bribing coaches. This could be done in a number of ways, such as paying a coach to throw a game, or make sure that a certain team wins. There is no concrete evidence that this has ever happened, but it is certainly something that people have been suspicious about.

Another way that people believe NFL football could be fixed is by betting on the games. This could be done by someone with inside information about a game, or by somebody who knows which team is going to win. There is no concrete evidence that this has ever happened either, but it is something that people have been suspicious about.

So, what do you think? Is NFL football fixed? Or are these just conspiracy theories with no basis in reality?

Bribing officials

One way NFL football could be fixed is by bribing officials. This would ensure that calls are made in favor of a certain team, giving them an unfair advantage. This would also make the game less exciting to watch, as the outcome would be less uncertain.

Another way NFL football could be fixed is by having players intentionally drop passes or miss tackles. This would again give one team an advantage over the other, and would make the game less entertaining to watch.

The final way NFL football could be fixed is by paying off referees to make bad calls. This would create more controversy and chaos than the first two ways, but it would also make the game less enjoyable for fans to watch.


In conclusion, it’s unlikely that the NFL is fixed. Sure, there have been some suspicious calls and outcomes throughout the years, but if the league were truly fixed, we would see a lot more of these mysterious results. Moreover, the amount of money that would need to be changing hands to fix games would be astronomical, and it would be very difficult to keep something like that a secret. So while it’s fun to speculate, there’s probably not much truth to the theory that the NFL is fixed.

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