Jus Don’t Wear NBA Shorts
Contents [hide]
- The Case Against NBA Shorts
- Why NBA Shorts are a Bad Idea
- The History of NBA Shorts
- The Fashion of NBA Shorts
- The Function of NBA Shorts
- The pros and cons of NBA Shorts
- The Bottom Line on NBA Shorts
- In Conclusion: NBA Shorts are a Bad Idea
- 10 Reasons Why NBA Shorts are a Bad Idea
- So, Should You Wear NBA Shorts?
Why you should never wear NBA shorts according to one player.
The Case Against NBA Shorts
basketball shorts have come a long way since the days when players simply wore repurposed track shorts. Now, there are all sorts of different materials, fits, and styles available. But one thing remains constant: the vast majority of NBA players still wear shorts that are way too short.
There’s no denying that shorts have gotten shorter over the years. In the ’90s, it wasn’t uncommon for players to wear shorts that went down to their knees. Nowadays, the standard length seems to be around mid-thigh. And while there are some players who can pull off the look (Dwyane Wade and Russell Westbrook come to mind), far too many look like they’re wearing high-water pants.
There are a few theories as to why NBA players insist on wearing such short shorts Maybe they’re trying to show off their muscular legs. Or maybe they think it makes them look more athletic. Whatever the reason, it’s time for players to start covering up a little bit more.
For one thing, it’s not particularly flattering. There’s nothing wrong with having muscular legs, but most guys just look better with longer shorts. It’s a matter of proportions; if your legs are too big in relation to your torso, you’re going to look out of balance. And let’s be honest: most NBA players could stand to lose a few pounds around the waistline anyway. Shorts that are too short only accentuate that problem.
But more importantly, it’s just not professional. Basketball is a grown-up sport, and its athletes should dress like grown-ups. Would you want to see NFL quarterbacks or MLB pitchers wearing short shorts? Of course not! So why should it be any different for basketball players?
It’s time for the NBA to get with the times and start requiring its players to wear shorts that are actually fit for grown-ups
Why NBA Shorts are a Bad Idea
Many people think that NBA shorts are a good idea, but there are actually several reasons why they are a bad idea. First of all, they are usually made from synthetic materials that can cause chafing and discomfort. Additionally, they are often too tight and constricting, which can lead to circulation problems. Finally, they tend to ride up during movement, which can be extremely distracting and uncomfortable.
The History of NBA Shorts
The first recorded instance of an NBA player wearing shorts occurred in a game between the Chicago Stags and the Minneapolis Lakers in 1947. In that game, Lakers guard George Mikan took the court wearing a pair of Culbro shorts. While Mikan’s decision to wear shorts was likely more practical than fashion-forward (it was a hot day and he wanted to stay cool), his choice started a trend that would eventually transform the look of the NBA.
It would be several years before shorts became the norm in the NBA. During the 1950s, most players still wore long pants, even in warm weather. One notable exception was Dolph Schayes of the Syracuse Nationals who began wearing shorts during summer practices in 1957. By the end of the decade, a few other players had followed suit, but it wasn’t until the 1960s that shorts became standard issue.
In 1968, the NBA finally made shorts mandatory for all players. The league had toyed with the idea of introducing shorter pants a few years earlier, but hesitated out of concern that it would make players look too much like high schoolers. Ultimately, though, practicality won out and shorter shorts became part of the NBA’s official uniform code.
The style of NBA shorts has evolved over time, but they’ve remained relatively short by comparison to those worn in other sports. In recent years however, some players have begun to push the boundaries by wearing longer shorts that come down to their knees. While it remains to be seen if this trend will catch on league-wide, it’s clear that NBA players have come a long way from George Mikan’s humble beginnings.
The Fashion of NBA Shorts
The NBA has a dress code that all players must adhere to when attending games. This includes wearingbusiness casual attire such as a suit or sport coat with dress slacks or khakis. Players are also required to wear shoes that are appropriate for the business setting, such as dress shoes or nice sneakers. One item of clothing that is not explicitly mentioned in the dress code but is generally accepted as being part of business casual attire is shorts.
While it is acceptable to wear shorts as part of your business casual attire, there are certain style considerations that you should keep in mind. First and foremost, your shorts should not be too short. This means that they should not come up more than a few inches above your knee. Additionally, your shorts should not be made from athletic material such as spandex or nylon. Instead, they should be made from a more tailored fabric such as cotton or linen.
Finally, it is important to consider the pattern and style of your shorts when choosing an outfit for a business setting. For example, solid-colored shorts are generally more appropriate for a business setting than those with large logos or graphics. Additionally, cargo shorts are generally not considered to be appropriate for a business setting due to their casual style.
The Function of NBA Shorts
Wearing NBA shorts is more than just a style choice; they actually serve an important function. NBA shorts are designed to be loose-fitting and comfortable, so that players can move easily and without restriction. They are also made from breathable fabric, to help keep players cool and dry during long games.
The pros and cons of NBA Shorts
The National Basketball Association has always been known for its style. From the early days of players like Julius Erving and Magic Johnson sporting afros and flashy suits, to the more modern ERA of players like Lebron James and Dwyane Wade with their signature styles, the NBA has always been at the forefront of fashion.
One area of fashion that has seen a lot of debate in recent years is the length of players’ shorts. In the NBA’s early years, players wore shorts that came down to their knees. But in recent years the league has trended towards shorter shorts, with many players now wearing shorts that come down to just above their knees.
There are pros and cons to this trend. On one hand, shorter shorts allow for more freedom of movement on the court. They also provide a more comfortable experience for players, as they don’t have to worry about their shorts riding up or getting tangled in their legs while they’re Playing On the other hand, some people argue that shorter shorts are less professional and respectful of the game’s history.
What do you think? Are NBA players better off wearing shorter shorts, or should they go back to the longer length?
The Bottom Line on NBA Shorts
The world of NBA fashion is ever-changing, and one of the most controversial topics is the length of players’ shorts. In the early days of the league, players wore short shorts that came down to their mid-thighs. This look was popular for a few decades before longer, baggier shorts became the norm in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Since then, there has been a back-and-forth battle between long and short shorts, with players and fans divided on which look is best.
In recent years, the trend has been towards shorter shorts, with many players opting for styles that come down to their knees or even lower. This look has been met with mixed reactions, with some people loving it and others thinking it looks strange. There is no right or wrong answer when it comes toNBA fashion; it’s all about personal preference. So, if you’re thinking about rocking a pair of shorter shorts the next time you hit the court, go for it!
In Conclusion: NBA Shorts are a Bad Idea
In conclusion, NBA shorts are a bad idea. They are uncomfortable, they ride up, and they make you look like you’re trying too hard. If you want to be comfortable and stylish, don’t wear NBA shorts.
10 Reasons Why NBA Shorts are a Bad Idea
The NBA season is in Full Swing and with it comes a certain style of clothing: oversized T-shirts and shorts. While the casual observer might not think twice about this, there is actually a lot wrong with NBA shorts. Here are 10 reasons why you should avoid them at all costs.
1. They’re too long.
The average NBA short is about 13 inches long, which is about 3 inches too long. This might not seem like a big deal, but it can actually be quite annoying. Long Shorts can get in the way when you’re trying to walk or run, and they can also make it difficult to find clothing that fits well.
2. They’re made of polyester.
Most NBA shorts are made of polyester, which is a synthetic fabric that is not particularly breathable. This can make it quite uncomfortable to wear NBA shorts for extended periods of time, especially if you’re doing something active like playing basketball
3. They have a waistband that is too tight.
The waistband on NBA shorts is often much tighter than necessary, which can be quite uncomfortable. This is especially true if you have any sort of stomach issues or if you are carrying around extra weight.
4. They ride up your legs when you walk or run.
One of the most annoying things about NBA shorts is that they often ride up your legs when you walk or run. This can be quite uncomfortable and it can also lead to chafing and other problems.
5. They don’t have pockets.
Another annoying thing about NBA shorts is that they often don’t have pockets, which can be quite inconvenient if you need to carry any sort of small items with you (keys, phone, etc.).
6. They’re often made of cheap materials.
Some NBA shorts are made of very cheap materials that are not particularly durable or comfortable. This can be quite frustrating, especially if you end up paying a lot of money for them.
7 .They’re not always flattering .
let’s be honest here:NBA Shorts are not always flattering . They can often make your legs look shorter than they actually are and they don’t always provide the best support for your backside . This can be quite frustrating , especially if you’re trying to look your best . 8 .They’re sometimes see-through . Yes , this is actually a thing . Due to the fact that some NBA shorts are made of very light materials , they can sometimes be see-through when worn . This is obviously not something that anyone wants , so it’s definitely something to keep in mind before purchasing a pair of NBA shorts . 9 .They cost more than they should . Let’s face it : NBA Shorts are overpriced . You can usually find better quality clothing for cheaper prices elsewhere
So, Should You Wear NBA Shorts?
No, you shouldn’t wear NBA shorts. Here’s why:
1. They’re too short. Showing that much leg is just too much.
2. They’re often made of polyester, which is a fabric that doesn’t breathe well and can cause you to sweat more.
3. They’re often brightly colored and patterned, which can be a bit too loud for some people.
4. They often have the team’s logo on them, which can be a bit much if you’re not a huge fan of the team.
5. You can find shorts that are just as good-looking and functional without being official NBA shorts.