Marriage Proposal Fail at Basketball Game

This poor guy tried to propose to his girlfriend at a basketball game and it totally backfired! Check out the video to see the epic fail.

The moment of the proposal

He had planned everything out perfectly. He would wait until the end of the game, when the crowd was cheering and the energy was high. He would get down on one knee, pull out the ring, and ask her to marry him. It would be romantic and perfect.

But things didn’t quite go according to plan. When he got down on one knee, the ring fell out of his pocket and rolled under the bleachers. The crowd around them was starting to boo and jeer, and she was saying “no” over and over again.

It was a complete fail. But at least they’ll always have this moment to look back on (and laugh at).

The ring

The ring is one of the most important parts of a marriage proposal. It is a symbol of your love and commitment, and it should be chosen carefully.

When you are ready to propose, you will need to choose the right ring. There are many factors to consider, such as budget, style, and material. You will also need to decide if you want a diamond or not.

Once you have chosen the perfect ring, it is time to propose. There are many ways to do this, but one of the most popular is to do it at a basketball game This can be a romantic and memorable way to ask your partner to marry you.

However, there are some things that you need to keep in mind if you want your proposal to go smoothly. First, make sure that the ring is secure and will not fall off during the game. Second, do not put the ring in your partner’s drink. Third, be prepared for your partner’s reaction. They may say yes or no, but either way, they will probably be surprised!

The reaction

The man gets down on one knee, Ring Box in hand. The woman looks surprised but happy. The crowd erupts in applause and cheering. Then, the woman looks at the man, then at the ring, and then back at the man again before shaking her head and walking away. The crowd goes from ecstatic to confused to disappointed, and the man is left sitting on his knee, ring box still in hand, looking dazed and confused.

The aftermath

The aftermath of a failed marriage proposal at a basketball game has gone viral, with the woman involved speaking out about the incident.

The proposal took place at a game between the Charlotte Hornets and the Milwaukee Bucks with the man in question, Anthony Scalise, getting down on one knee and asking his girlfriend, Amanda Herrera, to marry him.

However, Herrera said no, resulting in an awkward moment that was caught on camera and subsequently shared widely on social media

Herrera has now spoken to ABC News about the incident, saying that she and Scalise had only been dating for six months at the time and that she wasn’t ready for marriage.

“I felt like I needed more time,” she said. “I love him and I care for him but I just wasn’t there yet.”

Scalise has since taken to Twitter to share his side of the story, saying that he was “blindsided” by Herrera’s response.

“I’m not mad at her,” he wrote. “I understand where she’s coming from. We’re still together and working things out.”

What went wrong?

A marriage proposal gone wrong has gone viral after the man’s girlfriend said no – in front of a massive crowd at a basketball game

The incident happened during half-time at an NBA game between the Charlotte Hornets and the Los Angeles Lakers on Tuesday night.

The jumbotron cameras zoomed in on couple Ryan Cameron and Kristen Bell as they sat courtside.

Cameron, a TV host, then got down on one knee and proposed to Bell. But it quickly became clear that she wasn’t too keen on the public display of affection – or the proposal itself.

“I’m sorry, I can’t,” she said, before getting up and walking away from a stunned Cameron.

The proposal fail was caught on camera and quickly went viral, with many people taking to social media to point out what went wrong.

Some said that Bell had probably already said no to Cameron before he even popped the question, while others speculated that she may have been put off by the fact that he did it in front of such a large crowd.

How to make sure your proposal doesn’t fail

When you’re planning a marriage proposal, there are a lot of things that can go wrong. But one of the worst places for a proposal to fail is at a basketball game

There are a few things you can do to make sure your proposal goes off without a hitch:

1. Make sure you have the right ring. There’s nothing worse than getting down on one knee and realizing you don’t have the right ring. So before you popped the question, make sure you’ve got the right ring in hand.

2. Don’t do it during halftime. halftime is when everyone is getting up and moving around, so it’s not the best time to propose. Plus, if you’re trying to do it on the court, there’s a good chance someone will accidentally step on your ring and ruin the moment.

3. Make sure she says yes before you go public with it. There’s nothing worse than getting down on one knee and having your proposal rejected in front of hundreds or thousands of people. So make sure she says yes before you make any kind of grand gesture.

4. Have a backup plan. If something goes wrong with your first plan, have a backup plan ready to go so you can save face and still get your girl to say yes.

The most important part of a proposal

When you’re planning to propose to your significant other, there are a lot of important details to think about. Will you do it in a private setting, or in front of a group of people? Will you get down on one knee, or present the ring in some other way? And perhaps most importantly, will your proposal go off without a hitch, or will it end in complete and utter disaster?

Unfortunately for one man who proposed at a recent basketball game things did not go according to plan. In a video that has since gone viral, the man can be seen getting down on one knee and presenting the ring to his girlfriend. But instead of saying yes, she simply responds with a confused “no,” leaving the man heartbroken and embarrassed in front of the entire arena.

While this proposal fail is certainly funny (and cringe-worthy), it does underscore the importance of making sure that all the details are lined up before popping the question. After all, this is a moment that you’ll want to remember for the rest of your life – so make sure it’s perfect!

Tips for a successful proposal

The best marriage proposals are the ones that are creative and personal to the couple. A public marriage proposal can be a great way to show your partner how much you care about them, but it’s important to make sure that everything is planned out ahead of time so that it goes off without a hitch. Here are some tips for making sure your public marriage proposal is a success:

– Choose a location that is meaningful to the both of you. A place where you have shared significant memories together would be ideal.
– Keep the proposal short and sweet. You don’t want your partner to feel like they’re on stage in front of a large crowd.
– Make sure the ring is ready to go before you propose. Nothing would ruin the moment more than fumbling around for the ring in your pocket.
– Have a backup plan in case something goes wrong. If you’re planning on using props, make sure they are securely placed and will not fall over or break during the proposal.
– Relax and enjoy the moment! This is supposed to be a special memory for the both of you, so savor it.

How to make your proposal unique

When you’re planning to propose, it’s important to make your proposal unique. After all, this is a special moment that you want to remember forever. When Brian Lacey decided to propose to his girlfriend, he wanted to make sure that she would always remember this moment. So, he took her to a basketball game and had a sign made that said, “Marry Me?” He was going to hold it up during the game, but unfortunately, his plan didn’t quite go as he had hoped.

The moment came when he was supposed to hold up the sign, but instead of seeing it, his girlfriend saw him drop it and watched as it rolled down the stairs. She was so embarrassed that she said no and they left the game early. Brian later found out that she had said yes when they were at the bottom of the stairs getting ready to leave.

If you’re planning on proposing soon, don’t let this story discourage you. Just be sure to carefully plan out your proposal so that everything goes as smoothly as possible!

Proposal stories

It was a beautiful moment. The sun was setting and the crowd was cheering. The perfect moment for a marriage proposal, right?


A young man decided to propose to his girlfriend at a basketball game but things went horribly wrong when he couldn’t open the ring box. The crowd started booing and the poor guy had to run away in embarrassment.

Talk about a fail!

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