NBA Commissioner Set to Start in 2014

NBA Commissioner Set to Start in 2014 – It was a long and winding road, but it looks like the NBA has its new commissioner.

NBA Commissioner Set to Start in 2014

Adam Silver will become the NBA’s new commissioner on February 1, 2014, the league announced today. Silver, who has been with the NBA for 22 years, has been serving as the league’s deputy commissioner and chief operating officer since 2006. He will replace David Stern, who is retiring after 30 years as commissioner.

“It is an honor and a privilege to be chosen to succeed David Stern as NBA Commissioner ” Silver said in a statement. “I am incredibly grateful to him for giving me this opportunity and for his advice and support over the past 22 years.”

During his time with the NBA, Silver has played a significant role in growing the league’s business both domestically and internationally. He was instrumental in negotiating two of the league’s most important television deals — a nine-year, $24 billion deal with Turner Broadcasting System and Walt Disney Co.’s ESPN/ABC that begins next season, and a $930 million per year deal with China’s CCTV that was reached in January.

Silver also oversaw the launch of NBA TV and worked on several other initiatives to grow the game of basketball around the world. In 2012, he was named one of Fast Company’s “100 Most Creative People in Business.”

“Adam is a talented and experienced sports executive who is uniquely qualified to lead the NBA into its next phase of growth,” Stern said in a statement. “I have full confidence in him and know that our best days are ahead.”

Adam Silver to be the new NBA Commissioner

Adam Silver is set to become the NBA’s new commissioner, effective February 1, 2014. Silver, who has been the NBA’s deputy commissioner and COO since 2006, will succeed David Stern, who is stepping down after 30 years as the league’s commissioner.

“I am honored and thrilled to have been chosen to be the NBA’s next commissioner,” Silver said in a statement. “I love this game, I love this league, and I know the challenges that lie ahead. I am committed to working hard on behalf of all of the NBA’s stakeholders — our teams, our players, and our fans — to grow and improve our game.”

Silver, who is a graduate of Duke University and NYU School of Law, has worked for the NBA for more than 20 years. He has played a leading role in negotiating collective bargaining agreements with the NBA’s players’ union, overseeing the league’s television and digital media properties, and spearheading the NBA’s expansion into China.

Silver’s Background

Silver, who has been with the NBA for more than 20 years, most recently served as the league’s deputy commissioner and chief operating officer. Prior to that, he was the president and COO of NBA Entertainment and senior vice president of NBA Properties

Silver’s Plans for the NBA

The National Basketball Association’s (NBA) Board of Governors has unanimously approved Adam Silver to succeed NBA commissioner David Stern, who will retire on February 1, 2014 after 30 years in the role. Silver, who has been with the NBA for 22 years, has been serving as the organization’s deputy commissioner and chief operating officer since 2006.

In his new role, Silver plans to continue Stern’s work in building the NBA into a global brand. “It is my great honor and privilege to succeed him,” Silver said of Stern in a statement released by the NBA. “I think we have an incredible opportunity ahead of us to build on all that he has accomplished and take our league to even greater heights.”

Silver will officially assume the title of NBA Commissioner on February 1, 2014.

What the NBA needs

In order to clean up the NBA’s image, the new commissioner needs to focus on a few key areas. First, the NBA must improve its relationship with its fans. The league has lost touch with its fan base in recent years and this needs to be a top priority for the new commissioner. Second, the NBA must address the issue of player conduct. There have been too many high-profile incidents of players getting into trouble off the court, and this is something that needs to be addressed. Finally, the NBA must improve its relationship with sponsors. Sponsors have been increasingly reluctant to partner with the NBA, and this is something that needs to be corrected.

What fans want

Many NBA fans have been calling for a change at the top of the league for years, and their wish is finally set to come true. Adam Silver the current deputy commissioner and COO of the NBA, is set to take over as commissioner from outgoing David Stern in February 2014.

Stern announced his retirement in October 2012, sparking a race to find his replacement that saw Silver emerge as the clear favorite. His selection was widely praised by players, coaches and other league officials, and it is thought that he will bring a much-needed fresh perspective to the NBA.

As deputy commissioner, Silver has been heavily involved in many aspects of the league, including player relations, TV agreements and international expansion. He is widely respected within the NBA Community and it is hoped that he will be able to capitalise on the league’s recent growth and continue to take it from strength to strength.

How Silver can improve the NBA

Adam Silver will take over as NBA Commissioner in February, 2014, succeeding David Stern. Stern has been the Commissioner since 1984, and is credited with helping to grow the NBA into the global phenomenon it is today. But even the best have their critics, and Stern has been no exception. As Silver begins his tenure as Commissioner, here are five ways he can improve upon Stern’s legacy and take the NBA to new heights.

1. Increase transparency and communication with fans

2. Re-evaluate the role of the NBA Development League

3. Create a more level playing field for small-market teams

4. Enhance player safety measures

5. Restructure the NBA schedule

What Silver means for the future of the NBA

The National Basketball Association has hired Adam Silver as its new commissioner, starting in 2014. Silver, who has been with the NBA for 19 years, takes over from David Stern.

Silver’s hiring is seen as a positive move by many within the basketball community. He is seen as a progressive thinker who is open to new ideas and willing to look at all aspects of the game in order to improve it.

One of the main issues that Silver will have to deal with is the continued rise of player salaries Player Salaries have been increasing at a rapid rate in recent years and this is something that needs to be addressed in order to ensure the long-term financial stability of the league.

Silver has indicated that he is open to all options when it comes to dealing with this issue, and he has promised to consult with all stakeholders before making any decisions. This is a positive sign that suggests he is willing to work collaboratively in order to find the best solution for everyone involved.

What other commissioners think of Silver

During his acceptance speech, Silver said his top priority would be to listen to NBA fans
“We have the best fans in the world, the most passionate fans in the world,” Silver said. “I intend to travel the country and visit with our fans, and I also look forward to hearing from our fans as well.”

He inherits a league that is increasingly global, with 211 International Players from 37 countries and territories on opening-day rosters this season. It is a far cry from when Stern became commissioner in 1984 and there were only 74 international players from 22 countries and territories.

Several other commissioners around the sports world have weighed in on Silver’s selection:

* Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig “Since Adam Silver has been with Major League Baseball for close to 15 years, I have had the chance to get to know him very well. He is a very capable person.”
* National Football League Commissioner Roger Goodell: “Adam is a distinguished leader with an impressive record of accomplishment. I congratulate him on being elected as NBA Commissioner

How Silver can make the NBA better

The NBA is set to have a new commissioner in 2014, and many are wondering how Adam Silver can make the NBA better. Here are some ideas:

-He could improve the quality of play by implementing stricter rules on player conduct and making sure that the best players are competitively compensated.
-He could increase the global reach of the NBA by holding more games in international markets and growing the league’s digital presence.
-He could make the NBA more accessible to fans by reducing ticket prices and making it easier for fans to watch games online or on television.

Only time will tell how Silver will fare as commissioner, but there is no doubt that he has a lot of work to do in order to make the NBA better.

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