How to Get Infinite Lives in NBA Jam on Arcade1up
Contents [hide]
- NBA Jam on Arcade1up: How to Get Infinite Lives
- The Benefits of Getting Infinite Lives in NBA JAM on Arcade1up
- How to Use Infinite Lives in NBA Jam on Arcade1up
- The Best Strategies for Getting Infinite Lives in Nba Jam on Arcade1up
- The Worst Strategies for Getting Infinite Lives in NBA Jam on Arcade1up
- How to Maximize Your Infinite Lives in NBA Jam on Arcade1up
- How to Get the Most Out of NBA Jam on Arcade1up
- The pros and cons of Getting Infinite Lives in NBA Jam on Arcade1up
- How to Get Infinite Lives in Nba Jam on Arcade1up: The Bottom Line
- FAQs About Getting Infinite Lives in NBA Jam on Arcade1up
Looking to dominate your friends in NBA Jam on Arcade1up? Check out our guide on how to get infinite lives in the game!
NBA Jam on Arcade1up: How to Get Infinite Lives
Assuming you’re Playing the original NBA Jam on Arcade1up, there are a few ways to get infinite lives. One way is to simply keep scoring points until the game ends (at 999 points). Another way is to fire three perfect shots in a row; this will also give you an extra life.
But the easiest way to get infinite lives is to enter the following code on the controller: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, A, B. This will give you 99 lives!
The Benefits of Getting Infinite Lives in NBA JAM on Arcade1up
Whether you’re a seasoned NBA Jam player or just getting started, one of the best ways to improve your game is by getting infinite lives. Having infinite lives gives you the ability to practice as much as you want and never worry about running out of lives. In this guide, we’ll show you how to get infinite lives in NBA Jam on Arcade1up.
There are a few different methods you can use to get infinite lives in NBA Jam on Arcade1up. The first is by using a Cheat Code To do this, simply enter the following code at the main menu
A + B + C + Up + Down + Left + Right
Once the code has been entered, you will have infinite lives. Another way to get infinite lives is by purchasing them from the Arcade1up website. Simply add the “Infinite Lives” power-up to your cart and checkout. Once your order has been processed, you will have infinite lives in NBA Jam on Arcade1up.
The last way to get infinite lives is by completing certain objectives in the game. These objectives can be found in the “Options” menu under “Extras.” Some of the objectives that will award you with infinite lives include winning a certain number of games, scoring a certain number of points, and more. Complete as many objectives as possible to increase your chances of getting infinite lives in NBA Jam on Arcade1up.
How to Use Infinite Lives in NBA Jam on Arcade1up
In order to use infinite lives in NBA Jam on Arcade1up, you will need to enter a secret code. To do this, press the following button combination on your Arcade1up machine: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right. If done correctly, a message will appear on screen letting you know that you have unlocked infinite lives. You can now enjoy the game without having to worry about running out of lives!
The Best Strategies for Getting Infinite Lives in Nba Jam on Arcade1up
There are a few different ways that you can get infinite lives in NBA Jam on Arcade1up. One way is to enter the tournament mode and keep playing until you reach the final round. When you beat the final round, you will be given infinite lives.
Another way to get infinite lives is to play the game on the easiest setting. When you beat all of the teams on the easiest setting, you will also be given infinite lives.
You can also try using cheat codes to get infinite lives. There are a few different codes that you can use, but the most effective one is to enter the code “B5B3-D4D7-B4B6-A2A5.” This code will give you 99 lives, which is more than enough to beat the game.
The Worst Strategies for Getting Infinite Lives in NBA Jam on Arcade1up
There are a few ways to get infinite lives in NBA Jam on Arcade1up, but some are better than others. We’ll run through the worst strategies so you can avoid them.
1. Use the code “003” to get an extra life. This code is actually for unlimited time, not unlimited lives. You’ll still run out of lives eventually.
2. Go for the Three-Point Shot bonus every time. It’s tempting to try to get the bonus, but you’ll miss more shots than you make.
3. Get the hot spot bonus by shooting from Half Court Again, you’re more likely to miss than make this shot.
4. Keep playing on one player mode until you get good enough to beat the game on two player mode. This will take a long time and you’ll probably get frustrated before you even come close to winning.
5. Use cheats and glitches to get infinite lives. These might work for a while, but they’ll eventually be patched out by Arcade1up
How to Maximize Your Infinite Lives in NBA Jam on Arcade1up
To maximize your infinite lives in NBA Jam on Arcade1up, you’ll want to follow these simple tips:
-stay alive as long as possible to rack up points and slowly increase your life total
-play on lower difficulty settings so that you can last longer and rack up more points
-concentrate on getting two-pointers rather than three-pointers, as they’re worth more points and will help you stay alive longer
How to Get the Most Out of NBA Jam on Arcade1up
To get infinite lives in NBA Jam on Arcade1up, you’ll need to enter the following code at the main menu: UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, B, A. If done correctly, you’ll see a message confirming that you’ve unlocked infinite lives.
The pros and cons of Getting Infinite Lives in NBA Jam on Arcade1up
Some players may want to get infinite lives in NBA Jam on Arcade1up so they can play the game for as long as they want. However, there are some pros and cons to this.
On the one hand, having infinite lives can be very helpful if you want to practice or improve your skills at the game. You can play as much as you want without having to worry about running out of lives. This can be very helpful if you are trying to beat a high score or achieve a certain level of proficiency.
On the other hand, some players may find that getting infinite lives takes away from the challenge and fun of the game. If you are used to playing with a limited number of lives, it may be more difficult to adjust to an unlimited number. Additionally, some players may feel that they are not really accomplishing anything by playing with infinite lives.
How to Get Infinite Lives in Nba Jam on Arcade1up: The Bottom Line
According to the game’s creator, Mark Turmell, the secret to getting infinite lives in NBA Jam on Arcade1up is to press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right on the control pad during game play. However, this does not work on all machines. If it does not work on yours, you may need to try a different sequence of buttons.
FAQs About Getting Infinite Lives in NBA Jam on Arcade1up
Q: How do I get infinite lives in Nba Jam on Arcade1up?
A: Use the following code:
Q: What do I need to do to get infinite lives in NBA Jam on Arcade1up?
A: You’ll need to perform a certain move repeatedly in order to get the code to work. Check out our tutorial here.