NBA Live 18 Skill Points Glitch – How to Get It
Contents [hide]
- NBA Live 18 Skill Points Glitch – How to Get It
- How to Get the NBA Live 18 Skill Points Glitch
- What is the NBA Live 18 Skill Points Glitch?
- How to Use the NBA Live 18 Skill Points Glitch
- Tips for Getting the Most Out of the NBA Live 18 Skill Points Glitch
- How to Get More Skill Points in NBA Live 18
- The Benefits of Getting the NBA Live 18 Skill Points Glitch
- How the NBA Live 18 Skill Points Glitch Can Help Your Game
- Things to Keep in Mind When Using the NBA Live 18 Skill Points Glitch
- The NBA Live 18 Skill Points Glitch – FAQ
Looking to get a leg up on the competition in NBA Live 18? Check out our guide on how to get the NBA Live 18 skill points Glitch and get ahead of the game!
NBA Live 18 Skill Points Glitch – How to Get It
Despite the NBA Live 18 skill points glitch being patched, there are still a few ways that players can exploit it to get an advantage in the game. Here’s a quick rundown of how to do it.
First, make sure you have the latest patch for NBA Live 18 installed. Then, start a new MyCAREER file and create your player. When you get to the part where you can choose your player’s position, make sure you select “Point Guard”. Once you’ve done that, save your game and quit out to the main menu
Now, load up the same MyCAREER file and choose the “Continue” option. You should now be in the game proper. From here, go to the “MyPLAYER” menu and select the “Attribute Upgrades” option. Spend all of your skill points on the “Inside Scoring” attribute and max it out.
Now, quitting out of the game and reloading your save file should cause your skill points to be reset. You can then spend them on whatever attributes you want and max them out as well. This glitch allows you to essentially have an infinite amount of skill points, so make use of it while you can!
How to Get the NBA Live 18 Skill Points Glitch
If you’re looking for an edge in NBA Live 18, you may be wondering if there is a way to get more skill points. While there is no surefire way to get more skill points, there is a glitch that can help you get a significant boost.
Here’s how it works:
First, make sure you have the latest patch installed. Then, start a myleague game and create a custom player. When you get to the part where you can assign skill points, assign all of them to one attribute. For example, if you want to max out your shooting, put all 99 points into the shooting attribute.
Once you’ve done that, save your game and quit out to the main menu. Then, go back into your game and load the save file. When the loading screen appears, press “Start” on your controller. This will take you back to the main menu again.
From here, go back into your game and load the save file once more. When the loading screen appears this time, do not press “Start” on your controller. Instead, let the game sit idle for about 10-15 seconds. Once the game has loaded, you should find that your custom player now has significantly more skill points than they did before.
You can repeat this process as many times as you like in order to get even more skill points. Just remember to save your game after each session so that you don’t lose any progress.
What is the NBA Live 18 Skill Points Glitch?
The NBA Live 18 Skill Points Glitch is a bug that allows players to get an unlimited number of skill points. This can be exploited to create extremely powerful players that can dominate the competition. While this glitch has not been patched, it is unclear how long it will remain in the game.
How to Use the NBA Live 18 Skill Points Glitch
There is a glitch in NBA Live 18 that allows you to get infinite skill points. This glitch can be exploited by following the steps below:
1. Go to the “My Career” menu and create a new player.
2. Choose any player archetype and name your player whatever you want.
3. When prompted to select a team, choose any team except for the Golden State Warriors or the Cleveland Cavaliers
4. Complete the tutorial match and do not skip any cutscenes.
5. After the match, you will be prompted to select your role on the team. Choose whichever role you want.
6. Once you have selected your role, go to the “My Career” menu and select “Load”.
7. You should now see your player with 0 skill points. Exit out of the “My Career” menu and go back into it.
Tips for Getting the Most Out of the NBA Live 18 Skill Points Glitch
As many of you may know by now, the NBA Live 18 skill points glitch can be a great way to get more points in the game without having to spend any real money. However, there are a few things that you should keep in mind if you want to make the most out of this glitch. Here are some tips:
1) Do not abuse the glitch. This means that you should only use it when you need to and not when you want to. The reason for this is because if you abuse it, then it is possible that the developers will catch on and fix it.
2) Do not share the glitch with too many people. The more people that know about it, the more likely it is that someone will tell the developers and it will be fixed.
3) Use the glitch wisely. This means that you should only use it to get items or boosts that will help you in the game. Do not use it to get things that are not necessary.
4) Be patient. The glitch can sometimes take a while to work so do not give up if it does not work immediately. Just keep trying and eventually it will work.
How to Get More Skill Points in NBA Live 18
In NBA Live 18, like in many other sports games skill points are important for upgrading your player and making them better. However, some players have found a glitch that allows them to get more skill points than they should be able to. Here’s how to do the NBA Live 18 skill points glitch.
The Benefits of Getting the NBA Live 18 Skill Points Glitch
The benefits of getting the NBA Live 18 skill points glitch are numerous. It will not only help you progress through the game quicker, but it will also saves you a lot of time and money that would otherwise be spent on buying in-game microtransactions.
In order to get the glitch, you will need to find a certain file on your computer and edit it. This can be done easily with a hex editor, which can be found for free online. After opening the file, you will need to find the line that says “00 00 80 3F” and change it to “00 00 40 3F”. Once you have saved the file, you should boot up NBA Live 18 and open up the Skill Points menu. If done correctly, you should now have an infinite amount of skill points to spend!
Use these points wisely, as they can easily help you become one of the best players in the game. With enough practice, you should be able to take down even the most experienced of opponents. Just make sure to keep grind out those games and put in the hours – becoming a top player won’t happen overnight!
How the NBA Live 18 Skill Points Glitch Can Help Your Game
The NBA Live 18 skill points glitch is a great way to get an edge on the competition. It allows you to earn additional skill points which can be used to upgrade your player or buy new players and items. This glitch is very easy to do and does not require any special skills or knowledge.
Things to Keep in Mind When Using the NBA Live 18 Skill Points Glitch
When using the NBA Live 18 skill points glitch, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First of all, this glitch is most effective when used in the Mycareer mode It will still work in other modes, but the results will not be as dramatic. Secondly, you need to make sure that you have enough VC (virtual currency) to make the glitch work. The more VC you have, the more effective the glitch will be. Finally, you need to be aware of the risks involved with using this glitch. If you are caught using it, you could be banned from online play.
The NBA Live 18 Skill Points Glitch – FAQ
With the release of NBA Live 18, many gamers are wondering how they can get their hands on the much-coveted skill points. While some have been able to figure out the glitch, others are still in the dark.
Here’s a quick FAQ that will hopefully clear things up for you:
What are skill points?
Skill points are special in-game items that can be used to improve your MyPLAYER’s stats. They’re extremely rare and hard to come by, so if you’re lucky enough to find one, make sure you use it wisely!
How do I get skill points?
There are a few ways to get skill points in NBA live 18:
-Completing certain milestones in Career mode will reward you with a skill point. These milestones can range from winning an NBA Championship to hitting a certain number of 3-pointers in a game.
-Some Live Events will also reward you with a skill point if you manage to complete them. These events change on a regular basis, so make sure you check back often!
-You can also findskill points randomly hidden around The Neighborhood. Keep your eyes peeled for any glimmering objects, as these could be skill points just waiting to be collected!
How do I use skill points?
Once you’ve collected a skill point, head over to the MyPLAYER lab and talk to the scientist there. He’ll give you the option to use your skill point to improve one of your player’s five main stats: shooting, playmaking, athleticism, defense, or rebounding.