How Much Do NBA Sweepers Make?

A look at how much NBA sweepers make and how they compare to other positions in the league.

How much do NBA sweepers make?

Due to the popularity of the NBA, and the increasing amount of people35 and older playing recreational basketball the demand for professional cleaners has skyrocketed in recent years

The average salary for an NBA sweeper is $58,000 per year. However, salary can range anywhere from $40,000 to $75,000 per year depending on experience and location.

The average salary of an NBA sweeper

The average salary of an NBA sweeper is $58,000.

How NBA sweepers’ salaries compare to other NBA positions

When it comes to NBA salaries sweepers generally don’t make as much as other positions. The average salary for an NBA sweeper is $47,837, compared to $48,766 for a point guard and $49,219 for a shooting guard

However, this doesn’t mean that all sweepers are paid less than other positions. In fact, some sweepers make significantly more than the average salary. For example, Lebron James is the highest-paid NBA player with an annual salary of $33.4 million.

The highest-paid NBA sweeper

Kemba Walker is the highest-paid NBA sweeper, making $37.5 million this season.

The lowest-paid NBA sweeper

The NBA employs a relatively small number of sweepers, and the lowest-paid of these workers make an annual salary of $37,000, according to “Basketball Hebdo.” The average salary for an NBA sweeper is $56,000 a year.

How NBA sweeper salaries have changed over time

In the NBA, sweepers are paid to keep the playing surface clean during games. They are typically part-time employees who are paid an hourly wage.

Historically, NBA sweeper salaries have not been very high. In 1998, the average salary for a NBA sweeper was just $13,000 per year. However, over time, salaries for NBA sweepers have gradually increased. In 2008, the average salary for a NBA sweeper was $28,000 per year. And as of 2018, the average salary for a NBA sweeper has risen to $35,000 per year.

Overall, then, it can be seen that salaries for NBA sweepers have increased significantly over the past two decades. However, it is important to note that these figures are averages and that individual salaries can vary widely depending on factors such as experience and location.

How NBA sweeper salaries vary by team

NBA sweeper salaries vary by team. The average NBA sweeper salary is $43,171 per year. The highest-paid sweepers make $89,000 per year, while the lowest-paid sweepers make $26,000 per year.

How NBA sweeper salaries vary by conference

While every fan knows that NBA superstars make massive salaries, the pay for role players like sweepers can be more of a mystery. However, recent data releases have allowed us to take a closer look at how much money these key contributors make.

According to Spotrac, the average salary for an NBA sweeper is $2.48 million. However, there is significant variation in pay based on which conference the sweeper plays in. For instance, sweepers in the Western Conference make an average of $2.64 million per year, while those in the Eastern Conference make just $2.32 million on average.

There are a number of factors that could explain this conference disparity. It could be that teams in the West are simply willing to spend more money on their rosters overall. Or, it could be that the level of competition is higher in the West, leading to higher salaries for players who can help their team win games.

Whatever the reason, it’s clear that conference affiliation can have a big impact on an NBA player’s wallet. So if you’re aspiring to be a sweeper someday, make sure you choose your conference wisely!

How NBA sweeper salaries vary by country

We all know how much NBA players make- millions of dollars per year. But what about the people who keep the court clean during games? Surely their salaries are a fraction of what the players make right?


It turns out that NBA sweepers make surprisingly good money. In fact, their salaries vary quite a bit depending on which country they work in.

According to a recent study, the average salary for an NBA sweeper in the United States is $60,000 per year. That’s not too shabby, especially when you consider that the average salary for a cleaner in the United States is only $28,000 per year.

However, it’s worth noting that NBA sweepers in other countries don’t fare as well. For instance, NBA sweepers in China only make an average of $20,000 per year. And in Brazil, they make even less- an average of just $10,000 per year.

Of course, these numbers are just averages. There are always going to be some NBA sweepers who make more than others- just like there are always going to be some players who make more than others. But it’s still interesting to see how salaries vary from country to country.

How NBA sweeper salaries vary by player

When it comes to player salaries in the NBA, there is a lot of variation. This is especially true for those players who are considered to be “sweepers”. Sweepers are players who are not starters but come off the bench and play significant minutes. They usually play a key role in their team’s rotation and can often be relied on to make Big Shots While they may not be the Highest-Paid Players in the league, they can still command a pretty penny.

So, how much do NBA sweepers make? It depends on a number of factors, such as their experience, their role on the team, and the team’s budget. A rookie sweeper may only make the minimum salary while a veteran star could command a salary of $5 million or more. It all comes down to supply and demand. There are only so many NBA sweeper jobs available, and the best players will always be in high demand.

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