Saniyyah from Basketball Wives is our New Fave

Saniyyah from Basketball Wives is our new fave! She’s gorgeous, down to earth, and totally relatable. We can’t get enough of her!

Saniyyah from Basketball Wives is our new fave because she’s real

We’re living for Saniyyah from Basketball Wives right now and here’s why…

Saniyyah is one of the newest members of the Basketball Wives cast, and she’s quickly becoming our favorite. She’s real, she’s raw, and she isn’t afraid to speak her mind. We love that she’s unapologetically herself, and we’re here for it.

Saniyyah from Basketball Wives is our new fave because she’s relatable

Saniyyah from Basketball Wives is our new fave because she’s relatable. We love her for her candor, her sense of humor and her willingness to be open and honest about her life. She’s a single mom, she’s working hard to make ends meet, and she’s doing it all with a smile on her face. We can’t get enough of Saniyyah and we think you’ll love her too!

Saniyyah from Basketball Wives is our new fave because she’s down to earth

Saniyyah from Basketball Wives is our new fave because she is so down to earth. She’s not afraid to speak her mind, and she’s always honest with her fans. We love that she’s not afraid to be herself, and we think she’s an amazing role model for young women.

Saniyyah from Basketball Wives is our new fave because she’s funny

Saniyyah from Basketball Wives is our new fave because she’s funny, real, and not afraid to speak her mind. We love that she’s unapologetically herself and that she’s not afraid to mix it up with the other ladies on the show. Keep doing you, girl!

Saniyyah from Basketball Wives is our new fave because she’s stylish

Saniyyah from Basketball Wives is our new fave because she’s stylish, smart and always has her life together – even when the cameras are rolling. We love that she is always able to keep a level head, no matter what is going on around her.

Saniyyah from Basketball Wives is our new fave because she’s a great mom

Saniyyah from Basketball Wives is our new fave because she’s a great mom and she always has a positive attitude

Saniyyah from Basketball Wives is our new fave because she’s a great wife

Saniyyah from Basketball Wives is our new fave because she’s a great wife and an even better mom. She always has her family’s best interest at heart, and she’s always striving to be the best version of herself. We love how she’s always positive and upbeat, no matter what life throws her way.

Saniyyah from Basketball Wives is our new fave because she’s a great friend

Saniyyah from Basketball Wives is our new fave because she’s a great friend. We love her because she’s honest, funny, and loyal.

Saniyyah from Basketball Wives is our new fave because she’s a great role model

Saniyyah from Basketball Wives is our new fave because she’s a great role model. She’s always positive and upbeat, even when things are tough. And she’s a great mom to her two kids. We think she’s an excellent role model for young women everywhere.

Saniyyah from Basketball Wives is our new fave because she’s just an all-around great person

Saniyyah from Basketball Wives is our new fave because she’s just an all-around great person. She’s funny, she’s smart, and she seems like she would be a blast to hang out with. We also love that she’s not afraid to stand up for herself and what she believes in.

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