Tom Segura Suffers Basketball Injury

Tom Segura shares the story of how he suffered a basketball injury and the lessons he learned from it.

Tom Segura’s basketball injury

Tom Segura, a famous comedian, was recently playing basketball when he suffered a devastating injury. He tore his Achilles tendon and will now have to undergo surgery. This is a serious injury that will take a long time for him to recover from. We wish him all the best and a speedy recovery.

The extent of Tom Segura’s injury

Tom Segura who is known for his comedy, podcasting, and acting, recently revealed that he has suffered a basketball injury Segura took to Twitter to show off his bruised and swollen ankle, which he says happened while playing a game of pick-up. The comedian did not specify how long ago the injury occurred, but said that it has been “bothering” him for a while.

While Segura did not give any details about the extent of his injury, it is clear from the photo that he is in pain. It is unclear if Segura will be able to continue playing basketball or if he will need to take some time off to recover. Either way, we hope that he is able to quickly resolve the issue and get back to his normal activities soon.

How Tom Segura’s injury occurred

Tom Segura a popular stand-up comedian, was recently playing a game of basketball when he severely injured his ankle. He took to social media to explain what happened.

Tom Segura’s recovery process

Tom Segura is on the road to recovery after suffering a basketball injury. The comedian took to Instagram to update fans on his progress, revealing that he’s “coming along.”

“Hey everybody. Wanted to let you know that I am coming along,” Segura wrote in the caption of a photo featuring him in a hospital bed with his arm in a sling. “I appreciate all the love and support. I’ll be back soon.”

Segura didn’t go into specifics about his injury, but it appears to be fairly serious. He underwent surgery, according to his Instagram post, and will presumably have to rehabilitate his arm and shoulder.

This isn’t the first time Segura has injured himself while playing basketball In 2016, he tore his Achilles tendon while shooting hoops with friends.

Tom Segura’s return to basketball

Tom Segura, who was sidelined earlier this year with a basketball injury, is making his return to the sport. The comedian posted a picture on social media of himself wearing a basketball jersey and shorts, with the caption “I’m back.”

It’s unclear when Segura sustained the injury or how long he was out for, but it’s good to see him back on the court.

The impact of Tom Segura’s injury on his career

Tom Segura, a well-known comedian, has recently suffered a basketball injury that has sidelined him for the foreseeable future. This is likely to impact his ability to tour and perform comedy shows. Fans of Segura are concerned that this may mean the end of his career, but Segura has stated that he plans to continue performing and touring as soon as he is physically able.

Tom Segura’s thoughts on his injury

On March 5th, Tom Segura took to Twitter to share his thoughts on suffering a basketball injury. The comedian had to be helped off the court after injuring his Achilles tendon. Segura was playing in a charity game when he went up for a layup and came down awkwardly. He immediately knew something was wrong and had to be helped off the court.

Despite the pain, Segura was in good spirits and joked about the injury. He even shared a picture of himself in a hospital bed with his wife and daughter. Segura is expected to make a full recovery, but it is unclear how long he will be sidelined for. This is a disappointing turn of events for Segura, who has been very active lately. He just released a new stand-up special on Netflix and has been touring extensively.

What others are saying about Tom Segura’s injury

Tom Segura is a comedian who is known for his work on Netflix’s ” Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee” and his own podcast, Your Mom’s House. Recently, Segura took to social media to share details about a basketball-related injury he had suffered.

Many of Segura’s fans were quick to show their support for him, with some even making jokes about the situation. However, some people were critical of Segura for sharing such personal information publicly.

The silver lining for Tom Segura

Comedian Tom Segura was recently sidelined with a basketball injury, but he’s finding the silver lining in the situation.

The 36-year-old was playing in a game of HORSE with his friends when he went up for a layup and came down awkwardly on his ankle. Segura ended up tearing a ligament in his foot, which will require surgery.

While it’s certainly not ideal to be injured, Segura is trying to see the bright side. In a recent Instagram post, he joked that the timing of the injury is actually perfect because he can now indulge in all the junk food he wants without feeling guilty.

“I know I look like complete s**t right now but this cast gives me full permission to eat whatever I want and not feel bad about it,” he wrote. “So if you see me out and about and I look like Jabba the Hutt, it’s not just because I’m fat, it’s because I have a broken foot.”

We hope Segura has a speedy recovery!

Tom Segura’s message to fans

While playing a game of basketball with friends, comedian Tom Segura went up for a layup and came down awkwardly on his foot, hyperextending his knee in the process. Taking to social media to share the news with fans, Segura posted a photo of himself in a hospital bed with the following message:

“Unfortunately I injured myself Playing basketball yesterday and won’t be able to do any shows for a little while. I’m resting and will be back as soon as possible. Thanks for all the love.”

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