Tom Segura Talks Basketball

Tom Segura gives his two cents on the NBA and everything related to the world of basketball.

Tom Segura’s love for basketball

As a kid, Tom Segura loved basketball. He played in the park with friends and at school. When he was a teenager, he started playing in pick-up games at the local YMCA. He quickly realized that he was pretty good at the sport.

Segura went on to play basketball in college and then professionally overseas. He’s now a respected comedian and podcaster, but his love for basketball remains. In fact, he’s even written a book about the sport.

In an interview, Segura talked about his love for basketball and how it has influenced his life. He said: “Basketball has always been a huge part of my life. It’s something that I’m really passionate about… I think the biggest thing that basketball has taught me is just how to be a good teammate.”

Why Tom Segura is a great basketball player

Tom Segura is one of the best basketball players in the world. He has amazing shooting accuracy great ball handling skills, and is an all-around great player.

How Tom Segura’s basketball skills have improved over the years

Tom Segura is a well-known comedian, but what many people don’t know is that he’s also an avid Basketball Fan In this interview, Segura talks about how his skills have improved over the years, his favorite players and his predictions for the upcoming season

What Tom Segura can do to become an even better basketball player

Tom Segura is one of the best basketball players in the world. He has all the skills that you would want in a player, but there are a few things that he can do to become even better.

1. Improve his outside shooting

Tom Segura is an excellent shooter, but he could stand to improve his outside shooting. If he can become a more consistent outside shooter, it will open up driving lanes for him and make him even more difficult to guard.

2. Improve his ball handling

Tom Segura is already an excellent ball handler but if he can improve his ball handling even more, it will make him even more difficult to guard. It will also allow him to create more shots for himself and his teammates.

3. Improve his defense

Tom Segura is a very good defender, but if he can improve his defense even more, it will make him an even better player overall. It will also make it easier for him to stay on the court and play more minutes.

How Tom Segura’s basketball skills can help him in his career

Tom Segura is known for his comedy, but he also has a deep love for basketball. In fact, his skills on the court have helped him in his career.

“I think playing basketball has definitely helped with my comedy,” Segura said. “It’s all about timing and reading people and making the right move at the right time. And that’s exactly what comedy is.”

Segura added that basketball has also taught him how to deal with rejection.

“You’re going to miss a lot of shots in basketball, and you’re going to get crossed up and embarrassed sometimes,” he said. “But you have to keep moving forward and trust your skills.”

These same lessons have helped Segura in stand-up comedy, where he often deals with hecklers or difficult situations.

“I think the biggest thing I’ve learned from basketball is just to stay calm and trust my abilities,” Segura said. “And that’s really helped me in my career.”

What other players think of Tom Segura’s basketball skills

Tom Segura is a popular comedian known for his funny stand-up routines and appearances on various podcasts. He is also an avid basketball fan and often talks about the sport on his podcast, Your Mom’s House.

Recently, Segura had the opportunity to play against some Professional Basketball Players and he did not fare well. In fact, he was so bad that one of the players had to feel sorry for him.

Now, Segura is asking people to forget about his Basketball Skills and focus on his comedy. He says that he knows he is not good at basketball but he enjoys playing the sport anyway.

How Tom Segura can use his Basketball Skills to help others

Tom Segura is a comedian, actor, and podcast host who is also a big fan of basketball. While he may not be able to play in the NBA, he can still use his skills to help others. In fact, Segura has been using his platform to raise awareness for the importance of voting.

In an Instagram post, Segura shared a photo of himself shooting hoops while wearing a shirt that read “Vote Tom Segura For President.” He captioned the photo with a message urging people to register to vote and make their voices heard.

“Basketball has always been a huge part of my life,” Segura said in the post. “It’s given me so much Joy, discipline and taught me how to be a team player. I’m using my platform to remind people how important it is that we all get out there and VOTE!”

Segura isn’t the only one using basketball to encourage people to vote. NBA Stars like Lebron James and Steph Curry have also been using their platform to urge people to register and make their voices heard.

What Tom Segura’s goals are for his basketball career

In a recent interview, Tom Segura opened up about his goals for his basketball career Segura, who has been playing basketball for years, said that he would like to eventually play in the NBA. “I know it’s a long shot, but that’s my goal,” Segura said. “I’m just going to keep working hard and see where it takes me.”

Segura also spoke about how he feels about the current state of the NBA. “I think the NBA is in a good place right now,” Segura said. “It’s exciting to watch and there are a lot of Great players ” When asked about his favorite basketball team Segura didn’t hesitate to answer: “The Golden State Warriors are my team,” he said. “I love watching them play.”

How Tom Segura’s family supports his basketball career

Tom Segura’s family has been extremely supportive of his basketball career His mother, Maria, has always been his biggest fan, and his father, Jose, has also been very supportive. Tom’s wife, Jennifer, has also been very supportive of his career. She has often attended his games and even played basketball with him on occasion.

How Tom Segura’s friends feel about his basketball career

In an interview with Rolling Stone, Tom Segura talks about how his friends feel about his basketball career He says that they are supportive, but they also make fun of him because he is not as good as they are.

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