What Do Tennis Balls Do In The Dryer?

We all know what goes in the dryer: clothes, towels, socks. But have you ever wondered what those little white balls are doing in there?


Tennis balls are usually put in the dryer to help reduce wrinkles in clothes. They can also help to fluff up a garment. The tennis balls will bounce around in the dryer and help to loosen the fabric fibers, which will make the clothes more comfortable to wear.

The Science Behind It

As you know, when you put your clothes in the dryer, the clothes come out hot. The dryer heats up the air and the air circulates around the clothes. The air circulates around the clothes because of the balls. The balls help to circulate the air and they also help to fluff up the clothes.

The Role of Heat

Heat is essential to the drying process. In order for water to evaporate, energy is needed to break the bonds that hold the water molecules together. This energy comes in the form of heat, which is why dryers always need to be set to a certain temperature.

The hotter the air in the dryer, the more quickly water will evaporate. However, if the air is too hot, it can cause damage to clothing. That’s why it’s important to choose a setting that is appropriate for the type of clothing you’re drying.

The Role of Friction

Friction is the force that opposes the relative motion of two objects in contact. In order for friction to occur, both objects must be in contact with each other. When two surfaces move across each other, their roughness causes microscopic indentations and deformations in each surface. These indentations and deformations make it harder for the surfaces to slide past each other, which we experience as friction.

The Benefits

Tennis balls are often used in the dryer to help fluff up clothing and reduce wrinkles. They can also help to reduce the amount of time it takes to dry a load of laundry. In addition, tennis balls can help to reduce the noise level of the dryer.

Reduced wrinkles

Tennis balls can reduce wrinkles in your clothing by helping them to tumble around in the dryer. The balls help to break up clumps of fabric, which prevents wrinkles from forming.

Softer fabrics

Tennis balls are often used in the dryer to help soften fabrics. The reason for this is that the tennis balls help to break up clumps of fabric, which allows the heat of the dryer to better penetrate the clothing and soften them. This is especially useful for items like towels and bedding that can often become stiff and difficult to use after being left in the dryer for too long.

Less static cling

In addition to fluffing up your clothes and making them smell nice, putting tennis balls in the dryer has some other benefits. Tennis balls can help reduce static cling and they can also help keep your clothes looking newer for longer.

If you have problems with static cling, try putting a couple of tennis balls in the dryer with your clothes. The tennis balls will help to reduce the static cling by distribute the fabric softener evenly throughout the load of laundry.

Tennis balls can also help to keep your clothes looking new for longer. When you put tennis balls in the dryer, they will bounce around and help fluff up the clothes. This will prevent the clothes from getting tangled together and from getting too wrinkled.

The drawbacks

Tennis balls are essential in the game of tennis, but what do they do in the dryer? While they are great for keeping your clothes dry, they can also cause some problems. Here are a few drawbacks of using tennis balls in the dryer.

Shorter lifespan of the tennis ball

One of the main drawbacks of putting tennis balls in the dryer is that it shortens the lifespan of the tennis ball. Tennis balls are designed to withstand a certain amount of wear and tear, but when they are put in the dryer, this wear and tear is accelerated. This means that you will need to replace your tennis balls more often if you put them in the dryer.

Another drawback of putting tennis balls in the dryer is that they can create a lot of noise. This can be particularly problematic if you have a clothes dryer with a sensor that automatically stops the machine when it detects excessive noise. If this happens, your clothes may not get completely dry, which can be frustrating.

Finally, putting tennis balls in the dryer can also result in static cling. This can be annoying and even painful if you have sensitive skin. If you regularly put tennis balls in the dryer, you may want to invest in some static cling spray or fabric softener sheets to help mitigate this problem.


In conclusion, tennis balls can be a great addition to your laundry routine. They can help fluff up your clothes and reduce wrinkles. They can also help reduce static cling. Just make sure to use them properly and don’t put too many in the dryer at once.

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