What Does Gb Mean In Baseball Stats?

If you’re a baseball fan, you’ve probably seen the term “GB” used in reference to a player’s stats. But what does it actually mean?

In baseball, “GB” stands for “ground balls.” A ground ball is a type of hit that occurs when the ball is hit on the ground, typically in the infield.

GB is a important stat because it can be used to measure a player’s ability to hit the ball on the ground and make contact

What Does Gb Mean In Baseball Stats?


Gb is a sabermetric baseball statistic that stands for ground ball. A ground ball is defined as a batted ball that hits the ground within the infield before reaching the outfield.

Gb means ground ball in baseball statistics

A ground ball (GB) is a batted ball that rolls or bounces on the ground in fair territory, before it reaches or passes the outfielders. In baseball statistics, a pitcher’s ground-ball rate is the percentage of his ground balls to his total batters faced. It is denoted as GB%. A higher percentage means he tends to induce more ground balls.

A ground ball is a batted ball that hits the ground before it reaches the outfield

A ground ball is a batted ball that hits the ground before it reaches the outfield. It is an important part of the game, as it often leads to outs. There are two types of ground balls: grounder and chopper.

Grounder: A grounder is a ground ball that is hit relatively hard and does not bounce very high. It usually goes straight to an infielder, who then throws to first base for the out.

Chopper: A chopper is a ground ball that bounces high in the air, making it difficult for the infielder to handle. It is often considered an easier out than a grounder, as it does not travel as fast or as far.

Ground balls are an important part of baseball statistics, as they can be used to measure a player’s defensive ability. The number of ground balls hit by a batter, and the number of outs recorded on those ground balls, are both tracked in baseball statistics.

Gb is an important stat because it shows how often a batter hits the ball on the ground

Ground ball (GB): A batted ball that rolls or bounces on the ground within the infield. A pitcher who induces a high number of ground balls is said to be a “ground-ball pitcher.”


Gb means “ground ball.” When a batter hits a ground ball, it means the ball was hit on the ground and did not go over the outfield fence for a home run. A ground ball is usually an easy out for the defense.

Ab means at bat in baseball statistics

At bat (ab) means the number of times a batter has had the opportunity to bat. It is used as a batting statistic in baseball. A player is awarded an at bat for every time he steps up to the plate to hit, even if he does not swing at the pitch, but excluding when he walks, is hit by a pitch, or sacrifices.

The at bat total does not include times when the batter reaches base on a fielder’s choice or fielder’s obstruction, or when he advances to first on a balk or wild pitch. It also does not include plate appearances where the batter hits a sacrifice fly or sacrificed bunt.

The definition of an at bat can be confusing because it seems to imply that only official plate appearances (PA) are counted. However, this is not always the case. For example, if a batter hits a ball into foul territory and it is caught by the catcher for an out, this is still counted as an at bat.

An at bat is a plate appearance in which the batter does not hit a home run

An at bat is a plate appearance in which the batter does not hit a home run. The at bat ends when the batter either hits a ball into play, walks, is awarded first base on a hit by pitch, or strikes out. If the batter reaches first base safely on a hit, it is called a single; if he reaches second base safely it is called a double; if he reaches third base safely it is called a triple. A home run occurs when the batter hits the ball over the outfield fence without it being caught or stopped by someone in the field, and he is able to circle all three bases and return to home plate without being tagged out or thrown out by a fielder.

Ab is an important stat because it shows how often a batter makes contact with the ball

Ab stands for at bats. It is an important stat because it shows how often a batter makes contact with the ball. The more times a batter makes contact with the ball, the more likely they are to get hits. {this is where you would want to put in more information about batting average and how it is calculated, as well as what a good batting average is}


In baseball, the term “GB” stands for “ground balls.” Ground balls are one of the three types of batted balls, along with fly balls and line drives. A ground ball is a batted ball that hits the ground within the infield before reaching the outfield.

H means hit in baseball statistics

A hit in baseball is credited to a batter when the batter safely reaches first base after hitting the ball into fair territory, without the benefit of an error or a fielder’s choice.
Hits are also sometimes called “base hits” or “safety hits”.

A hit is a batted ball that safely reaches first base

GB means “ground ball.” A ground ball is a batted ball that hits the ground before it leaves the infield. Ground balls are more likely to be outs than fly balls, so pitchers want to get hitters to hit ground balls.

H is an important stat because it shows how often a batter safely reaches first base

safe reaching first base is important because it means the batter is likely to score. A high H stat indicates a batter who frequently gets on base, while a low H stat indicates a batter who doesn’t get on base very often.


When it comes to baseball, there are a lot of statistics that can be confusing if you don’t know what they mean. One of those statistics is GB, which stands for Ground Balls. Ground balls are defined as balls that are hit on the ground that usually stay close to the infield.

Bb means base on balls in baseball statistics

A base on balls (BB), also known as a walk, occurs in baseball when a batter receives four pitches that the umpire calls balls, and is in turn awarded first base without the batters having to swing at or hit the ball.

A base on balls is typically given to a batter who shows patience and discipline at the plate, often as a way to force the opposing team to pitch more balls into the strike zone.

In baseball statistics, Bb is an abbreviation for base on balls.

A base on balls is a plate appearance in which the batter is awarded first base because the pitcher threw four balls outside of the strike zone

A base on balls is a plate appearance in which the batter is awarded first base because the pitcher threw four balls outside of the strike zone. A base on balls does not count as a hit or an at-bat. It also does not count as an official time at bat for statistical purposes, although some box scores count a base on balls as a time at bat.

The term “base on balls,” abbreviated “BB,” is also used to refer to a walk in general. That usage can be confusing, because a batter can also earn a BB by being hit by a pitch, and that is not counted as a plate appearance.

Bb is an important stat because it shows how often a batter is able to reach first base without hitting the ball

Bb stands for batters walked, and is an important baseball statistic because it show how often a batter is able to reach first base without hitting the ball. The stat is affected by a number of factors, including the pitcher’s control and the batter’s eye. A high Bb stat indicates that a batter is patient and able to work the count, while a low Bb stat indicates that a batter is more likely to swing at bad pitches.

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