What Does IBB Mean in Baseball?

If you’re a baseball fan, you’ve probably heard the term “IBB” thrown around a lot. But what does it actually mean? In baseball, IBB stands for “intentional walk.”


In baseball, IBB is an acronym that stands for intentional base on balls. An intentional base on balls is when the pitcher pitches the ball close enough to the strike zone that the batter could swing at it, but instead, the batter doesn’t swing and walks to first base.

This is done as a strategic move by the pitcher or the catcher (with the pitcher’s agreement) to manipulate the game situation. For example, if there are runners on first and second base with two outs, and the batter is a power hitter who has hit home runs in previous at-bats, the catcher or pitcher may intentionally walk him in order to bring up a weaker hitter.

The IBB can be recorded as a statistic for both pitchers and batters. For pitchers, it counts as a negative because it means that they gave up a free baserunner. For batters, it counts as a positive because they were able to reach first base without having to swing the bat.

What is IBB?

Intentional base on balls, or IBB, is when the pitcher intentionally throws four wide balls to a batter. This is done to intentionally put the batter on first base. The batter is still credited with a plate appearance and an original at-bat even though he did not put the ball in play.

How is IBB used in baseball?

The IBB, or intentional walk, is baseball’s way of saying “I’d rather let this guy have first base than risk him hitting the ball and driving in runs.” If the batter is extremely good (or, more likely, if the bases are loaded), the opposing team’s manager will order the pitcher to intentionally walk him, forcing the runner on first to advance to second.

What are the benefits of IBB?

There are several benefits of IBB, or intentional walks. First, it allows the pitcher to avoid having to face a particularly dangerous hitter. Second, it gives the defense a chance to set up differently, depending on the situation. Finally, it can be used as a strategic move, for example to set up a force play at second base or to get ahead in the count.

What are the drawbacks of IBB?

While the intentional walk can be a useful strategy for a team, there are some potential drawbacks. Firstly, it allows the opposing team to advance a runner. Secondly, it means that the team is giving up an out. And finally, it can be seen as a lack of faith in the ability of the pitchers to get the batter out.


In baseball, “IBB” is the abbreviation for “intentional base on balls.” An intentional base on balls is when a pitcher deliberately throws four wide pitches outside of the strike zone, resulting in the batter being awarded first base. The main reason a pitcher would intentionally walk a batter is to set up a force play at another base, or to avoid having the batter on first base where he might steal second or third.

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