What Does Opie S Stand For In Major League Baseball?

For baseball fans, the term “Opie S” is likely familiar. But for those who don’t follow the sport, they may be wondering what this acronym stands for.

What is Opie S?

Opie S is an abbreviation for “out of play, interference.” It is used in baseball to indicate that a baserunner has been called out for interference.

The meaning of Opie S

The term “Opie S” has been used in Major League Baseball since the early days of the sport. It stands for “outfielder, pitcher, and catcher.”

Opie S in baseball

“OPS” is an abbreviation typically used in baseball statistics that stands for on-base percentage + slugging percentage. The term “OPS” was first used by sportswriter Henry Chadwick in 1884.

The on-base percentage portion of OPS measures how often a batter reaches base. Slugging percentage measures the total number of bases a batter reaches divided by the number of at bats. Therefore, OPS is a measure of a player’s ability to get on base and hit for power.

While OPS is a useful statistic, it should be used in conjunction with other stats to get a more complete picture of a player’s abilities. For example, while a high OPS indicates that a player is good at getting on base and hitting for power, it doesn’t take into account the number of times they may have been thrown out trying to steal or whether they are good at playing defense.

Other uses of Opie S

“Opie S” is also a term used in the game of poker. It stands for “Other People’s Money,” and it refers to the money that is being bet by other players. This money can be won or lost, but it is not the player’s own money that is at stake.

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