What Does Ops Mean In Baseball Terms?

Many people are familiar with the term “OPS” in baseball, but don’t know what it actually stands for. OPS stands for “on-base plus slugging percentage.”


OPS stands for On-base Plus Slugging. It is a statistic that combines a player’s on-base percentage and their slugging percentage. The on-base percentage is the percentage of time a batter reaches base. The slugging percentage is the total number of bases divided by the number of at-bats.

What is OPS?

OPS is short for on-base plus slugging, and it’s a metric used to measure a hitter’s ability to reach base and hit for power. OPS is well-suited for evaluating hitters because it combines two of the most important aspects of hitting: getting on base and hitting for power.

OPS+ is a version of OPS that has been adjusted for league average and park factors. An OPS+ of 100 is league average, and every point above or below 100 represents a percentage point above or below league average. For example, an OPS+ of 120 means that the player’s OPS is 20% better than league average.

While OPS+ is a useful metric, it’s important to remember that it’s not perfect. For one thing, it doesn’t take into account a player’s defensive ability. It also doesn’t account for the fact that some players may be more adept at drawing walks than others. Finally, it doesn’t adjust for the fact that some leagues may have higher or lower levels of offense than others.

Despite its shortcomings, OPS+ is still an excellent way to compare hitters from different eras and different leagues.

How is OPS calculated?

In order to calculate a player’s OPS, you need to first calculate their on-base percentage and slugging percentage. Once you have those numbers, you simply add them together to get the player’s OPS.

The on-base percentage is calculated by adding together a player’s hits, walks, and times hit by pitch, and then dividing that number by their total number of plate appearances.

The slugging percentage is calculated by adding together a player’s total number of bases (hits + doubles + triples + home runs), and then dividing that number by their total number of at-bats.

Once you have those two numbers, you simply add them together to get the player’s OPS.

What is a Good OPS?

OPS stands for on-base plus slugging. It is a measure of a player’s overall offensive production. It is calculated by adding a player’s on-base percentage and slugging percentage. A good OPS is typically above .800.

What is a good OPS for a hitter?

That really depends on the context. For most major league hitters, an OPS+ (on-base plus slugging, adjusted for league and ballpark) of 100 is average; anything above that is above average and below that is below average. As of this writing, in 2020, the MLB average OPS+ is 103, so we can say that a good OPS for a major league hitter would be anything above 103.

But OPS+ isn’t the whole story. A hitter who hits for a high batting average but low power (think Ichiro Suzuki) will have a lowerOPS+ than one who hits for low batting average but high power (think Adam Dunn). So if you’re trying to evaluate hitters, you need to look at more than just their OPS+.

The best way to evaluate hitters is by using advanced metrics like wRC+ (weighted runs created plus, which takes into account all aspects of hitting) or WAR (wins above replacement, which takes into account all aspects of hitting and base-running). But those are more complicated than just looking at OPS+, so we’ll stick with that for now.

In general, an above-average OPS+ is anything over 103; a good OPS+ is 105 or higher; and a great OPS+ is 110 or higher.

There are some exceptions, of course. A middle infielder who’s not hitting for much power but has a high batting average and gets on base a lot can be valuable even with anOPS+ in the low 100s. Likewise, a slugging first baseman or DH who doesn’t get on base much can be valuable even with anOPS+ in the mid-90s. It all depends on the context.

What is a good OPS for a pitcher?

A good OPS for a pitcher is anything below 1.000. The best pitchers in baseball typically have an OPS around 0.700, while the worst will be closer to 1.500. Pitchers with an OPS below 0.500 are considered elite, and those between 0.500 and 0.700 are very good.

What is a Bad OPS?

Most baseball fans know that OPS stands for on-base plus slugging, but not everyone understands what a good or bad OPS looks like. An OPS of 1.000 is considered average, but anything below that is considered bad. A bad OPS can be the result of a hitter who doesn’t get on base often or doesn’t hit for power. It can also be the result of a pitcher who gives up a lot of walks or hits.

What is a bad OPS for a hitter?

In baseball, OPS is a metric used to measure offensive production. It combines a player’s on-base percentage and slugging percentage. OPS essentially tells you how often a hitter gets on base and how much damage they can do when they reach base.

A player with a high OPS is generally considered to be a good hitter. A player with a low OPS is generally considered to be a bad hitter. There are, of course, exceptions to every rule. Some players with low OPS numbers are still very good hitters because they have other skills that contribute to their team’s offense (e.g., speed, defense, etc.).

Generally speaking, however, a bad OPS for a hitter is anything below .700. Anything below .600 is considered abysmal.

What is a bad OPS for a pitcher?

In baseball, OPS is a measure of a player’s combined on-base and slugging percentages, two important offensive statistics. A player’s OPS can be a good way to measure how effective he is at creating runs for his team.

However, OPS can also be used to measure how effective a pitcher is at preventing runs from being scored. For pitchers, a low OPS is generally considered to be a good thing, as it means that the pitcher is doing a good job of keeping batters from reaching base and/or hitting for extra bases.

There is no definitive answer as to what constitutes a “good” or “bad” OPS for a pitcher, as it will vary depending on the league in which the pitcher is playing and the level of competition he is facing. However, pitchers who consistently have an OPS below .700 are usually considered to be very effective at preventing runs.

How Does OPS Affect a Team’s Win-Loss Record?

OPS is a baseball metric that stands for on-base percentage plus slugging percentage. This metric is used to measure a player’s ability to reach base and hit for power. It is also used to evaluate a team’s overall offensive production. In general, teams with a higher OPS tend to win more games than teams with a lower OPS.

How does OPS affect a team’s run differential?

In baseball, on-base plus slugging (OPS) is a measure of a batter’s combined on-base and slugging percentages. The higher the OPS, the better the hitter typically is. The OPS+ stat (on-base plus slugging plus) is adjusted for league and park factors, making it a good way to compare hitters from different eras and different locales.

While OPS is a good measure of a hitter’s prowess, it does not directly translate to runs scored or wins for a team. A high OPS can mean more runs scored, but it does not guarantee it. The same goes for wins. However, there is a strong correlation between OPS and run differential. Run differential is the difference between runs scored and runs allowed by a team in a given season. It is often used as a predictor of future success (or lack thereof).

Generally speaking, teams with a positive run differential tend to win more games than teams with a negative run differential. This is because they are scoring more runs than they are giving up. Therefore, it stands to reason that teams with a higher OPS will also have a higher run differential. And while there is no guarantee that a high OPS will lead to more wins, it is certainly a good indicator of whether or not a team is likely to be successful.

How does OPS affect a team’s Pythagorean win-loss record?

While a team’s OPS certainly isn’t the be-all and end-all when it comes to winning baseball games, it can be a helpful tool in understanding how a team is performing.

The Pythagorean theorem is a formula used to calculate how many games a team should have won based on the number of runs it has scored and allowed. It’s named after the Greek mathematician Pythagoras, who first developed it.

So, if we know a team’s OPS and we know the league average OPS, we can use the Pythagorean theorem to calculate that team’s expected win-loss record.

Now, let’s say that Team A has an OPS of .750 and the league average OPS is .700. We can plug those numbers into the formula and we get:

expected win% = (.750^2) / (.750^2 + .700^2)
expected win% = .529

Team A should have a record of approximately 53-47 (.529). But, if we look at their actual record, they’re only 50-50. This means that they’ve been lucky so far this season and their record is not likely to stay above .500 for long.

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