What Is The Longest Baseball Game In History?

The longest baseball game in history is a contest that took place between the Brooklyn Dodgers and the Boston Braves on May 1, 1920. The game lasted a staggering 26 innings, and was eventually won by the Dodgers by a score of 3-2.

What Is The Longest Baseball Game In History?


The baseball game is one of America’s favorite pastimes. Major League Baseball (MLB) games are typically nine innings long, but there have been some very long games throughout history. So, what is the longest baseball game in history?

The longest baseball game in terms of time was a game between the Rochester Red Wings and the Pawtucket Red Sox which lasted for 33 innings and lasted for eight hours and 25 minutes. This game was played over the course of two days, from May 31st to June 1st in 1981. The Pawtucket Red Sox eventually won the game, 3-2.

The second longest baseball game in terms of time was also between the Rochester Red Wings and the Pawtucket Red Sox. This game lasted for 32 innings and lasted for seven hours and five minutes. This game was played over three days, from June 23rd to June 25th in 1982. The Rochester Red Wings eventually won the game, 4-3.

So, those are the two longest baseball games in terms of time. But what about longest baseball games in terms of innings? The record for the longest baseball game by innings is a game between the Chicago White Sox and Milwaukee Brewers which lasted 25 innings and lasted for eight hours and six minutes. This game was played on May 8th, 1984 and ended in a 7-7 tie.

The Longest Baseball Game by Time

The longest baseball game in terms of time went to a minor league game in 1981 that took 33 innings to complete. This game spanned nine hours and five minutes, with 32 players seeing action. The game was finally won by the Pawtucket Red Sox, who beat the Rochester Red Wings 3-2.

The Longest Baseball Game by Innings

The longest baseball game by innings played was 26 innings long and occurred on May 8, 1920, between the Brooklyn Dodgers and the Boston Braves. The game was not completed until June 23, when the Dodgers finally won 2-1.


The longest baseball game in history took place on May 8, 1984, between the Chicago White Sox and Milwaukee Brewers. The game lasted a total of 25 innings, and was finally won by the White Sox with a score of 7-6.

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