What Size Baseball Glove For A 10 Year Old?

If you’re looking for the perfect baseball glove for a 10 year old, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know in order to choose the right size glove for your child. From glove size charts to tips on how to measure a glove, we’ve got you covered.

What Size Baseball Glove For A 10 Year Old?


As a general rule, a 10 year old should use a glove that is between 10 and 12 inches long. However, the best way to determine the proper size glove for a 10 year old is to have him or her try on various gloves and see which one feels the most comfortable.

What Size Baseball Glove For A 10 Year Old?

It can be tough to decide what size baseball glove to get for a 10 year old. You want to make sure the glove is big enough so that they can comfortably catch the ball, but you don’t want it to be too big where it becomes a hindrance. A good rule of thumb is to measure from the tip of the middle finger to the bottom of the palm. This should give you a good idea of what size glove you need to get.


Age is one of the biggest determining factors in what size baseball glove a player needs. A 10 year old will need a smaller glove than an adult, but there is some wiggle room within that age range. A good general rule of thumb is that a 10 year old should use a glove that is between 11 and 12 inches long. However, if the player has very small hands, they may be better off with a glove that is 10 or 11 inches long. If the player has very large hands, they may be better off with a glove that is 12 or 13 inches long. In general, it is better to err on the side of a longer glove, as it will be easier to adjust to than a shorter one.

Level of Play

The level of play is the first factor to consider when purchasing a baseball glove for a 10 year old. If the child is new to the game and still learning the fundamentals, an inexpensive glove made of synthetic materials will likely be all he needs. As the child’s skill level improves, you can invest in a higher-quality glove that will better withstand the wear and tear of regular use.


There is no one definitive answer to this question as the appropriate size baseball glove for a 10 year old will depend on what position they play in the field.

The general guideline is that infielders need a smaller glove than outfielders, and pitchers need the smallest gloves of all. That being said, there is some overlap and a lot of personal preference involved, so it’s best to try out a few different sizes before making a purchase.

Infielders (1st base, 2nd base, 3rd base, shortstop)
These players need a glove that is lightweight and flexible so they can quickly transfer the ball from glove to hand. A good rule of thumb is to look for a glove that is about 2 inches shorter than the player’s height.
For example, a 10 year old who is 4 feet tall would need a glove that is approximately 12 inches long.

Outfielders (left field, center field, right field)
Outfielders need a glove that is longer and wider than those used by infielders, in order to help them catch fly balls. A good rule of thumb is to look for a glove that is about 4 inches longer than the player’s height.
For example, a 10 year old who is 4 feet tall would need a glove that is approximately 16 inches long.

Pitchers need a small and very lightweight glove so they can easily grip the ball and throw with precision. A good rule of thumb is to look for a glove that is about 1 inch shorter than the player’s height.
For example, a 10 year old who is 4 feet tall would need a glove that is approximately 12 inches long.

Glove Size Chart

The table below shows the suggested baseball glove size for players aged 9-10 years old. These sizes are based on player height, as well as the size of the player’s hand. If you are unsure about what size to get, it is always best to err on the side of a bigger glove. A glove that is too big can always be adjusted with some simple DIY techniques, but a glove that is too small will be uncomfortable and hinder your child’s performance.

Player’s Height: 48″ – 50″
Hand Size: 6.5″ – 7.5″
Glove Size: 10″ – 11″


After reading this article, you should have a good idea of what size baseball glove is right for a 10 year old. If you have any further questions, be sure to consult with a professional.

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