What Time Does Free Agency Start in the NBA?

It’s that time of year again! Free agency in the NBA is just around the corner, and fans are eagerly anticipating which players their favorite teams will sign. While the official start date has not yet been announced, we can take a look at some of the key dates to keep in mind.


The NBA free agency period is a time when teams can negotiate contracts with players who are not under contract. This period typically begins in early July and lasts until the start of the regular season in late October. In recent years, there have been a number of big-name free agents who have switched teams during this period, including LeBron James, Dwight Howard, and Kevin Durant.

What is the NBA Free Agency?

The NBA Free Agency is when NBA players who are out of contract can negotiate and sign new contracts with any team in the league. This process usually starts on July 1st, and can last until September or October, depending on when the player signs their new contract.

When does the NBA Free Agency start?

The NBA free agency period begins at 12:01 a.m. Eastern time on July 1, the first day of the league’s new fiscal year. Players can officially sign with their new teams starting at that time.

What are the rules of the NBA Free Agency?

The NBA’s collective bargaining agreement (CBA) establishes when free agency begins and ends. In general, free agency starts at 12:01 a.m. ET on the first day of the league’s new fiscal year, which is July 1 for most teams. However, there are a few exceptions that can push free agency back a few days or even weeks.

Here are the key dates and deadlines for NBA free agency:

July 1: Free agency begins at 12:01 a.m. ET for most teams
June 30: Players with early termination options in their contracts must notify their teams whether they will exercise those options by 11:59 p.m. ET
July 6: The moratorium period ends at 12:01 a.m. ET, and teams can begin signing players to contracts

What happens during the NBA Free Agency?

During the NBA Free Agency, teams can renegotiate contracts with their own players and also extend contract offers to any free agents. The free agency begins on the first day of July and usually lasts until the end of the month. This is when most of the big moves happen in the NBA. Many players change teams during this period in order to get a better contract or to play for a team that they believe has a better chance at winning an NBA Championship.

How does the NBA Free Agency work?

The NBA’s Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) expired at midnight EDT on June 30, 2011, and a lockout ensued. Players were locked out from all team facilities and contact with team personnel. Free agency negotiations could not take place until a new CBA was reached between the league and its players. The key issue in the negotiation was the division of the league’s $4 billion in annual revenue. The previous CBA, which was agreed upon in 2005, saw the players receive 57% of basketball-related income (BRI), while the owners received 43%.

In early July 2012, after months of negotiations and several missed deadlines, both sides reached a tentative agreement on a new CBA. The new CBA increased the players’ share of BRI to 51%, while also instituting a hard salary cap. Free agency under the new CBA began on July 1, 2012.

The NBA Free Agency period is when teams can sign free agents to contracts. Free agents are players who are not under contract with any team and are therefore free to sign with any team that they choose. NBA teams can also sign their own free agents during this period.

The start of free agency is usually marked by a flurry of activity, as teams try to sign as many free agents as possible. It is also a time when player salaries can skyrocket, as teams try to outbid each other for the services of top free agents.

What are the benefits of the NBA Free Agency?

The NBA Free Agency is a period when teams can negotiate with and sign free agents. The free agency period begins on July 1st and usually lasts until the middle of September. During this time, teams can offer free agents contracts worth up to the salary cap. The salary cap is the maximum amount of money that a team can spend on player salaries in a season. The benefits of the NBA Free Agency are that it allows teams to improve their rosters by signing talented players who are not under contract with another team. It also allows players to test the market and sign contracts that reflect their true value.

What are the drawbacks of the NBA Free Agency?

While NBA free agency can be a great time for teams to improve their rosters, it also comes with some potential drawbacks. One is that it can create an imbalanced league if certain teams are able to land multiple top free agents while others strike out. This can make it difficult for small-market and/or low-revenue teams to compete. Additionally, the NBA’s offseason is much shorter than that of other major sports, so there is less time for front offices to make smart decisions about who to sign and for how much. Finally, because of the way the NBA’s salary cap works, teams have to be very careful about how they structure contracts in order to avoid paying luxury tax penalties.


The NBA’s free agency period begins at 12:01 a.m. ET on July 1. This is the start of the league’s new fiscal year, and the first day that teams can begin signing free agents to new contracts.

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