What Was the NBA Logo Before Jerry West?

The NBA logo is one of the most iconic and recognizable logos in all of sports. It features a silhouette of Jerry West, one of the greatest players in NBA history. But did you know that the logo wasn’t always Jerry West? In this blog post, we take a look at the history of the NBA logo and how it has evolved over the years.

Before the NBA had Jerry West as its logo, it had this generic basketball as its logo. The logo was in use for about a decade before West became the logo. Let’s take a look at the NBA’s first logo.

The NBA’s first logo was created in 1946 by Alan Siegel.

The National Basketball Association’s first logo was created in 1946 by graphic designer Alan Siegel. It featured the silhouette of a player dribbling a basketball, with the words “National Basketball Association” above and “The Official Professional Basketball League” below. The logo was updated in 1951 to include the names of the league’s teams, and again in 1962 to feature a yellow basketball instead of a white one. In 1971, Jerry West became the first player to be featured on the NBA logo; his image has been used ever since, with minor modifications.

The National Basketball Association’s (NBA) first logo was introduced in 1946 and featured a basketball player in a white jersey with red and blue stripes on the sides. The player wasfacing to the right with the NBA name above the player’s head. The logo was designed by Alan Siegel and is still in use today.

The logo was meant to represent the league’s three founding teams: the New York Knicks, the Boston Celtics, and the Philadelphia Warriors.

In the early 1950s, the National Basketball Association (NBA) was in its infancy. There were only 17 teams in the league, and it wasn’t yet the powerhouse it is today. At this time, the NBA didn’t even have an official logo—that would come later.

The league’s first logo was designed by Alan Siegel in 1969. It was a simple red, white, and blue shield with the letters “NBA” in block print. The logo was meant to represent the league’s three founding teams: the New York Knicks, the Boston Celtics, and the Philadelphia Warriors.

While the NBA logo has undergone some changes over the years—the most recent update coming in 2017—the original shield design remains an important part of the league’s history.

The NBA’s current logo is a silhouette of Jerry West, but the league actually had another logo before that. The first NBA logo was introduced in 1946 and it featured a Basketball in between two hoops. It was eventually retired in 1951.

The NBA’s second logo was created in 1951 by Walter Tait.

The NBA’s second logo was created in 1951 by Walter Tait. It featured a player silhouette dribbling a basketball. This logo was used until 1971, when it was replaced by the “modern” NBA logo that we know today. The player silhouette in this logo is widely believed to be based on Jerry West, who played for the Los Angeles Lakers from 1960 to 1974.

From 1971 until 2017, the NBA logo was a red, white, and blue basketball with the words “National Basketball Association” written around it. The logo was designed by Alan Siegel and Jerry Dior, and it was inspired by the American flag.

The decision to change the logo was made in 2017, when the NBA decided to update its image. The new logo features a white basketball with a red hoop and blue lines representing the seams of the ball. The word “NBA” is written in white letters above the hoop, and there are also 24 stars around the edge of the ball, representing the 24 teams that were in the league at the time.

The new logo was met with mixed reactions from fans and critics. Some people liked the updated look, while others felt that it was too simple and didn’t represent the history of the league. However, NBA Commissioner Adam Silver said that the new logo was designed to be “cleaner and more modern,” and that it would be used on all NBA products going forward.

The logo was meant to be a more patriotic and nationalistic symbol for the league.

Jerry West’s silhouette has been the face of the NBA for over 50 years, but it wasn’t always that way. In fact, the man known as “Mr. Clutch” didn’t even want his likeness used for the league’s logo.

The NBA’s first logo was created in 1969 and was meant to be a more patriotic and nationalistic symbol for the league. It featured a basketball between two superimposed red, white, and blue stars with the words “National Basketball Association” encircling them.

The logo was met with mixed reviews and only lasted a year before it was replaced by the now-iconic image of Jerry West. West, who played his entire 14-year career with the Los Angeles Lakers, was originally against having his likeness used for the logo. He thought it made him look too skinny and wasn’t representative of how he actually looked on the court.

Despite his misgivings, West eventually relented and allowed his image to be used. The silhouette has been tweaked slightly over the years but is essentially unchanged from when it was first introduced in 1971. It remains one of the most recognizable logos in all of sports.

The NBA’s current logo features Jerry West, but that wasn’t always the case. In fact, the logo has undergone three different designs since the league’s inception. The first logo featured the silhouette of a player dribbling a basketball. The second logo, which was in use from 1971 to 1981, featured a red, white, and blue basketball. The current logo, which has been in use since 1981, features Jerry West.

The NBA’s third logo was created in 1969 by Alan Siegel.

Siegel was the founder of the branding agency Siegel+Gale, and he was tasked with creating a new logo for the NBA that would better represent the league. His design, which featured a white basketball with red and blue stripes, is still in use today.

The NBA’s third logo was created in 1969 by Alan Siegel. Siegel was the founder of the branding agency Siegel+Gale, and he was tasked with creating a new logo for the NBA that would better represent the league. His design, which featured a white basketball with red and blue stripes, is still in use today.

The logo featured a basketball player in a white jersey with red and blue stripes on the sides. The player was shooting a basketball in front of a red and white basketball hoop. The bottom of the logo said “National Basketball Association” in red and blue letters.

The logo was meant to represent the league’s three founding teams: the New York Knicks, the Boston Celtics, and the Philadelphia Warriors.

In 2017, the NBA released a new logo, but many fans were surprised to find that it bore a striking resemblance to the league’s old logo. The new logo, which features a white silhouette of a player dribbling a basketball in front of a red, white, and blue shield, is actually an updated version of the NBA’s third logo, which was introduced in 1971 and was in use until 1986.

So what was the NBA’s logo before Jerry West? The league’s first logo, which was introduced in 1946, featured a black and white drawing of a basketball player set against a backdrop of red and white stripes. This logo was used for just one season before being replaced by the second logo, which debuted in 1947. The second logo featured a brown and white drawing of a player shooting a basketball over the words “National Basketball Association.” This logo was used until 1971, when it was replaced by the now-familiar silhouette of Jerry West.

The NBA has only ever had four official logos in its history. The first three were all very similar, with the only real change being updates to the typography. The fourth logo, which was introduced in 1971, was a drastic departure from the previous designs. This logo featured a player silhouette that was later revealed to be Jerry West.

The NBA’s fourth logo was created in 1971 by Jerry West.

The NBA’s fourth logo was created in 1971 by Jerry West. It features a white silhouette of Jerry West against a red and blue background. The word “NBA” is written in white above the silhouette, and the word “LOGO” is written in red below it. This logo was used until 1974, when the NBA changed its logo to a simple blue and red basketball.

The NBA’s fourth logo was introduced in 1971 and featured a silhouette of Jerry West in a white jersey with red and blue stripes on the sides. West, who was then the player-coach of the Los Angeles Lakers, was chosen as the logo’s subject because of his “widely recognized” silhouette. The logo was designed by Alan Siegel and remains one of the most popular and recognizable logos in all of sports.

The logo was meant to be a more modern and stylish symbol for the league.

In 2017, the NBA logo underwent a slight makeover. The most noticeable change was to the “NBA” letters, which were softened and became slimmer. In addition, the player silhouette was changed from Jerry West to an anonymous figure. Finally, the logo was given a softer and more rounded look overall.

The NBA’s fourth logo wasn’t a huge departure from the previous one. The main difference was that it was meant to be a more modern and stylish symbol for the league. The change in player silhouette was also meant to reflect the changing demographics of the league, which has become increasingly international in recent years.

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