What WWE Finisher Do I Have?

Find out which WWE Finisher you have with this fun and easy quiz!


In wrestling, a finisher is a move that is used to end a match. Each wrestler has their own unique finisher, which is often one of their most signature moves.

While many wrestlers have multiple finishers, there is usually one move that they are best known for. For example, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin’s finishing move was the Stunner, while The Rock’s was the People’s Elbow. Finishers are often very flashy and impressive-looking moves, designed to get a big reaction from the crowd.

So, what WWE finisher do you have? Take this quiz to find out!

WWE Finishers

In WWE, a finisher is a move that is used to pin an opponent and is usually the move that ends the match. A wrestler’s finisher is usually their signature move and is used to finish off an opponent.

Attitude Adjustment

The Attitude Adjustment, formerly known as the FU, is a facebuster slam pioneered by Brock Lesnar.In September 2003, Lesnar defeated Kurt Angle at Unforgiven to win the WWE Championship, becoming the youngest champion in WWE history at the age of 25. In October 2003, during a match with The Big Show, Lesnar broke Show’s hand with two consecutive Attitude Adjustments. After failing to regain the WWE Championship from Eddie Guerrero at No Way Out in February 2004, Lesnar left WWE and returned to mixed martial arts.

In 2012, WWE reintroduced the Attitude Adjustment as part of John Cena’s new “normal” moveset.Since Cena’s original opponents were much larger than him (such as The Rock and CM Punk), he had to find a way to level the playing field. His opponent would be lying on their back across the ring ropes and Cena would deliver a running one-armed bulldog/scoop slam hybrid, driving their head and neck into the bottom rope.


The RKO, short for the “Randy Ko”, is a finishing move in professional wrestling used by Randy Orton. It involves an opponent being dropped on their back while Orton stands over them. It was innovated by Orton and was made popular by Stone Cold Steve Austin, who used it as his Stunner finisher.


The spear is a professional wrestling move in which the wrestler charges at an opponent, usually with their shoulder first, driving them back-first to the mat. It is used by wrestlers of all sizes, although it is most commonly associated with larger, more powerful wrestlers such as Goldberg, The Undertaker, Kane and Samoa Joe. Brock Lesnar popularized the variation known as the running power slam.


The Pedigree is a professional wrestling move. It was innovated and popularized by Triple H. It is also used by other wrestlers such as Seth Rollins and AJ Styles. The move is a double underhook facebuster.

The wrestler stands behind their opponent, who is bent forward. The wrestler hooks each of the opponent’s arms (usually under the armpits, but can also be over the biceps) and lifts them up so that they are leaning backwards against the wrestler’s chest. The wrestler then pulls down on the opponent’s arm(s), forcing them to fall face-first into the mat.


If you have a move that isn’t on this list, don’t worry! There are a lot of different moves that can be used as finishers, and this is by no means an exhaustive list. If you’re still having trouble coming up with a finisher, try thinking about what kind of wrestler you want to be. Are you a powerhouse? A high-flyer? A technical wizard? Once you’ve got a general idea of the kind of wrestler you want to be, coming up with a finisher will be a breeze.

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