What’s the Latest on the Baseball Lockout?

Get the latest scoop on the baseball lockout from the insiders at MLB.com.


The owners of the 30 Major League Baseball teams met in Chicago on Tuesday in an effort to end a month-long lockout of the league’s players. Earlier this year, the owners proposed a new labor contract that would revise the revenue sharing system and institute a salary cap, among other changes. The player’s union has so far rejected the proposal, and the two sides have been unable to reach an agreement.

With opening day rapidly approaching, both sides are under pressure to reach a deal. The owners are reportedly considering instituting a shorter season if an agreement is not reached soon. The players have said that they are prepared to sit out the entire season if necessary.

What led to the baseball lockout?

The baseball lockout was a work stoppage that began on August 30, 1994, and lasted into the 1995 season. The primary disagreement between the owners and players was over the structure of baseball’s revenue-sharing system. In short, the owners wanted a larger share of the pie, and the players wanted to keep the system the way it was.

The owners’ proposal

The most recent Major League Baseball lockout began on September 16, 1994, and ended on April 2, 1995. It was caused by a dispute between the owners of the baseball teams and the Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA) over the distribution of revenue among the teams, as well as the owners’ desire to implement a salary cap. The lockout resulted in the cancellation of 948 games (approximately one-third of the regular season), making it the longest work stoppage in MLB history.

The dispute began in early 1994, when MLBPA executive director Donald Fehr proposed that the MLBPA receive a larger share of baseball’s revenue. At that time, baseball revenues totaled approximately $1.7 billion per year, of which approximately $1.3 billion went to the owners and $400 million went to the players. The owners responded to Fehr’s proposal by increasing their own proposal for a revenue-sharing plan from $170 million to $350 million per year. The two sides were unable to reach an agreement, and on August 12, 1994, Fehr announced that the MLBPA would strike on August 30 if a new collective bargaining agreement was not reached.

The strike began on August 12, 1994, and lasted for 32 days. On September 14, 1994, with no end to the strike in sight, MLB owners voted to cancel the remainder of the 1994 season and postseason. This was the first time in 90 years that baseball had suffered a work stoppage that resulted in games being cancelled.

On October 25, 1994, a federal mediator appointed by President Bill Clinton helped the two sides reach an agreement that ended the strike. Among other things, the agreement called for players to receive 54% of baseball’s revenue and for each team to have a payroll between $16 million and $23 million per year.

The players’ proposal

The players’ proposal, which was first presented to owners on December 6, called for a 72-game regular season starting in late July, with expanded playoffs featuring 16 teams instead of the current 10. It also would have kept service-time rules in place for the 2020 season, meaning that players would not accrue any additional major league service time this year even if they played a full season. Players would have received their full prorated salaries for whatever portion of the regular season ended up being played.

In exchange for these concessions, the players asked for several things from the owners. Among them were that any revenue generated from postseason games beyond those originally scheduled should be split evenly between the two sides, and that player salaries should be protected from any future economic downturns by being set at a percentage of league revenues in perpetuity.

What’s the latest on the baseball lockout?

The baseball lockout has been a hot topic in the news lately. Many fans are wondering what’s going on and what the future of baseball will look like. Let’s take a closer look at the situation and see what’s really going on.

The owners’ latest proposal

The ongoing Major League Baseball lockout has been a source of frustration for fans, players, and team ownership alike. The most recent proposal from team owners would institute a number of changes to the game, including a salary cap and a draft lottery. These proposed changes have not been well-received by the players, and it remains to be seen if an agreement can be reached before the start of the season.

The players’ latest proposal

The players have put forth a new proposal to the owners in hopes of ending the ongoing lockout. The proposal includes a 50-50 split of revenue, as well as changes to the luxury tax and draft pick compensation rules. The owners are set to vote on the proposal today.

What’s next for the baseball lockout?

After months of negotiations between the MLB owners and Players Association, the two sides have failed to come to an agreement on a new collective bargaining agreement. The owners have proposed a 60-game season, while the players have counter-proposed a 70-game season. The owners have also threatened to impose a salary cap, which the players have opposed.

The owners’ next proposal

The owners’ next proposal is expected to include a salary cap, which the players have said they will not accept. The owners are also expected to propose a luxury tax, which would tax teams with high payrolls. The players have said they would be willing to accept a luxury tax.

The players’ next proposal

After weeks of negotiations, the MLBPA presented their latest proposal to the owners on Tuesday night. Among the players’ most notable concessions is a proposed sliding scale that would see salaries decrease as revenue decreases. The proposal also includes a luxury tax, increased revenue sharing, and a reduction in the number of playoff teams.

The owners are expected to respond to the proposal today, and both sides are still far apart on a number of key issues. With no end in sight to the lockout, fans can only hope that the two sides can find common ground soon so that we can have baseball back in our lives.


As of now, both sides remain far apart on the key issue of revenue sharing, with the owners proposing a drastic cut in player salaries and the Players Association unwilling to make any significant concessions. With the deadline for a new agreement rapidly approaching, it seems unlikely that a deal will be reached without the intervention of a mediator or federal judge. Unless something changes soon, it looks like baseball fans will be facing another long summer without their favorite pastime.

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