Who Has the Highest IQ in the NBA?

We all know that intelligence is important in the NBA. But who has the highest IQ? We’ve compiled a list of the top 10 players with the highest IQs in the league.

LeBron James

LeBron James is often considered one of the smartest players in the NBA. He is a fantastic leader and has a high basketball IQ. He knows how to get his teammates involved and how to make them better. He is also a great decision maker on the court.

Kobe Bryant

Kobe Bryant is widely considered to be one of the smartest players in the NBA. He is a great strategist and often uses his smarts to his advantage on the court. Kobe has also been quoted as saying that he studies film of his opponents extensively in order to gain any sort of edge he can. There is no doubt that Kobe’s high IQ has contributed to his success as one of the greatest players of all time.

Kevin Durant

One of the most fascinating aspects of basketball is the variety of player types that have had success in the sport. From bullies like Dennis Rodman to finesse players like Magic Johnson, there have been a wide variety of player types that have had great NBA careers. However, one type of player that often goes unnoticed is the smart player.

Today, we want to take a look at some of the smartest players in NBA history. These are players who not only had great success on the court, but also excelled in other areas of their life. Let’s take a look at some of the smartest NBA players of all time.

#1: Kevin Durant
Durant is one of the best scorers in NBA history and he is also one of the smartest players in NBA history. Durant has a reported IQ of 126 which makes him smarter than 99% of the population. Durant was also a standout student in high school and he even considered going to law school before ultimately deciding to pursue a career in basketball.

#2: Bill Russell
Bill Russell is one of the greatest basketball players of all time and he is also one of the smartest people to ever play in the NBA. Russell has an IQ that has been reported to be as high as 150 which is extremely rare. In addition to his high IQ, Russell was also a very successful businessman after his playing career was over.

#3: Magic Johnson
Magic Johnson is one of the best point guards in NBA history and he is also one another very smart player. Johnson has an IQ that has been reported to be around 140 which puts him in the top 0.1% intelligence wise. In addition to his high IQ, Johnson was also an excellent student in high school and he even considered going to Harvard before eventually deciding on playing basketball at Michigan State University.

Russell Westbrook

Russell Westbrook is one of the most IQ players in the NBA. He is often compared to Stephen Curry in terms of his ability to run an offense and make smart decisions on the court. Although Curry is a more accurate shooter, Westbrook is a better overall decision maker and has a higher basketball IQ.

Chris Paul

Chris Paul is widely considered to be one of the smartest players in the NBA. He has a high basketball IQ and is able to think two or three steps ahead of his opponents on the court. Paul is also a very good decision-maker, which has helped him become one of the best point guards in the league.

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