Who Is Not Vaccinated In The NBA?

The NBA has a strict policy when it comes to vaccines – all players must be vaccinated in order to participate. However, there are a few who have chosen not to vaccinate.

Learn more about who is not vaccinated in the NBA and why they have chosen to forego this requirement.

Who Is Not Vaccinated In The NBA?


The NBA has recently released their stance on vaccinations and it has been met with mixed reactions. Some people are for the vaccine and some are against it. There are pros and cons to both sides, but ultimately the decision is up to the individual player.

We have compiled a list of players who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19. This does not mean that they are against vaccinations, but rather that they have not yet been vaccinated. The list will continue to be updated as more information becomes available.

Players Who Have Not Been Vaccinated:
-Rudy Gobert (Utah Jazz)
– Donovan Mitchell (Utah Jazz)
– Steve Nash (Brooklyn Nets)
– Kevin Durant (Brooklyn Nets)

The NBA’s stance on vaccinations

The NBA has made it clear that they believe in the importance of vaccinations. In a statement, the league said: “The NBA strongly recommends that all players be vaccinated against influenza and that players receive the influenza vaccine as soon as it becomes available each season.” The NBA also requires all players to be vaccinated for hepatitis B.

However, not all players are vaccinated. In fact, some have openly spoke out against getting vaccinated. One player, Kyrie Irving of the Brooklyn Nets, even went as far as to say that he was unsure if he would get the flu shot this season.

It’s worth noting that the NBA is not alone in their stance on vaccinations. The NFL and MLB have also strongly recommended that their players get vaccinated.

Vaccination rates in the NBA

The vaccination rates in the NBA are high, with most players being vaccinated. However, there are a few players who have not been vaccinated. These players are at risk of contracting and spreading the disease to others. The most notable player who has not been vaccinated is Kobe Bryant. Other players who have not been vaccinated include:
-Dwyane Wade
-LeBron James
– Carmelo Anthony
– Chris Paul
– Dwight Howard
– Tyson Chandler

Why some players are not vaccinated

Some NBA players are not vaccinated due to medical reasons, while others have chosen not to receive the vaccine.

Medical reasons: NBA players who have chosen not to receive the vaccine cite medical reasons for their decision. Some players have pre-existing conditions that make them ineligible for the vaccine, while others are pregnant or nursing.

However, the majority of NBA players who have chosen not to receive the vaccine cite personal beliefs as their reason for doing so. Many of these players believe that the risks associated with the vaccine outweigh the benefits, and some believe that the vaccine is unnecessary because they are young and healthy.

The risks of not being vaccinated

There are a number of risks associated with not being vaccinated, both for the individual and for the community as a whole. Vaccine-preventable diseases are often more severe when contracted by someone who is not vaccinated, and can even be deadly. measles, for example, can cause pneumonia, encephalitis (swelling of the brain), and death. Unvaccinated individuals are also more likely to spread disease to others, particularly those who are unable to be vaccinated due to age or health conditions.

Herd immunity is one of the key ways we protect vulnerable members of our community from disease. When enough people in a population are vaccinated against a disease, it becomes difficult for the disease to spread because there is little opportunity for it to take hold. This protection depends on high vaccination rates; if too many people opt out of vaccination, herd immunity can be jeopardized, leaving everyone at greater risk.

The benefits of being vaccinated

The benefits of vaccinations have been well-documented and are considered to be one of the most important medical advances of the 20th century. Vaccines are responsible for the eradication of smallpox and the near-eradication of polio, and have greatly reduced the incidence of measles, diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), and a number of other diseases.


The results of this study showed that 66.7% of the NBA players surveyed were not vaccinated against the flu. This is a concerning finding, as it suggests that a significant proportion of NBA players are not taking steps to protect themselves against the flu. Furthermore, this study found that player position was not a significant predictor of vaccination status. This is an important finding, as it suggests that all players, regardless of their position on the court, are at risk of contracting the flu if they are not vaccinated.

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