Who Leads the NBA in Rebounds?

Who Leads the NBA in Rebounds?

The answer may surprise you.

Who Leads the NBA in Rebounds?

The NBA’s Top Rebounders

Leading the NBA in rebounds per game is a testament to a player’s skill and athleticism. It’s not an easy feat, but it’s one that many players have accomplished over the years. Some of the NBA’s top rebounders include Wilt Chamberlain, Bill Russell, and Dwight Howard. In this article, we’ll take a look at the NBA’s top rebounders of all time.

Dwight Howard

Dwight Howard is currently leading the NBA in rebounds, averaging 13.7 per game. The next closest player is Andre Drummond, who is averaging 13.5 rebounds per game. Howard has been one of the league’s top rebounders for many years, and he shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon. Thanks to his strong rebounding ability, Howard has helped the Houston Rockets to a great start this season. They currently sit atop the Western Conference with a record of 15-4.

Andre Drummond

Andre Drummond is one of the top rebounders in the NBA. He is a center for the Detroit Pistons and he is averaging 13.8 rebounds per game.

DeAndre Jordan

DeAndre Jordan leads the NBA in rebounds per game, averaging 13.8 rebounds per game. He is followed by Hassan Whiteside who averages 13.7 rebounds per game. Jordan has played in all 82 games for the Los Angeles Clippers this season and has started in 81 of them.

Why Rebounding is Important

Rebounding is important in basketball because it gives the team a chance to score after a miss. It also helps the team keep possession of the ball. A player who can rebound well can help his team win games.

Rebounding creates extra possessions

In basketball, a rebound, sometimes colloquially referred to as a board, is a statistic awarded to a player who retrieves the ball after a missed field goal or free throw.

Rebounds are given to a player who tips in a missed shot on his own team’s offensive end of the court, or who grabs the ball after it goes through the basket while it is still on his team’s offensive possession. A rebound can also be awarded if a player takes away the opposing team’s attempt at catching a defensive rebound. Rebounding is considered a hustle play; box score statistics that account for rebounds are generally categorized as “hustle” statistics.

While rebounding is a notoriously difficult skill to measure, it is often viewed as one of the most important aspects of the game, since it effectively creates extra possessions for one’s team. A player who consistently records high rebounding totals is referred to as a “rebounder”.

Rebounding can lead to easy baskets

Rebounding is important because it gives a team another chance to score. It also can lead to easy baskets, as the team that rebounds can quickly transition from defense to offense.

In the NBA, the player who leads the league in rebounds is usually a big man who plays close to the basket. This year, that player is Andre Drummond of the Detroit Pistons. Drummond averaged 15 rebounds per game during the regular season.

Rebounding can help prevent second chance points

Rebounding is important in basketball because it gives a team a chance to possess the ball after a missed shot and prevents the other team from getting a second chance to score. A team that rebounds well can limit their opponents’ scoring opportunities and get more possessions for their own offense.

The best rebounders in the NBA typically have a few things in common. They are usually taller and stronger than average, which gives them an advantage in contested situations. They also tend to be very athletic, with quick reflexes and good timing.

There are a few different ways to measure rebounding efficiency, but one of the most popular is rebound percentage. This stat measures the percentage of available rebounds a player grabs while they are on the court. It’s a good way to compare players of different sizes and playing styles, and it can give you an idea of which players are the best at grabbing those all-important boards.

So who leads the NBA in rebound percentage? As of February 2019, that title belongs to Hassan Whiteside of the Miami Heat. whiteside has been one of the league’s best rebounders for several years now, and he shows no signs of slowing down. Other top rebounders include Andre Drummond, DeAndre Jordan, Dwight Howard, and Rudy Gobert. These players are all big men who play significant minutes for their respective teams, and they have made rebounding an important part of their games.

Rebounding Tips

Rebounding is a very important part of the game of basketball. A good rebounder can make a big difference in a game. A rebounder is someone who is able to get the ball after a shot is missed. A good rebounder must have a few things. They must have quick feet, good timing, and be able to jump high.

Use your body

One of the best ways to increase your rebounding ability is to simply use your body. Larger players will have an advantage in this area, but even smaller players can learn to use their body efficiently to box out opponents and grab rebounds.

When you’re in position to rebound, get low and put your body between your opponent and the basket. Use your arms and legs to establish good balance and maintain your position. When the shot goes up, jump straight up and try to grab the ball at its highest point.

If you can’t get your body between your opponent and the basket, try to at least get a hand or arm in front of them so they can’t just reach right over you for the rebound. And always be aware of where the ball is going to rebound off the rim so you can place yourself in position to grab it.

Box out

In basketball, boxed out or shutting out is a technique used by a player to position himself between an opponent and the basket in order to grab a rebound.

When a player jumps up to grab a rebound, he must “box out” the opposing player who is also jumping for the ball. The player boxes out by putting his body in front of the opponent and extending his arms and legs to create a “wall” between the opponent and the basket. By “walling off” the opponent, the player gives himself an advantage in positioning for the rebound.

The key to boxing out is to make contact with the opponent with your body, not your hands or arms. If you foul the opponent while boxing out, it is called a “loose ball foul.”

Have a plan

Having a plan is important for any activity, but it’s crucial for rebounding. You need to know where you’re going to be on the court and what you’re going to do when the shot goes up. Without a plan, you’ll likely end up out of position or chasing after the ball instead of boxin


And there you have it! The top ten NBA rebounders of all time. As you can see, the list is filled with some of the greatest players to ever play the game. These men dominated the glass and used their size and strength to give their team a huge advantage on the court. If you’re looking to build a dynasty in your own NBA career mode, make sure to target some of these players early on!

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