Who Makes More Money: NBA or NFL?

We take a look at the average salaries of NBA and NFL players to see who makes more money.


The NBA has been around for a long time and has a lot of fans. They also make a lot of money. In fact, they make more money than any other professional sport.


In 2019, the NBA generated $8.8 billion in revenue while the NFL generated $16.2 billion. The NBA’s revenue has grown at a compound annual rate of 7% since 2010 while the NFL’s revenue has grown at a compound annual rate of 4%. The NBA’s revenue is expected to reach $10 billion by 2021 while the NFL’s revenue is expected to reach $18 billion by 2025.

Average player salary

The average player salary in the National Basketball Association (NBA) is $7.7 million per year, while the average player salary in the National Football League (NFL) is $2.1 million per year. In terms of total revenue, the NBA generates $8.76 billion annually, while the NFL generates $13.3 billion annually. Thus, on average, each NBA player brings in $0.87 billion for their team, while each NFL player brings in $0.65 billion for their team.


In the NFL, the average player’s salary is $2 million. The median salary is $860,000. This means that half the players in the NFL make more than $860,000 and half make less. The top 10% of players make an average of $5.8 million.


The NFL is not a nonprofit organization like the Red Cross or the Salvation Army. It is a for-profit business that exists to make money for its owners, which are the team owners. The NFL generates revenue from several sources, including television contracts, licensing fees, and ticket sales. In the 2018 season, the league generated $8.1 billion in revenue.

The NFL distributes its revenue in several ways. A portion of the money goes to operating expenses, such as paying the salaries of coaches and other staff members. Another portion goes into a “reserve fund” to cover unexpected costs, such as legal fees. The largest portion of the revenue—about 60%—is divided among the teams equally. This money is known as “shared revenue” and it comes from sources such as national television contracts, licensing agreements, and playoff game ticket sales. Each team also receives an additional $255 million from a separate TV contract that is not shared with the other teams.

Average player salary

In the NFL, the average player salary for the 2017/18 season was $2.7 million, slightly up from the previous year. The minimum salary for players in the NFL is $480,000, and the maximum salary is $170 million. The median salary for all players is $860,000.

In the NBA, the average player salary for the 2017/18 season was $7.4 million. The minimum salary for players in the NBA is $525,000, and the maximum salary is $30 million. The median salary for all players is $2.6 million.


In 2018, the average NFL player made $2.7 million while the average NBA player made $7.4 million. The average salary in the NBA has increased by nearly $5 million since 2010, while the average salary in the NFL has remained relatively flat. The highest-paid NBA player is LeBron James, who makes $33.3 million per year. The highest-paid NFL player is Russell Wilson, who makes $26.5 million per year.

Which league has more revenue?

The NBA has been generating more money than the NFL for the past few years. In 2018, the NBA generated $8.76 billion in revenue while the NFL generated $15.2 billion. However, when it comes to profit, the NFL still brings in more. In 2018, the NFL’s profit was $2.3 billion while the NBA’s was $1.9 billion.

The main reason for the difference is that the NFL has a much higher level of expenses than the NBA does. The NFL pays out nearly 50% of its revenue to its players while the NBA only pays out about 30% of its revenue. This is due to the fact that there is no salary cap in the NFL which allows teams to spend as much as they want on their players. In contrast, there is a salary cap in place in the NBA which limits how much teams can spend on their players.

Another contributing factor to the difference in revenue and profit between these two leagues is that the NBA has a much higher percentage of its games televised than the NFL does. In fact, nearly all of the NBA’s games are televised while only a little over half of the NFL’s games are televised. This gives the NBA a much larger potential audience and, as a result, they can charge more for advertising and generate more revenue from television rights.

Which league pays its players more?

In the 2019-2020 season, the average NBA player will earn a salary of $7.7 million, while the average NFL player will earn $2.1 million.
However, these figures can be misleading. The NBA has a smaller roster size than the NFL, so their players’ salaries make up a larger percentage of the team’s total salary cap. For example, in the 2019-2020 season, NBA players will take home approximately 49% of their teams’ total salary cap, while NFL players will only take home approximately 38%.

When it comes to bonuses and other forms of compensation, such as endorsements and appearance fees, NBA players typically make more money than their NFL counterparts. For example, in 2017-2018 LeBron James earned a base salary of $33 million from the Cleveland Cavaliers, but he also made an additional $52 million from endorsements. In contrast, during that same season Tom Brady earned a base salary of $14 million from the New England Patriots and only made an additional $8 million from endorsements.

It is worth noting that NFL players do have the potential to earn more money than NBA players through performance-based incentives such as signing bonuses and victory bonuses. For example, in 2017 Cam Newton earned a base salary of $13.1 million from the Carolina Panthers but he also received a $3.5 million signing bonus and a $500,000 bonus for leading his team to the playoffs. Similarly, Aaron Rodgers earned a base salary of $12 million from the Green Bay Packers in 2017 but he also received a $600,000 bonus for leading his team to NFC North division title.


In conclusion, NBA players make more money on average than NFL players. However, NFL players do have the potential to make more money in total over the course of their careers.

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