Who Won Baseball Last Night?

Did the Yankees win last night? Check out the latest MLB scores and standings to find out.


The Los Angeles Dodgers won baseball last night. It was a great game and they were the better team.

Introduce the article

In baseball, winning certainly isn’t everything — but it sure is nice. And every team wants to be the one holding the trophy at the end of the season. So, which team came out on top last season?

The Houston Astros won the World Series in 2017, defeating the Los Angeles Dodgers in seven games. It was a close series, but in the end, the Astros came out on top.

It was a great season for baseball fans, and we can’t wait to see who comes out victorious this year!


The Yankees won baseball last night with a score of 9-5 against the Blue Jays. This was a important game as the Yankees are now only 3.5 games back for the lead in the AL East.

Who won baseball last night?

The Yankees won baseball last night.

What was the final score?

The Kansas City Royals won the game 6-3.


As you can see from the score, the home team won by a wide margin. This was due to a number of factors, including the fact that the home team had a strong pitching performance.

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