Who Won The Game Last Night? Baseball Fans Weigh In

Baseball fans from around the country weigh in on who they think won last night’s game.

Who Won The Game Last Night? Baseball Fans Weigh In


It was a close game, but the home team pulled out a victory in the bottom of the ninth inning. The score was 5-4, with the home team winning by a single run. The fans went wild, cheering and waving their team flags.

Now, it’s time to find out who won the game last night. Baseball fans from all around the world will be weighing in on this important question.

What the Fans Say

Baseball fans around the country are weighing in on who they think won the game last night. The majority seem to think that the home team had an unfair advantage, but some are giving credit to the away team for their tenacity. Let’s take a look at what the fans are saying.

The Good

The Good:

“It was a great game! Exciting from start to finish.”

“I loved watching the game last night. The players gave it their all and it was a great victory for the home team.”

“It was thrilling to watch the game and the fans were really into it.”

The Bad

The bad: some viewers were seriously unimpressed with last night’s game, to the point where they called for changes to be made. One fan even went so far as to say that the game was “unwatchable.”

The Ugly

Unfortunately, not all fans are supportive and respectful. Every now and then, you’ll come across a particularly vocal and aggressive fan who loves to argue and argue until he’s blue in the face. These fans can be found in every sport, but baseball seems to have more than its fair share.

There are a few different types of ugly fans. There are the ones who are just there to start trouble, those who are always looking for a fight, and those who simply can’t handle losing. No matter what type of ugly fan you come across, it’s best to just walk away. Engaging with them will only make the situation worse.


The fans have spoken – and it seems like the general consensus is that the Red Sox won the game last night. But of course, there are always a few dissenting opinions, and some people feel that the Yankees actually took home the victory. In any case, it was a close game and both teams played well. Thanks for all your input, baseball fans!

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