Will There Be Minor League Baseball In 2022?

Will there be minor league baseball in 2022? The COVID-19 pandemic has forced the cancellation of the 2020 minor league baseball season, and it’s unclear if the 2021 season will be played. This leaves the future of minor league baseball in doubt.

Will There Be Minor League Baseball In 2022?


In his annual State of the Union address, President Donald Trump called for an end to “chain migration,” a system he said allowed “criminals and terrorists” into the United States. Under current law, U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents can sponsor certain family members to come to the United States. Trump has proposed ending this system in favor of a “merit-based” immigration system that would prioritize highly skilled workers.

The president also called for Congress to pass legislation that would provide a path to citizenship for Dreamers, undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States as children. Trump has previously said he is open to a deal on Dreamers in exchange for funding for his proposed border wall.

What Happened?

In February 2021, Major League Baseball (MLB) announced that it would be reorganizing the minor league system. As part of this reorganization, MLB proposed to eliminate 42 minor league teams. These eliminations would have left baseball with only 160 minor league teams, down from 202 teams in 2020.

The move was controversial, with many people arguing that MLB was trying to kill off the minor leagues. In response to the public outcry, MLB announced in May 2021 that it had reached an agreement with Minor League Baseball (MiLB) to keep all 160 affiliated minor league teams for at least the next two seasons, through 2022.

It is unclear what will happen after 2022. MLB has said that it wants to continue working with MiLB on a long-term solution for the minors, but it is possible that MLB could try to eliminated more minor league teams in the future.

What’s Next?

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to ravage the United States, the question of whether or not there will be minor league baseball in 2022 is becoming more and more relevant.

The 2021 season was supposed to be the return of normalcy, but with the pandemic still raging across the country, that doesn’t seem likely. In fact, MLB has already announced that the 2021 season will be shortened to 154 games, and it’s possible that 2022 could see an even shorter season.

If there is a 2022 season, it’s unlikely that there will be any fans in attendance, as stadiums across the country are still struggling to get a handle on the pandemic. This could mean big financial losses for MLB and MiLB teams, which could lead to even more contraction within the sport.

So, while it’s still too early to say for sure, it seems increasingly unlikely that there will be minor league baseball in 2022.

How You Can Help

As we all know, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating effect on the minor league baseball community. With no minor league baseball played in 2020, and an uncertain future for the 2021 season, many are wondering if there will be any minor league baseball at all in 2022.

While we can’t say for sure what the future holds, there are some things that we can do to help ensure that there is minor league baseball in 2022. First and foremost, we need to support the businesses that support minor league baseball. This includes businesses like team stores, concession stands, and souvenir shops. These businesses provide a vital source of revenue for minor league teams, and without them, it would be very difficult for minor league teams to survive.

In addition to supporting businesses that support minor league baseball, we also need to support the players themselves. Many minor league players rely on their salaries from playing ball to support themselves and their families. With no Minor League Baseball being played in 2020, many of these players have had to find other ways to make ends meet. You can help by making a donation to one of the many player assistance programs that have been set up to help these players during this tough time.

Finally, we need to support our local communities who are home to minor league teams. attending a game or two (or even just donating to the team) helps keep these teams afloat and also brings some much-needed economic activity to local communities that depend on minor league baseball for their livelihoods.

So if you want to help ensure there is Minor League Baseball in 2022, remember to support the businesses that support Minor League Baseball, the players themselves, and your local communities who are home to Minor League teams. Together we can make sure that America’s favorite pastime isn’t lost forever.


As of right now, it is impossible to know for certain whether or not there will be minor league baseball in 2022. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused massive disruptions to the sport at all levels, and it is still unclear what the long-term effects of the pandemic will be. However, there are many people working behind the scenes to try to ensure that minor league baseball will return in 2022, and it is certainly possible that it will.

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