6 Finger Baseball Glove – The Pros and Cons

It’s no secret that baseball gloves come in all shapes and sizes. But what about those 6 finger baseball gloves? Here, we take a look at the pros and cons to help you make the best decision for your needs.

Why a 6-finger baseball glove?

There are a few reasons why some players prefer a six-finger baseball glove also called a split-fingered glove. The main reason is that it provides more control and accuracy when pitching. When the ball hits the webbing between the fingers, it doesn’t come out as cleanly as it would with a four-seam grip This causes increased friction, which gives the pitcher more spin on the ball and greater control over its movement.

Another advantage of the six-finger glove is that it gives the pitcher more surface area to grip the ball, which can be beneficial for beginners or those with smaller hands. It can also be helpful for pitchers who have trouble gripping the ball with their whole hand because of sweaty palms.

However, there are also a few disadvantages to using a six-finger baseball glove One is that it takes time to get used to the feel of the ball coming out of the webbing between your fingers. This can cause wild pitches and increased walks early on. Additionally, because there is more surface area for the ball to contact, there is also more opportunity for it to come out of your hand at an unwanted angle. This can lead to lost velocity and decreased accuracy.

The benefits of a 6-finger baseball glove

While some may view the six-finger baseball glove as nothing more than a gimmick, there are several benefits that come with using one of these gloves. For starters, the added finger provides more surface area for fielding the ball. This can be particularly beneficial for infielders who need to make quick, accurate throws to first base.

Another benefit of the six-finger glove is that it helps to distribute the weight of the ball more evenly across the palm of your hand. This can help to reduce the risk of injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome which is often caused by repetitive motions that put too much strain on one area of the hand.

Of course, there are also some drawbacks to using a six-finger baseball glove One of the biggest concerns is that it can take some time to get used to the feel of the extra finger. In addition, these gloves tend to be more expensive than traditional five-finger gloves, so you’ll need to decide if the benefits are worth the extra cost.

The drawbacks of a 6-finger baseball glove

While a 6-finger baseball glove may offer some benefits, there are also some drawbacks that you should be aware of before deciding if this is the right type of glove for you.

One of the biggest drawbacks is that it can be difficult to find a 6-finger baseball glove that fits comfortably. Because of the way that the fingers are arranged, it can be challenging to find a glove that doesn’t rub or chafe in some way. In addition, the finger arrangement can make it difficult to grip the ball securely, which can lead to more dropped balls than with a traditional 5-finger glove.

Another downside to a 6-finger baseball glove is that it offers less protection for your fingers. If you are a pitcher or infielder who relies on your fingers for speed and accuracy, a 6-finger glove may not offer the same level of protection as a 5-finger glove. In addition, the lack of padding around the fingers can make it more difficult to catch hard-hit balls

If you are considering a 6-finger baseball glove weigh the pros and cons carefully to decide if this is the right type of glove for your needs.

How to choose the right 6-finger baseball glove

When it comes to choosing the right baseball glove there are a few things to keep in mind. The first is the type of glove you need. There are two main types of gloves: infield gloves and outfield gloves. Infield gloves are smaller and have less padding, while outfield gloves are larger and have more padding.

The second thing to keep in mind is the size of the glove. Gloves come in a variety of sizes, so it’s important to find one that fits your hand comfortably.

The third thing to keep in mind is the material of the glove. Gloves are typically made from leather or synthetic materials Leather is more durable but also more expensive, while synthetic materials are less expensive but also not as durable.

fourth consideration is the webbing of the glove. The webbing is the material that connects the thumb and forefinger of the glove. There are two main types of webbing: closed webbing and open webbing. Closed webbing provides more support for the hand, while open webbing allows for more flexibility in the hand.

fifth consideration is the padding of the glove. Gloves can have different amounts of padding, depending on their intended use. Fielding gloves typically have more padding than batting gloves for example.

Tips for using a 6-finger baseball glove

There are a few things to keep in mind when using a 6-finger baseball glove First, keep in mind that these gloves are designed for players with larger hands. If you have small hands, you may find it more difficult to control the ball. Second, these gloves can be more difficult to break in than traditional gloves. Be patient and carefully work the glove before using it in a game. Finally, don’t be afraid to experiment with your grip. A 6-finger glove can offer a variety of benefits, so find the grip that works best for you.

How to break in a 6-finger baseball glove

There are a few things to keep in mind when breaking in your new 6-finger baseball glove First, you’ll need to decide what kind of oil you’ll be using. Many people recommend using a leather conditioner or lanolin, but you can also use boiled linseed oil or neatsfoot oil.

Next, you’ll need to decide how long you’ll be breaking in your glove. Some people recommend breaking it in for 1-2 hours per day for 3-4 weeks, while others suggest breaking it in for 30 minutes per day for 2 weeks. Once you’ve decided on a timetable, it’s important to be consistent so that your glove doesn’t become unevenly broken in.

Once you’ve selected an oil and have a plan for how long you’ll be breaking in your glove, the next step is to start working the oil into the leather. It’s best to start with the palm and work your way out towards the fingers. You can use your fingertips, a soft cloth, or even a brush designed specifically for breaking in gloves. Once you’ve applied the oil evenly across the palm and all of the fingers, it’s time to start bending and shaping the glove.

Start by holding the base of the glove open with one hand and using your other hand to push down on the top of the glove near the fingers. You can also try curling the fingers up towards the palm. Repeat this process until you feel like the glove is more flexible and easier to close around a ball.

Once you’re happy with how flexible the glove is, it’s time to start working on the pockets. To do this, insert your hand into the pocket and then close the top of the glove around your hand so that only your fingers are sticking out. Next, use those fingers to push down into the bottom of the pocket from inside while simultaneously pulling up on the ball from outside of the pocket. This will help stretch out both sides of pocket so that it’s easier to catch a ball inside of it.

Finally, once you’re satisfied with how easily balls can be caught inside of both pockets, it’s time to start using your new 6-finger baseball glove in games!

The best 6-finger baseball gloves on the market

There are many factors to consider when purchasing a Baseball Glove One of the most important decisions is whether to select a traditional 4-finger glove or go with a 6-finger design. 6-finger gloves offer a number of advantages, but they also have some potential drawbacks. Below, we’ll take a closer look at both so that you can make the best decision for your needs.


1. improved grip: The added finger gives you more surface area to grip the ball, which can be helpful for pitchers and infielders who need to make quick catches.

2. better ball control: Having an extra finger can help you keep the ball in the glove more effectively, particularly when making long throws. This can be beneficial for both infielders and outfielders.

3. improved comfort: Many players find that 6-finger gloves are more comfortable than traditional 4-finger designs. This is especially true for players who have larger hands.


1. less flexibility: The added finger can make the glove feel less flexible and less agile, which can be drawbacks for infielders who need to make quick changes in direction.

2. higher price tag: 6-finger gloves tend to cost more than traditional designs, so budget-minded players may want to stick with a 4-finger model.

3. less common: There are not as many 6-finger gloves on the market as there are traditional designs, so your choices may be somewhat limited.

The bottom line on 6-finger baseball gloves

Do you play baseball? If so, have you ever considered using a 6-finger baseball glove? In this article, we’ll take a look at the pros and cons of 6-finger gloves to help you make a decision about whether or not they’re right for you.

1. More versatile – can be used for different positions
2. Helps with grip – especially if you have sweaty hands
3. Can be easier to break in than other types of gloves
4. More affordable than some other options

1. Not as popular as other types of gloves, so they may be harder to find
2. Some people don’t like the way they feel on their hand
3. They may not offer as much protection as other types of gloves

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