How to Make Your Own Baseball Eye Black Cross

Learn how to make your own baseball eye black cross to support your team while they play.


Baseball eye black is a greasy substance that players put under their eyes to cut down on the glare of the sun. It is usually black or dark brown in color. Some players also use it to keep their skin moist and soft.

There are a few ways to make your own baseball Eye Black cross. One way is to use a stencil and some black makeup. Another way is to use a white piece of paper and some black paint.

What You’ll Need

-A black Sharpie or other black felt-tip pen
-A white pencil
-A baseball cap

Step One: Create the Base

The Eye Black cross is a commonly used baseball motif. It is a great way to show team spirit and support your favorite player. Creating your own eye black cross is a simple process that only requires a few materials.

To start, you will need to create the base of the cross. Cut a small piece of cardstock or construction paper into a perfect square. Fold the square in half diagonally to create a triangle. Next, fold the triangle in half again to create an even smaller triangle. Once you have your base, set it aside and move on to step two.

Step Two: Add the Cross

Now that you have the main shape of the Baseball Eye black cross cut out, it is time to add the cross. Cut a small strip of black electrical tape and apply it to the center of the cross. Make sure that the strip is placed horizontally across the center of the cross. Next, take another small strip of black electrical tape and place it vertically down the center of the cross, intersecting with the horizontal strip in the middle.

Step Three: Finish Up

The last step is to put the final touches on your cross. You can do this by adding embellishments like beads, glitter, or rhinestones. Once you’re finished, your cross is ready to wear!

Tips and Tricks

Whether you’re a little league player looking for an edge on the competition or a Major League star looking to make a style statement, eye black can add pizzazz to your game. But why settle for the boring, store-bought stuff when you can make your own unique design? With a little time and effort, you can create a one-of-a-kind baseball eye black cross that will have everyone on the team talking.

Here’s what you’ll need:
-A black Sharpie or other fine-point permanent marker
-A pencil
-Eye black (you can buy this at most Sporting Goods stores)

First, use the pencil to sketch out your design on a piece of paper. Keep in mind that the design will be reversed when you transfer it to your face, so make sure it’s legible when viewed in a mirror. Once you’re happy with your design, use the Sharpie to trace it onto the eye black. Cut out the design with scissors, being as precise as possible.

Now comes the fun part! Apply the eye black to your face using whatever method you prefer (spit, water, adhesive bandages, etc.). Be careful not to smudge your design. Stand back and admire your handy work! You’ve just created a one-of-a-kind baseball eye black cross that is sure to give you an edge on the competition.


-Can I use other colors of eye black?
-Yes, you can use any color of eye black that you would like.

-How long does it take to make a baseball eye black cross?
-It will take approximately 5 minutes to make a baseball eye black cross.

-What do I need to make a baseball eye black cross?
-In order to make a baseball eye black cross, you will need a piece of baseball eye black, scissors, and a pen or pencil.

Further Reading

If you want to learn more about making your own baseball eye black cross, here are some further reading resources:

-Baseball Eye Black How To from
-The Science of Baseball Eye Black from
-How to Make a Baseball Eye Black Cross from


Baseball eye black cross is a great way to show your support for your favorite team It is also a fun and easy project to make with your kids. All you need is some black felt, scissors, and a little bit of time. With a few simple steps, you can create a professional looking baseball eye black cross that will show your team spirit and add a little bit of fun to your child’s game day experience.


In order to make your own baseball eye black cross, you will need the following items:

-A black Sharpie or other black permanent marker
-A white piece of paper
-A Baseball Cap or other hat


1. Draw a small cross on the white piece of paper with the black Sharpie. The cross should be about 1 inch wide and 1 inch tall.

2. Cut out the cross with the scissors.
3. Tape the cross to the inside of your baseball cap or other hat, positioned directly above your eyes. This will help to keep the sun out of your eyes and improve your vision while playing baseball

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