How to Make Basketball Cutouts

How to make basketball Cutouts

Learn how to make your own basketball cutouts with this simple tutorial. You’ll need some basic supplies like cardstock, scissors, and a glue stick. Plus, you can get creative and decorate your cutouts however you like!


Basketball is a popular sport enjoyed by people of all ages around the world. Whether you are a fan of the NBA or simply enjoy shooting hoops in your driveway, there is no doubt that basketball is a enjoyable pastime. If you are looking for a fun and creative way to show your love for the game, why not make basketball cutouts?

Basketball cutouts are a great way to decorate for parties or to show your support for your favorite team They can be hung on walls, doors, or even used as centerpieces. Best of all, they are relatively easy and inexpensive to make! All you need is some cardstock, a printer, and some basic crafting supplies.

If you are interested in learning how to make basketball cutouts, simply follow the instructions below.

What You’ll Need

To make these basketball cutouts, you will need the following materials:
-One sheet of black construction paper
-One sheet of white construction paper
-A pencil
-A stapler

First, trace a large circle onto the black construction paper. This will be the outline of your basketball. Then, cut out the circle.
Next, use the pencil to trace around the edge of the black circle onto the white piece of paper. Carefully cut out this white circle.
Now you will have two circles – one black and one white. Cut the white circle in half so that you have two semi-circles. These will be the basketball’s panels.
Tape or staple the two semi-circles to the black circle, spacing them evenly around the edge.
Your basketball cutout is now complete!

Step One: Choose Your Design

The first step in making your basketball cutouts is to choose your design. You can either find a design online or create your own. If you choose to create your own, use a pencil and paper to sketch out your design. Once you have your design, use a ruler to draw straight lines and cut out the shape with scissors.

Once you have your design, the next step is to trace it onto the poster board. To do this, use a pencil and lightly trace the outline of your design onto the poster board. Once you have traced the outline of your design, use a utility knife or box cutter to cut out the shape.

After you have cut out the shape of your basketball, it is time to decorate it. You can use markers, paint, glitter, etc. to make your basketball cutout unique. Be creative and have fun!

Step Two: Cut Out Your Design

After you have everything printed out and cut to size, it’s time to start cutting out your design. For this step, you will need a sharp pair of scissors and a cutting mat.

Start by cutting out the outside edge of your design. You can use the printed line as a guide, or freehand it if you re Feeling confident. Once the outside edge is cut, start working on the smaller details inside. Be careful not to cut yourself on the sharp edges of the scissors!

When you are finished cutting out your design, it’s time to move on to step three.

Step Three: Paint Your Cutouts

We’re almost done! The last step is to paint your cutouts. You can use any colors you like, but we recommend keeping it simple with just a few colors.

To paint your cutouts, first put down some newspaper or a drop cloth to protect your work surface. Then, using a paintbrush or a foam brush, apply paint to your cutouts. Start with just a little bit of paint, and add more as needed. Once you’re happy with the way your cutouts look, set them aside to dry.

And that’s it! Your basketball cutouts are now ready to use. Hang them up in your room or office, or give them to a friend.

Step Four: Hang Your Cutouts

Once your cutouts are complete, it’s time to hang them up! You can tape or pin them to a wall, or string them up like banners. If you want to get really creative, you can even make a cutout collage.

There are a few things to keep in mind when hanging your basketball cutouts. First, make sure that the surface you are attaching them to is clean and dry. This will help the adhesive stick better and prevent your cutouts from falling down.

Second, be careful not to damage the paint or wallpaper on your walls by using too much tape or pins. If possible, try to use Command strips or other removable adhesives. This will make it easier to take down your cutouts later without damaging your walls.

Finally, take care when hanging up larger or heavier cutouts. Make sure that they are securely attached so that they don’t fall and hurt someone. Once your cutouts are up, stand back and enjoy your handiwork!


Now that you know how to make these basketball cutouts, it’s time to put them to good use. You can use them for target practice, or you can set up a game of HORSE with a friend. Either way, you’re sure to have a blast. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start shooting some hoops!


Do you have a big Basketball Fan in your home? Here’s a project that will let them show their team spirit – basketball cutouts! You can make these cutouts in any size, and they make great decorations for game day parties or to show support for your team all season long

To make basketball cutouts, you will need:

-A printer
-Cardstock or construction paper
-Tape or glue
-Markers or crayons (optional)

First, print out the basketball template on your printer. Then, use scissors to cut out the template. Next, trace the template onto your cardstock or construction paper. Cut out the traced shape. If you want, you can decorate your cutout with markers or crayons. Finally, tape or glue the cutout to a wall or other surface.


When making cutouts, always use a sharp knife and cutting board. A dull knife will make it more difficult to get clean, precise cuts.

When cutting out the Basketball, be sure to leave at least 1/2 inch of space around the outside edge of the basketball so that you have plenty of room to work with when attaching the string.

If you are having difficulty getting the string to stay in place, you can always use a little bit of clear tape to help secure it.

Once your cutouts are complete, be sure to hang them up high enough so that people can admire them from afar!

If you want to make your own basketball cutouts, you’ll need a few supplies. First, you’ll need a basketball template. You can find templates online or in some craft stores. Once you have your template, trace it onto a piece of cardstock or construction paper. Then, cut out the traced template with a sharp scissors.

Next, you’ll need to gather your materials for decorating the cutouts. You can use paint, markers, crayons, glitter, or any other materials you like. Get creative! Once you have your supplies ready, it’s time to start decorating. Have fun and be creative!

When you’re finished decorating the cutouts, you can use them for decorations at a basketball-themed party or event. You can also hang them up in your home or office as a fun piece of sports memorabilia

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