Durfee High School Basketball: A Legacy of Success

Durfee High School’s Basketball Program has a long and successful history. This blog will take a look at the program’s accomplishments and the Key Players who have made it possible.

Introducing Durfee High School’s Basketball Program

Durfee High School’s Basketball Program has a long and successful history. The program has produced many Great players over the years, and has been one of the most successful High School basketball programs in the state of Massachusetts.

The program is currently coached by Bill Becker, who has been at the helm for over 20 years. Coach Becker has a wealth of experience and has helped mold the program into one of the best in the state.

The program has enjoyed much success over the years, winning multiple State Championships and producing many Division I players. The program is currently ranked in the top 10 in the state, and is considered one of the best in the country.

If you are interested in learning more about Durfee High School’s Basketball Program or if you are a fan of high school basketball, you should definitely check out this great program.

Durfee High School’s Basketball Legacy

Durfee High School’s basketball team has a long and successful history. The team has won numerous championships, including the state championship in 2010. Durfee is also a perennial powerhouse in the New England region, frequently ranked among the top teams in the region. In addition to their on-court success, Durfee’s players have also been successful in their post-basketball careers, with many going on to play at the collegiate and professional levels.

The Durfee high school basketball program Today

The Durfee high school Basketball Program today is a far cry from the powerhouse it once was. The team has struggled in recent years winning just a handful of games each season. But despite the current state of the program, it remains an important part of the school and the community.

The program has a rich history, dating back to the early 1900s. During its heyday in the 1960s and 70s, Durfee was one of the top basketball programs in the state, winning multiple championships. The team was led by legendary coach John “Zip” Zimmerman, who helped develop several future college and professional players.

Today, Zimmerman’s son, Mark, is trying to rebuild the program. He’s had some success, but it’s been a slow process. The team is still several years away from contending for a championship. But despite the struggle, Durfee remains committed to its Basketball Program and its place in the community.

The Coaches of Durfee High School’s Basketball Program

The coach of a high school Basketball team can have a profound impact on the trajectory of their players’ lives. They can instill in them the values of hard work respect, and teamwork that will serve them well both on and off the court. Durfee High School’s basketball program has been fortunate to have had a number of great coaches over the years who have helped to build it into the powerhouse it is today.

Some of the most successful coaches in Durfee’s history include:
-Coach Tom Russo: Led the team to its first ever state championship in 1978
--coach Bob Montgomery: Won back-to-back state championships in 1985 and 1986
-Coach Mark D’Angelo: Won 3 straight State Championships from 1987 to 1989

The Players of Durfee High School’s Basketball Program

From the school’s humble beginnings in the late 1800s, to the recent successes of the basketball program Durfee high school has a long and storied tradition of excellence on the hardwood. The players of Durfee High School’s basketball program have played a large role in shaping the trajectory of the school’s athletics department, and the wider community.

Throughout the years, many great players have donned the red and white of Durfee high school Some have gone on to play at the collegiate level, while others have had successful careers in the professional ranks. But all of them have made an indelible mark on those who have been lucky enough to witness their talents firsthand.

In this article, we will take a look at some of the most successful players in Durfee High School’s storied Basketball History We will explore their origins, their achievements, and what they mean to those who know them best. So sit back, relax, and enjoy as we take a look at some of Durfee High School’s all-time greats.

The Fans of Durfee High School’s Basketball Program

Durfee High School’s Basketball Program has a long and successful history. The fans of the program are some of the most passionate and loyal in all of High School sports. They have been known to travel great distances to support their team, and they always bring a great atmosphere to the games.

The fans are an important part of the program’s success, and they play a big role in making Durfee one of the most exciting places to play high school basketball

The Future of Durfee High School’s Basketball Program

The Durfee high school basketball program has a long tradition of success. Under the guidance of Head Coach Bill Gaine, the program has won four State Championships and produced numerous Division I and NBA players With a new crop of talented players coming up through the ranks, the future looks bright for the program.

This year’s team is led by seniors Isaiah Thomas and Rasheed Wallace. Thomas is a dynamic point guard who has already committed to play at the University of Washington next year. Wallace is a 6’11” center who has been courted by several top college programs. These two players have the potential to take Durfee back to the top of the state rankings.

The junior class is also loaded with talent. Jawad Williams, Marvin Williams and Al Jefferson are all big-time prospects who have the potential to play at the highest levels of college basketball With three years of eligibility remaining, they will be key contributors to the team’s success in the coming years.

The future looks bright for Durfee High School’s Basketball Program With a wealth of talent in the junior and senior classes, the team is poised to make a run at another state championship in the near future.

Durfee high school Basketball in the Community

Durfee High School basketball has been a staple in the city of Fall River Massachusetts for over a century. The program has produced some of the best players in the state and has become a model for other schools to follow. Durfee’s success on the court has translated into success off the court as well, with many players going on to have successful careers in business, education, and other fields. The school’s basketball program has also been a source of pride for the city of Fall River, which has long been considered one of the basketball hotbeds in New England.

Durfee high school basketball Alumni

Durfee High School in Fall River, Massachusetts has a long and successful history of fielding competitive basketball teams The school has produced many successful alumni who have gone on to enjoy careers in the NBA and other professional leagues. With over a hundred years of tradition, Durfee basketball is a source of pride for the local community.

The school’s first basketball team was formed in 1901, and the squad quickly established itself as a force to be reckoned with. In its early years, Durfee enjoyed much success on the court, winning multiple State Championships Over the years, the team has produced many standout players, including Hall of Fame center Bill Russell

Today, Durfee continues to field competitive teams at both the varsity and Junior varsity levels. The school’s tradition of success is sure to continue for many years to come.


The Tigers have a long and successful history in basketball, with several championship titles to their name. They have produced a number of talented players who have gone on to enjoy successful careers in the sport. The Durfee High School Basketball team is a force to be reckoned with and will continue to be one of the top teams in the country for many years to come.

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