How To Tape Your Hockey Stick like a Pro

If you want to know how to tape your hockey stick like a pro, then this blog post is for you. I’ll show you step-by-step how to get a perfect tape job every time.


If you’re new to hockey, or just looking to get the most out of your stick, taping it properly is essential. In this guide, we’ll show you how to tape your hockey stick like a pro, so you can get the best possible performance out of your equipment.

Why you should tape your hockey stick

A Hockey Stick is like any other tool – it needs to be cared for in order to perform its best. That’s why taping your hockey stick is so important. It not only protects the stick from wear and tear, but also provides a better grip and feel on the ice.

There are a few different ways to tape a Hockey Stick but the most common method is to start at the top of the stick and work your way down. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

1. Start by wrapping the tape around the top of the stick, just below the blade.

2. Wrap the tape around the shaft of the stick, working your way down towards the bottom.

3. When you reach the bottom of the stick, wrap the tape around a few times before cutting it off.

4. Now it’s time to focus on taping the blade of the stick. Start by wrapping the tape around the toe of the blade (the part that makes contact with the puck first).

5. Wrap the tape around the blade, working your way up towards the heel (the part that makes contact with the ice last).
6. When you reach the heel of the blade, cut off any excess tape and you’re finished!

How to tape your hockey stick

Most people think that taping a Hockey Stick is easy, but there is a certain way to do it in order to get the most grip and power on your shots. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to tape your hockey stick like a pro.

Before you start taping, make sure you have the following items:

-Hockey stick
-Tape measure
-Cloth tape (gaffer’s tape works best)

1) Measure the length of your hockey stick and cut the cloth tape accordingly. You want the tape to be wrapped around the shaft of the stick tightly, with no wrinkles or slack.
2) Start taping from the bottom of the shaft and work your way up. Overlap each piece of tape by about half an inch as you go.
3) Once you reach the top of the shaft, begin wrapping the cloth tape around the blade of the stick. Again, overlap each piece of tape by about half an inch.
4) Wrap the cloth tape around the entire blade until you reach the sweet spot (the middle of the blade where you get maximum power on your shots).
5) For extra protection and grip, you can add a piece of gaffer’s tape or athletic tape over top of the cloth tape.

The benefits of taping your hockey stick

Besides providing extra grip and protection for your hands, taping your Hockey Stick can actually help improve your game Properly taped sticks give you better control of the puck and help you make more precise shots. In addition, a well-taped stick can help prevent against breakage and extend the life of your stick. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, taping your Hockey stick is a simple way to improve your game

The different types of tape

Before we get into the how-to of taping a hockey stick it’s important to understand the different types of tape that are available. Hockey tape is made from cloth, vinyl or both, and each type has its own advantages. Cloth tape is more breathable, making it ideal for players who perspire a lot. Vinyl tape is more water resistant, making it a good choice for players who play in all weather conditions. And cloth/vinyl composite tape strikes a balance between the two.

Now that you know the different types of tape, let’s get started on taping your hockey stick like a pro!

How to choose the right tape

There are two main types of hockey stick tape: cloth and adhesive. Cloth tape is more breathable and helps to wick away moisture, making it ideal for use in hot or humid conditions. Adhesive tape is more durable and provides better grip, making it a good choice for colder conditions.

How to apply the tape

To apply the tape, start at the top of the stick and wind the tape down. Make sure to keep the tape tight as you go. Wrap the tape around the bottom of the stick and then bring it back up to the top. Wind the tape around the top of the stick a few times and then cut it off.

How to remove the tape

To remove the tape, start at one end of the blade and peel it back slowly. If the tape is old and has lost its stickiness, it may come off in one long strip. If it’s still sticky, you may need to use your fingernails to help pry it off. Once you’ve removed the tape, throw it away.

Tips for taping your hockey stick

Hockey Players go through a lot of sticks in a season – and that means a lot of tape! Taping your stick is more than just wrapping the blade in tape. It’s an art form. Here are some tips from the pros on how to tape your hockey stick like a pro.

– Use cloth tape or gaffer’s tape instead of duct tape. Cloth tape is made specifically for taping hockey sticks and it won’t leave a sticky residue like duct tape can.
– Wrap the blade in one continuous piece of tape, starting at the heel and working your way up to the toe. If you’re using two pieces of tape, overlap them in the middle so there are no gaps.
– Use a utility knife or box cutter to score the end of the roll of tape so it’s easy to tear off.
– When you get to the top of the blade, tuck the end of the tape under the previous layer so it doesn’t peel up.

Now that you know how to tape your hockey stick like a pro, you can go out and practice your shooting!


If you are having trouble taping your hockey stick there are a few things you can try.

First, make sure you have the right supplies. You will need:

-Hockey stick
-Tape (hockey or electrical)
-Ruler or measuring tape

Next, follow these steps:
1. Measure the width of your hockey stick at the widest point and mark it with a pencil. This will be the width of your tape job.
2. Cut a strip of tape that is slightly longer than the width of your stick and apply it to the blade, centered from top to bottom.
3. Wrap the strip around the blade, overlapping the edges by about 1/2 inch (1 cm).
4. Trim any excess tape with scissors and smooth down the edges with your fingers.
5. Repeat steps 2-4 on the other side of the blade.
6.Measure and cut a strip of tape that is long enough to go around the butt end of your stick (the part you hold).
7.Apply the strip around the butt end, overlapping the edges by about 1/2 inch (1 cm).
8.Trim any excess tape with scissors and smooth down the edges with your fingers

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