How to Win in NBA 2K20 1v1

Looking to take your NBA 2K20 game to the next level? Here are some tips on how to win in 1v1 matchups.


Since the release of NBA 2K20, there has been a lot of talk about the game’s new Player Builder and the changes to the shooting metre. pro players and amateurs have both complained about how hard it is to make a good shooter in NBA 2K20. In this article, we’ll give you some tips on how to make a good shooter in NBA 2K20.

##Heading: Shooting Form
One of the biggest changes to shooting in NBA 2K20 is the new Shooting Form metre. In previous games, you could just spam the shoot button and as long as your shot was reasonably close to the basket, it would go in. In NBA 2K20, you have to time your shots perfectly to ensure that they go in. The best way to time your shots is to wait until the white circle in the centre of the shot metre is at its smallest. This will give you the best chance of making your shot.

If you’re struggling to make shots with the new shooting form metre, we recommend going into the MyPlayer Builder and changing your shooting form to Normal. This will make it easier to time your shots and make them more consistent.

##Heading: Off-Ball Movement
Another important aspect of shooting in NBA 2K20 is off-ball movement. If you want to create space for yourself and get open shots, you need to be constantly moving around off the ball. One good way to do this is to use the ‘L1 + X’ (PS4) / ‘LB + A’ (Xbox One) quick move when you don’t have the ball. This will cause your player to sprint towards open space on the court.

You can also use this quick move when you’re running towards a screen set by your team-mate; just press ‘L1 + X’ (PS4) / ‘LB + A’ (Xbox One) as you approach them and they’ll set a screen for you, giving you plenty of space to get off a good shot.

The basic rules of NBA 2K20 1v1

There are four basic rules of NBA 2K20 1v1 that you need to know in order to win. First, the game is played with two players on opposite sides of the court. Each player has control of one player on their team. Second, the objective of the game is to score more points than your opponent. Third, each team has five players on the court, and each player can score points Finally, the game is played in four eight-minute quarters.

Now that you know the basic rules of NBA 2K20 1v1, let’s take a look at some strategies you can use to win. First, it’s important to control the tempo of the game. If you can control the tempo, you can dictate how many possessions each team has and how many points each team scores Second, it’s important to play good defense If you can stop your opponent from scoring, you’ll give yourself a better chance to win. Third, it’s important to rebound well. If you can get more rebounds than your opponent, you’ll give yourself an extra chance to score. Finally, it’s important to take good shots and make them count. If you’re King High quality shots and making them, you’ll give yourself a better chance to win.

Tips on how to win in NBA 2K20 1v1

There is a wide path that you can take to win in NBA 2K20 1v1. But, we have a few specific tips that will help you get there faster.

First, know the game mode In NBA 2K20 1v1, there are two different game modes Standard and Domination. Standard is the default game mode and is what most players will use. This game mode is simply one game to 21 points with first to score winning the match.

Domination, on the other hand, is a best of three series where each game is played to 11 points. The first player to win two games in the series wins the match. It’s important to know which game mode you re Playing as it will affect your strategy.

Second, take advantage of your strengths and exploit your opponent’s weaknesses. If you are a shooters, make sure to space the floor and let it fly. If you are more of a playmaker, use your speed and agility to blow by your defender and create easy scoring opportunities for yourself or your teammates. And if you are more of a physical presence in the post, use your size and strength to bully your way to easy baskets.

Third, play smart on both ends of the court. On offense, make sure to keep your head up and look for open teammates when you’re being double-teamed or otherwise guarded closely. On defense, be patient and don’t bite on pump fakes or other moves designed to get you out of position.

Fourth, have a plan B ready when things aren’t going your way in Game 1 of a match. Maybe you didn’t shoot well or maybe your opponent just has YOUR number in that particular game. Either way, don’t get discouraged – remember that it’s a best of three series for a reason! Just regroup during halftime (or between games if you’re playing Domination) and come out with a new strategy in Game 2.

Finally, always be adapting and adjusting on the fly as necessary based on how each individual game is going. Be ready to make changes in real-time as needed so that you can put yourself in the best position possible to win that all-important second (or third) game in the series!

The best players in NBA 2K20 1v1

There are many great players in NBA 2K20 1v1, but some stand out above the rest. If you’re looking to win in NBA 2K20 1v1, you’ll need to know who the best players are.

The best players in NBA 2K20 1v1 are:

-Kevin Durant
-Stephen Curry
-LeBron James
-James Harden
-Anthony Davis

The worst players in NBA 2K20 1v1

No one likes to lose, especially when it comes to Video games

While there is an element of chance in any game, there are ways to stack the odds in your favor and give yourself a better chance at winning.

In this guide, we’ll take a look at the worst players in NBA 2K20 1v1 and how you can use their weaknesses to your advantage.

The most common mistakes in NBA 2K20 1v1

NBA 2K20 1v1 is a game mode that has become increasingly popular in recent years Many players think that they can just jump into the game and start winning, but the truth is that there is a lot of strategy involved. In this article, we will take a look at some of the most common mistakes made in NBA 2K20 1v1 and how to avoid them.

1. Not knowing the rules
One of the most common mistakes made by players is not knowing the rules of the game mode. NBA 2K20 1v1 has different rules than traditional 5-on-5 games, so it’s important to familiarize yourself with them before playing. You can find the full list of rules here.

2. Not having a plan
Another mistake that many players make is not having a plan going into the game. It’s important to know what your strengths and weaknesses are and to tailor your strategy accordingly. For example, if you’re a good perimeter shooter, you might want to focus on creating space for yourself and taking open shots. On the other hand, if you’re more of a post player you might want to focus on using your size and strength to create mismatches.

3. Not making adjustments
Another common mistake is not making adjustments after seeing how your opponent is playing. If you notice that they are constantly focusing on one area of your game, it’s important to make an adjustment so they can’t take advantage of it. For example, if they are sagging off of you when you have the ball, you might want to start attacking the basket more aggressively or look for open teammates.

4.Getting too emotional
It’s natural to feel emotions like frustration or anger when things aren’t going your way in a basketball game but it’s important to keep them in check when playing NBA 2K20 1v1. Getting too emotional can cloud your judgment and make it difficult to make smart decisions on the court. If you find yourself getting too worked up, take a break and come back when you’ve calmed down.

How to counter common strategies in NBA 2K20 1v1

When playing NBA 2K20 1v1, it’s important to be aware of the common strategies that your opponents might use. Here are some tips on how to counter some of the most common strategies:

– If your opponent is using a lot of pick and roll try to stay home on their shooters and force them to take tough contested shots.
– If your opponent is constantly trying to take you off the dribble, try to stay in front of them and make them shoot over you.
– If your opponent is trying to post you up, try to deny them the ball and make them work for their points.

By being aware of these common strategies, you’ll be better equipped to take on any opponent in NBA 2K20 1v1.

The importance of practice in NBA 2K20 1v1

One of the most important things you can do if you want to improve your performance in NBA 2K20 1v1 is to practice. This may seem like an obvious statement, but it bears repeating. The more you play, the better you’ll become at the game.

Of course, simply playing the game isn’t enough. You need to be thoughtful about your approach to practice. For example, you should try to play against opponents who are of a similar skill level to you. This will help ensure that you’re pushed to improve and aren’t just coasting by on your natural ability.

In addition, you should focus on specific areas of the game that you want to get better at. If you’re having trouble with your jump shot for example, spend some time practicing that aspect of your game. The more time you spend working on specific skills, the better you’ll become at them.

Finally, don’t forget to have fun! NBA 2K20 1v1 is a game and should be enjoyed as such. If you’re not enjoying yourself, it’s unlikely that you’ll perform as well as you could be. So make sure to take breaks when needed and enjoy the process of becoming a better player.


Congratulations, you have now reached the conclusion of our how-to guide on winning in NBA 2K20 1v1! By following the steps and tips laid out for you in this guide, you should be well on your way to coming out on top in any 1v1 match you come across. Always remember to stay calm, think ahead, and most importantly, have fun!

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