The 10 Best NBA Pick Up Lines

You may not be able to shoot like Steph Curry but you can definitely score some points with these 10 best NBA Pick up lines!

“What’s your favorite basketball team?”

Whether you’re a diehard NBA fan or just looking to start a conversation with someone who is, these pick-up lines are sure to get the job done.

1. “What’s your favorite basketball team?”
2. “Do you know who Charles Barkley is?”
3. “Do you have a favorite basketball player?”
4. “Have you ever been to an NBA game before?”
6. “Do you have any idea how much I love the NBA?”
7. “I bet you don’t even know who Lebron James is!”
8. “Lakers or Celtics?”
9. “Do you know what time it is…it’s NBA time!”
10. ��Can I take you to an NBA game sometime?

“Do you like the NBA?”

“Do you like the NBA?” is one of the best pick up lines for meeting someone who is a Basketball Fan It shows that you are interested in their hobbies and that you are willing to engage in a conversation about something that they are passionate about. This pick up line is also versatile, as it can be used on both men and women.

“What’s your favorite player?”

“What’s your favorite player?” is a great way to start a conversation with someone who loves NBA. If you’re looking for something a little more flirty, try one of these:

-Do you likegreen or red? Because I have some Celtics tickets for tonight.
-I’d tell you you’re as beautiful as Giannis Antetokounmpo but that would be an understatement.
-You must be because you’ve got my heart racing faster than Russell Westbrook
– Damn, you have a Russell Westbrook triple double!

“Do you have any favorite pick up lines?”

“Do you have any favorite pick up lines?”

With the NBA season in Full Swing we decided to ask some of the league’s Top Players what their favorite pick up lines are. Here are the 10 best responses:

1. “Are you an angel? Because you fell from heaven.” – Kobe Bryant Los Angeles Lakers

2. “Do you mind if I walk you home? My mother always told me to follow my dreams.” – Lebron James Cleveland Cavaliers

3. “You’re so beautiful that you made me forget my pickup line.” – Kevin Durant Oklahoma City Thunder

4. “Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?” – Dwyane Wade Miami Heat

5. “Hello, I’m a thief, and I’m here to steal your heart.” – Carmelo Anthony New York Knicks

6. ” Are you a parking ticket? ‘Cause you’ve got FINE written all over you.” – Chris Paul Los Angeles Clippers
8. “I’m not a photographer, but I can picture us together.” – Blake Griffin Los Angeles Clippers
10. “You had me at ‘hello.’” – Derrick Rose Chicago Bulls

“What’s the best pick up line you’ve ever heard?”

In the world of basketball, there are some classic pick up lines that have been used time and time again. Here are 10 of the best pick up lines that you’re likely to hear on the court:

“Can I have your autograph? My mom collects basketball players

“You must be a jump shot because you’re so easy to shoot for.”

“You must be a turnover because you’re giving me the ball.”

“You’re so hot, you make my jersey sweaty.”

“Are you a box out? Because you’re somebody I need in my life.”

“What’s the worst pick up line you’ve ever heard?”

The 10 Worst NBA pick up lines are as follows:

1. “You’ll never shoot your shot with me.”
2. “What’s your favorite basketball team? Mine’s the one that’s going to beat yours.”
3. “You must play a lot of basketball, because you sure have a lot of rebounds.”
4. “Do you like playing defense? Because I feel like we could really stop each other.”
5. “My basketball coach always told me that the key to success is to follow through.”
6. “You’re so hot, my jersey is starting to sweat.”
7. “Can I have your picture? So I can show Santa what I want for Christmas.”
8. “Is it just me, or are we kind of a perfect match?”
9. “I don’t normally do this, but will you go out with me?”
10. “Do you want to play a game of one-on-one?”

“Have you ever used a pick up line?”

Almost everyone has used a pick up line at one point or another, whether they’re trying to impress a potential partner, make a new friend, or just have some fun. NBA pick up lines are no different!

While some people may find them cheesy or corny, pick up lines can actually be quite clever and funny. If you’re looking for some new pick up lines to try out, here are ten of the best NBA pick up lines:

1. “Is your name LeBron? Because you’re a superstar!”
2. “Kobe Bryant? I’d die for you!”
3. “You must be Russell Westbrook because you’ve got my attention!”
4. “Are you Kyrie Irving? because you make my heart skip a beat!”
5. “Dwyane Wade? You could be my heat!”
6. “You must be Carmelo Anthony because you’re sweet and smooth!”
7. “Chris Paul? You’re the CP3 of my heart!”
8. “Damian Lillard? You got game!”
9. “Hassan Whiteside? You block everything else out!”
10.”Stephen Curry? You’re worth the three-point shot!”

“Do you think pick up lines work?”

Whether you’re an NBA fan or not, chances are you’ve wondered whether pick up lines actually work in the real world.

For the most part, the answer is a resounding no. In fact, using a pick up line is likely to do more harm than good and will probably just end up frustrating both you and the person you’re trying to impress.

However, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t a few good ones out there. If you’re Feeling brave, here are 10 of the best pick up lines for NBA fans

-Do you like Kobe Bryant or Lebron James better? Because I can show you how to make them both look like amateurs.
-I’d give up my Season tickets for a chance to see you naked.
-Do you play basketball? Because I think you and me could have some serious chemistry on the court.
-You must be a really good shooter because I can see myself in your eyes.
-You got me so excited, I dropped my McGrady jersey!
-I know this isn’t Staples Center but can I still get a kiss from the hottest girl in the arena?
-Your legs must be tired because you’ve been running through my mind all night long.
-Can I have your autograph? You’re going to want it when I become famous for being with you.

“What’s the best way to pick someone up?”

There’s no one answer to that question, but we can definitely tell you what NOT to say when trying to pick someone up. Avoid any of the following NBA pick up lines if you want to have any chance with your crush:

1. “You run like the Jazz.”
2. “You play like the Lakers.”
3. “Do you want to play one on one?”
4. “You look like a player.”
5. “Nice shoes, they go well with your jersey.”
6. “I bet you’re a great rebounder.”
7. “I bet you’re a great shooter.”
8. “You’re so hot, you make my jersey sweat.”
9. “You have the best Jump Shot I’ve ever seen.”
10. “I bet you could dunk on me.”

“Do you have any other pick up line tips?”

No matter what you do or say, remember that the most important thing is to be confident. If you don’t believe in yourself, the person you’re trying to pick up will definitely be able to tell, and it’ll be a major turnoff. With that said, here are 10 NBA pick up lines that are sure to get you a date:

1. “Do you like basketball? Because I think we have a lot in common.”

2. “You must be a good rebounder, because I can’t keep my eyes off you.”

3. “I’m not saying you’re my favorite player, but I’d definitely draft you first.”

4. “I know this isn’t a game, but I feel like I just hit a game-winning shot

5. “You’re so hot, my jersey is starting to sweat.”

6. “What’s your favorite basketball team? Mine’s whatever team you’re on.”

7. “Do you want to hear my best pickup line? It’s ‘Can I have your autograph?’”
                                   8. “You must be exhausted from running through my mind all day.”

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