How to Build an NHL Hockey Rink

How to Build an NHL Hockey Rink The National Hockey League (NHL) is the premier professional Ice Hockey league in the world, founded in 1917.


An NHL hockey rink is composed of many parts, all of which must be carefully assembled in order to create a flat, smooth playing surface. In this guide, we will take you through the process of building an NHL Hockey Rink step by step.

The first thing you will need is a large sheet of ice. This can be created by freezing water in a large tank or pool. Once the ice is frozen, it needs to be cleared of snow and debris. A Zamboni machine is typically used for this purpose.

Next, the border of the rink must be marked out. This is usually done with white paint or tape. Once the border is marked, the next step is to install the boards that will surround the playing surface. These boards must be level and securely fastened in order to create a safe environment for the players.

After the boards are in place, the next thing to do is install the netting that will catch any pucks that are shot out of play. This netting must be tensioned in order to provide adequate support while also allowing for easy retrieval of errant pucks.

Once all of these components are in place, you will need to flood the rink with water. This water will then freeze and create a smooth surface for play. The final step is to add lines and markings to delineate different areas of the rink such as the face-off circles and goal creases.

The Basics of Building an NHL Hockey Rink

If you’re a hockey fan you’ve probably dreamed of having your own backyard rink. While it may seem like a daunting task, building an NHL hockey rink is actually quite simple. Here are the basics of what you’ll need to do:

1. Choose a level spot in your yard that gets good sun exposure.
2. Build a frame using 2x4 lumber and screws. The frame should be 6 feet wide and 8 feet long
3. Line the frame with plywood sheets, making sure to overlap the seams by at least 2 inches.
4. Nail the plywood sheets to the frame using 2-inch nails.
5. Fill the frame with water, using a hose or buckets. Be sure to leave at least 2 inches of space at the top to allow for expansion when the water freezes.
6. Place the frame in your freezer and let the water freeze overnight.
7. Once the water is frozen, remove the frame from the freezer and cover it with a tarp or piece of plywood to protect it from sunlight and precipitation

The Materials You Will Need

Before you begin, you will need to gather the necessary materials. For an NHL sized rink, you will need:
-A large, level piece of land that is preferably already frozen over
-A Zamboni or other ice resurfacing machine
-Snow Removal Equipment
-Hockey Nets
-2x4s or other lumber
-Paint or other sealant
-Waterproof Tape
-Plastic Sheeting
Once you have all of your materials gathered, you are ready to start building your rink!

The Process of Building an NHL hockey Rink

Building an NHL hockey rink is no small feat – it requires careful planning, a lot of hard work and some serious engineering know-how. Luckily, we’ve got all the information you need to get started on your own project.

The first step is to survey the area where you’ll be building the rink. This is important for a few reasons – first, you’ll need to make sure that the ground is level and that there are no obstacles in the way that could potentially damage the rink (roots, large rocks, etc.). Next, you’ll need to determine the dimensions of the rink. The standard size for an NHL Rink is 200′ x 85′, but of course, you can adjust this to fit your needs.

Once you’ve got the dimensions figured out, it’s time to start digging! You’ll need to excavate a space that is 12″ deep and at least 4″ wider than the planned width of your rink. Once you’ve excavated the space, you’ll need to install a sub-base – this can be either concrete or asphalt, depending on your preference. Once the sub-base is installed, you’re ready to start building the boards.

The boards are typically made from 2″ x 6″ lumber, but again, this can vary depending on your preferences. You’ll need to cut the lumber to length and then fasten it together using either screws or nails – be sure to predrill holes if you’re using screws! Once all of the boards are installed, you’re ready to install the Plexiglass.

The Plexiglass will be attached using L-brackets – be sure to drill pilot holes for these as well! Once all of the Plexiglass is installed, you can start filling in any gaps with caulking (this will help keep out pests and rodents). Finally, all that’s left to do is paint your lines on the ice and enjoy!

The Cost of Building an NHL Hockey Rink

The cost of building an NHL hockey rink can range from $100,000 to over $1 million. depending on the size and location of the rink. The most common type of rink is an Olympic-sized rink, which is 200 feet long by 100 feet wide An NHL regulation rink is 200 feet long by 85 feet wide The smaller the rink, the less expensive it will be to build.

The Benefits of Building an NHL Hockey Rink

An NHL hockey rink can bring a number of benefits to your community. It can provide a space for people to come together and enjoy the sport of hockey, it can generate revenue for your municipality through ticket sales and concessions, and it can be a valuable asset for local businesses and organizations.

Building an NHL hockey rink is a significant investment, but it can pay off in many ways. If you are considering building an NHL Hockey Rink in your community, here are some of the benefits you can expect:

· Hockey brings people together. An NHL hockey rink can be a gathering place for the community, a place where people of all ages and backgrounds can come together to enjoy the sport of hockey.

· An NHL hockey rink can generate revenue. Through ticket sales, concessions, and other activities associated with the rink, an NHL hockey rink can generate revenue for your municipality. This revenue can be used to offset the costs of maintaining the rink or to fund other projects in the community.

· An NHL Hockey Rink is an asset for local businesses. Local businesses can benefit from the foot traffic generated by an NHL hockey rink hockey fans often patronize local restaurants and businesses before and after games, which can lead to increased sales for these businesses. In addition, businesses may choose to sponsor teams that play at the rink, providing another source of revenue.

· An NHL hockey rink can be a valuable asset for organizations. Organizations such as Youth Hockey leagues or adult recreational leagues often use NHL rinks as their home base This provides them with a space to practice and play their games, as well as a place to host tournaments and other events. This exposure can help these organizations raise funds and attract new members.

The Drawbacks of Building an NHL Hockey Rink

There are a few potential drawbacks to building an NHL hockey rink. First, the investment required to build a high-quality rink can be significant. Second, the rink may not be suitable for other uses (e.g., public skating, figure skating etc.), which could limit its usefulness and profitability. Finally, the climate in some locations may not be conducive to successful NHL hockey rink operations (e.g., warm weather climates).

FAQs about Building an NHL Hockey Rink

Is it expensive to build an NHL hockey rink?

The cost of building an NHL hockey rink varies depending on the size and location of the rink, but it typically ranges from $2 million to $10 million.

How big is an NHL hockey rink?

An NHL hockey rink is typically 200 feet long by 85 feet wide.

What are the dimensions of an NHL goal?
The dimensions of an NHL goal are 6 feet wide by 4 feet high.


After you have installed the liner and leveled the ground, you are ready to install the Dasher boards Dasher boards are the boards that surround the rink and keep the hockey puck from leaving the playing surface. You will need to use a power drill to screw the dasher boards into the ground. Make sure that the boards are level and flush with the ground before you begin drilling.

Once you have installed the dasher boards, you can begin filling the rink with water. It is best to use a hose with a spray nozzle attachment to evenly distribute the water over the surface of the rink. Once the rink is full, you can install the netting around the perimeter of the rink. Be sure to secure the netting tightly so that it does not come loose during play.

Your NHL hockey rink is now complete!

Additional Resources

If you are interested in building an NHL hockey rink, there are several resources that can help you. The National Hockey League website has a section on their website devoted to Ice hockey rink construction. This section includes diagrams and specifications for constructing a regulation-size NHL hockey rink.

In addition to the NHL website, there are also many other online resources that can help you with your hockey rink construction project. One such resource is the Ice Rink Engineering and Construction website. This website includes a variety of information on topics such as ice rink refrigeration systems, dasher board installation, and Zamboni operations.

Another valuable resource for those interested in building an NHL hockey rink is the book “How to Build an ice hockey Rink: A Step-By-Step Guide.” This book provides detailed instructions on every aspect of constructing an ice hockey rink, from site selection and excavation to dasher board installation and Zamboni operations.

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