Post 39 Baseball Seeks New Members

Post 39 Baseball is looking for new members! If you love baseball and want to join a team, Post 39 is the place for you.



The newly formed Post 39 baseball team is seeking new members! Post 39 is a competitive travel baseball team based in the Northborough/Southborough area. The team is open to any High School aged student who meets the tryout requirements.

Requirements for tryouts include:
– A varsity or JV baseball letter from the most recent season
– 3 recommendations from current or former baseball coaches
– A $40 tryout fee

Those who make the team can expect to play in approximately 30 games, with 22 of those games being out of state tournaments. The team will also compete in 2 local tournaments, as well as travel to Cooperstown, NY for a weeklong tournament.

The estimated cost for the season is $2800, which includes tournament fees, umpires, coach salaries, and equipment. Additionally, each player is responsible for their own travel expenses.

If you are interested in trying out for the team or have any questions, please contact coach John Smith at (123) 456-7890 or [email protected]

The search for new members

Post 39 Baseball is actively looking for new members to join their team! If you or someone you know may be interested in playing baseball for Post 39, please reach out to them.

Why baseball is struggling

Since its inception, baseball has been one of America’s most popular sports But in recent years the sport has been declining in popularity. According to a 2017 poll by the Pew Research Center, only 9% of Americans say baseball is their favorite sport down from 14% in 2000.

What is causing this decline? There are a number of factors, including the rise of other sports like football and basketball, the length of games, and the lack of parity between teams. But one of the biggest reasons baseball is struggling is that it simply isn’t attracting new fans.

Organizations like Post 39 Baseball are working to change that. Post 39 Baseball is a youth baseball program based in Virginia that provides children with an opportunity to learn and play the sport. The program seeks to introduce baseball to children who may not have otherwise had the chance to play, and to instill a love for the game in them.

If programs like Post 39 Baseball can succeed in attracting new fans to the sport, then perhaps baseball can make a comeback.

The benefits of joining baseball

Post 39 Baseball is currently seeking new members. The benefits of joining the Baseball Team include:

-Improved fitness and physical conditioning
-A sense of camaraderie and community
-A chance to compete and play at a high level

If you are interested in joining Post 39 Baseball, please contact us.

The drawbacks of joining baseball

While baseball may be a fun sport to watch, there are a few drawbacks to joining a team. For one, the equipment can be expensive. You’ll need a bat, a glove, cleats, and other protective gear Plus, you’ll need to pay for a league membership and insurance. innings.

Another downside to playing baseball is that it is a very time-consuming sport. Practices and games can take up several hours each week, and if you want to be competitive, you’ll need to put in extra time outside of practices to hone your skills.

Lastly, baseball can be quite dangerous. Injuries are common, ranging from Minor cuts and bruises sustained while sliding into bases, to more serious injuries like broken bones and concussions sustained when hit by a batted ball

The future of baseball

Post 39 Baseball is currently seeking new members for the upcoming season If you are interested in joining Post 39, please fill out an application form and submit it to the address below.

[email protected]

Post 39 Baseball is a Recreational baseball league for adults 18 and over. We have been in existence since 2012 and are currently made up of 10 teams. Our teams play each other 2-3 times during the regular season with the top 4 teams making the playoffs

How to join baseball

Joining Post 39 Baseball is easy! Whether you’re a new player or a returning member, all you need to do is fill out our online registration form. Once we have your information, we’ll add you to our mailing list and send you updates about upcoming events.


Thank you for your interest in Post 39 Baseball. We are always looking for new members to join our team. If you are interested in joining, please fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


If you’re interested in joining Post 39 Baseball, please see the below resources for more information.


About the author

Scott Radinsky is the Head Coach of the Post 39 American Legion baseball team He has over 30 years of coaching experience, including two years as a professional head coach in the Independent Leagues. Coach Radinsky also serves as an assistant varsity baseball coach atademics and college preparation.

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