How to Make Baseball Balloons

It’s baseball season! Time to break out the baseball balloons! Check out this tutorial on How to make baseball Balloons.


Making a baseball-themed balloon is a great way to show your support for your favorite team You can make a balloon in any team’s colors, but if you want to be extra festive, you can make a Baseball Shape out of the balloon. This Instructable will show you how to make a basic baseball-shaped balloon, as well as how to add some extra details to make it look more like a real baseball.

What You’ll Need

-1 balloon for each player
-Permanent markers

1. Begin by blowing up the balloons. You can either use a hand pump or a helium tank.
2. Once the balloons are blown up, use a permanent marker to draw a baseball stitch design on the front of each balloon.
3. Cut a small piece of string and tie it around the neck of each balloon.

Step One: Inflate the Balloons

Inflate the balloons to about 12 inches in diameter, using a pump if available. To ensure that the balloons are all uniform in size, measure them against a ruler or tape measure as you inflate them. Tie off the end of each balloon once it is fully inflated.

Step Two: Tie Off the Balloons

To make baseball balloons, you’ll need to tie off the balloons in a very specific way. Here’s how to do it:

1. Inflate the balloon to about halfway.
2. Make a small loop with the neck of the balloon, and then tie it off with a tight knot. This will be the baseball’s “seam.”
3. Make another loop right next to the first one, and then tie it off with another tight knot. This will be the baseball’s ” stitching.”
4. Repeat step 3 two more times, for a total of four knots (or “stitches”).
5. Trim off any excess balloon material, and then you’re done!

Step Three: Cut the Balloons

After you have gathered all of your materials, the next step is to cut the balloons. You will need to cut two pieces for each baseball. One piece should be about 6 inches long and the other should be about 4 inches long.

To cut the balloons, you will need to use a sharp knife or a balloon cutter. A balloon cutter is a tool that is specifically designed for cutting balloons and can be found at most party stores.

If you are using a knife, be sure to cut slowly and carefully so that you do not pop the balloon. Once you have cut the pieces, set them aside until you are ready to assemble the baseballs.

Step Four: Attach the Balloons to the Stick

Attach the balloons to the stick with a strong adhesive. Make sure that the balloons are evenly spaced out along the length of the stick.

Step Five: Add the Finishing Touches

Now that the baseball is complete, it’s time to add the finishing touches! Cut a small strip of black card stock and glue it to the top of the baseball. This will be the “seam” of the baseball. Next, take two small pieces of white card stock and glue them onto the front of the baseball for the “stitches.” Finally, cut a small semi-circle out of red card stock and glue it on top of the white stitching for the “red laces.” Your baseball balloon is now complete!

Tips and Tricks

If you love baseball and want to show your team spirit at your child’s next birthday party try making baseball balloons! This is a simple craft that even young children can help with. All you need are some white balloons, a black Sharpie and a little bit of patience.

To get started, blow up the balloons and tie them off. Then use the Sharpie to draw stitching onto the surface of the balloon, following the contours of the balloon. You can make as many or as few stitches as you like – it’s up to you!

Once you’ve drawn the stitches onto the balloon, use the Sharpie to add a “seam” down the middle of the balloon. This will give the illusion that the ball has been cut in half.

Finally, use the Sharpie to add any other details that you want, such as player names or team logos. Once you’re finished, your baseball balloons are ready to be displayed!


1. Can I inflate the baseballs with a regular balloon pump?
2. What is the best way to store the baseballs after they are inflated?
3. Do I need to use a special kind of balloon for this project?

Q: Can I inflate the baseballs with a regular balloon pump?
A: Yes, you can inflate the baseballs with a regular balloon pump. Just be sure to not over-inflate the balls.

Q: What is the best way to store the baseballs after they are inflated?
A: We recommend storing the baseballs in a cool, dry place. If you need to store them for an extended period of time, we recommend using a sealable storage bag.

Q: Do I need to use a special kind of balloon for this project?
A: No, you do not need to use a special kind of balloon for this project. However, we do recommend using good quality balloons so that they will last longer and not pop as easily.


In conclusion, making baseball balloons is a fun and easy way to show your support for your favorite team With a little bit of practice, you can create perfect spheres that are sure to impress your friends and family.

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