Kenosha Baseball is Back and Better Than Ever
Contents [hide]
- Kenosha Baseball: A Brief History
- The Return of Kenosha Baseball
- Why Kenosha Baseball is Better Than Ever
- The Kenosha Baseball Experience
- The Kenosha Baseball Revival
- The New Kenosha Baseball
- Kenosha Baseball: The Future
- Kenosha Baseball: A Legacy Reborn
- Kenosha Baseball: The Comeback Story
- Kenosha Baseball: Better Than Ever
Kenosha Baseball is back and better than ever!
After a long hiatus, the team has finally returned to the diamond.
With a new manager at the helm and a revamped roster, they’re looking to make some noise in the league this season.
Follow along as we chronicle their journey back to the top!
Kenosha Baseball: A Brief History
Kenosha baseball has a long and storied history dating back to the late 1800s. The first professional team in Kenosha was the Kenosha Kroakers, who played in the Northwestern League from 1882-1884. The Kroakers were followed by the Kenosha Crimson Giants, who played in the Illinois-Wisconsin League from 1985-1987. In 1888, the Kenosha Kazoos joined the newly-formed Wisconsin State League, where they played for two seasons before disbanding.
The Kazoos were succeeded by the Kenosha Old Norsemen, who joined the Wisconsin State League in its inaugural season in 1890 and went on to win the League Championship The Old Norsemen played for four seasons before folding in 1893. The next professional team in Kenosha was the Kenosha Indians, who played in the Wisconsin-Illinois League from 1902-1903. After a seven-year hiatus, baseball returned to Kenosha in 1910 with the formation of the Kenosha Babe Ruths, who played in the Bi-State League from 1910-1911.
In 1912, professional baseball returned toKenosha with the formation oftheKenoshatwinTelephones. The Telephones playedinindependentbaseballuntil1916 when they joinedtheWisconsinStateLeague(WSL).TheTelephoneswonleaguechampionshipsin1917and1918beforedisbandingin1919 duetolowattendanceandfinancial difficultiesbroughtontheGreatDepression.In 1931,kenoshabegantohostageneral baseball trainingcampfortheChicagoCubs(then knownastheKenoshacubs).The CubstrainedforfourseasonsinKenoshabetween 1931and1934beforerelocatingtotheircurrentspringtraininghomeinMesa,Arizona.
After a 37-year hiatus, baseball returned to Kenosha in 2001 with the formation of a new Northwoods League team dubbed the Kingfish. The Kingfish were an immediate success, winning league championships in 2002 and 2003. Despite their on-field success, attendance at Kingfish games began to decline in recent years due largely to competition from other summer collegiate teams in nearby Racine and Milwaukee. In 2017, only 49% of Kingfish home games were sellouts (defined as having at least 2,500 fans in attendance).
In 2018, after 16 seasons of play, owner Steve Schmissrauter announced that he was ceasing operations ofthe Kingfishandwouldbe sellingtheteam’sassetsatauction.Forthesecondtimeinless thana century,,professionalbaseballleftKenoshareluctantly andwithout warning.,However,,inthesummerof2019,,a new NorthwoodsLeaguefranchisewaspurchasedbylocal businessman Craig Elliottand given thename ( you guessed it)KenoshaKingfish .with significant investments made intheteam’sinfrastructure,, including anew state -oftheart ballpark,,openingforplay inthesummerof2020 .beyond providingourcommunitywith 60+ high -quality summer nights , Elliottand histeammatehavecommittedto beingagreat corporatecitizen ,with resourcesdirectedbackinto makingoursport moreaccessibleto underservedyouth livinginright here initsevery ownkenoshacounty ..there’sjust onethinglefttodo,,elliottsays: ” Bringhomeanotherchampionship.”
The Return of Kenosha Baseball
Kenosha Baseball is back and better than ever. After a five year absence, the reborn Kenosha Kingfish will take the field again in 2018. The team will play its home games at Historic Simmons Field, located in the heart of downtown Kenosha.
The Kingfish are a member of the Northwoods League a summer collegiate baseball league comprised of teams from across the Midwest. The league is made up of players who have completed their eligibility at the NCAA Division I, II, III or NAIA levels.
With the return of baseball to Kenosha, fans will have the opportunity to once again enjoy America’s Favorite Pastime in a family-friendly atmosphere. The team’s goal is to provide affordable, entertaining and high-quality summertime fun for everyone in the community.
We invite you to come out and support your Kenosha Kingfish as they embark on this new era ofKenosha baseball!
Why Kenosha Baseball is Better Than Ever
Kenosha Baseball is back and better than ever. The team has made some great additions to the roster and the fans are excited to see what they can do this season. Here are some of the reasons why Kenosha baseball is better than ever:
1. The team has added some great new players.
2. The fans are more excited than ever.
3. The ballpark has been newly renovated.
4. The team is off to a great start this season.
The Kenosha Baseball Experience
Kenosha baseball is back and better than ever! We’ve got a brand new stadium, state-of-the-art facilities, and a team that’s ready to compete. Come experience the excitement of Kenosha baseball!
The Kenosha Baseball Revival
Kenosha Baseball is back and better than ever. After a long hiatus, the semi-pro team is returning to the diamond with a new roster of talented players and a revamped organization.
The team will play its first game in over two years on May 4th, hosted by the Racine Horlick Rebels. Kenosha will field a team of experienced semi-pro and collegiate players, many of whom have ties to the Kenosha area. The team has been working hard in Practices and is excited to get back on the field to represent their city.
This will be a new era for Kenosha Baseball, with a focus on player development and community involvement. The team plans to host several events throughout the season to engage with fans and give back to the community. Kenosha Baseball is committed to being a positive force in the city, and we are excited to see what the future holds for this growing organization.
The New Kenosha Baseball
Kenosha baseball is back and better than ever. The new Kenosha baseball team is part of the Northwoods League a summer collegiate baseball league The team will play its home games at Simmons Field, located at 6330 Sixth Avenue in Kenosha. The team’s first game will be on Tuesday, May 28th, against the Eau Claire Express.
Kenosha Baseball: The Future
Kenosha Baseball is back and better than ever! After a five-year hiatus, the team has returned to its rightful place as a beloved local institution. The team has made a number of changes to its operations, making it more financially stable and ensuring a more positive experience for fans.
Kenosha Baseball: A Legacy Reborn
Kenosha Baseball is back and better than ever. The team, which plays its home games at Simmons Field in Kenosha, Wisconsin, is a minor league affiliate of the Milwaukee Brewers Kenosha baseball has a long and storied history dating back to the late 19th century. The team was founded in 1894 and was a charter member of the Wisconsin State League. The Kenosha Comets were one of the most successful teams in the early years of the league, winning five championships between 1895 and 1900.
Kenosha Baseball: The Comeback Story
Kenosha baseball is back and better than ever. After a five-year hiatus, the Kenosha Kings are set to take the diamond again in 2019. The Kings are a Minor League Baseball team that plays in the Midwest League.
The team was founded in 1992 and played its first game in 1993. The team was originally affiliated with the Milwaukee Brewers but later switched to the Chicago Cubs The Kings played their Home Games at Simmons Field, which is located on 60th Street just north of Highway 50 in Kenosha.
The team played for five seasons before folding after the 1997 season. However, the team was resurrected in 2019 and will play its home games at Historic Simmons Field, which has been renovated and is now located on 65th Street just north of Highway 50.
The Kings are one of four teams in the Midwest League’s Eastern Division, which also includes the Beloit Snappers, Clinton LumberKings, and Wisconsin Timber Rattlers. The Kings will play their first game of the 2019 season on April 4th against the Beloit Snappers.
Kenosha Baseball: Better Than Ever
Kenosha Baseball is back and better than ever. After a one-year hiatus, the team has returned to the city with a new name and a new home. The Kenosha Kings are now the Kenosha Ballers, and they’re Playing their home games at Simmons Field.
The team’s first game back was against the Racine Raiders, and they won 9-1. The Ballers have six more home games this season, so come out and support your local team!