Liberty High School Basketball Schedule

Keep up with the Liberty High School Basketball Schedule

Upcoming games

The Liberty high school varsity basketball team has a busy schedule coming up in the next few weeks. Here are some of the upcoming games:

March 3: Liberty vs. West High School
March 5: Liberty vs. East High School
March 7: Liberty vs. South High School
March 10: Liberty vs. North High School

Recent results

The Liberty High School Basketball team has had a great season so far! Here are their recent results:

– On December 12th, they beat cross-town rivals, Central high school with a score of 65-62.
– On December 19th, they won again against pesky Jefferson high school 72-58.
– On December 21st, they suffered their first loss against strong team from Yorktown, 55-67.

Team statistics

The Liberty high school basketball team has a long and successful history. The team has won several championships and is currently ranked among the top teams in the state. The team is made up of student-athletes who are committed to excellence on and off the court.

Player profiles

The Liberty high school Basketball team is made up of eleven talented players. Each player has unique skills and brings something special to the court. Get to know the team by reading through the player profiles below.

--point guard Aaliyah Jordan is a junior and has been starting for Liberty since her freshman year. She is a superb ball handler and an excellent shooter. Aaliyah is also a great leader on and off the court.

--shooting guard David Johnson is a senior and one of the best shooters in the state. He has a great work ethic and is always working to improve his game. David is also a great defender.

--small forward Jaden Smith is a sophomore who has already made a big impact on the team. He is an excellent all-around player with a knack for scoring. Jaden is also a very good rebounder for his size.

--Power Forward Thomas Jefferson is a junior who has been starting for Liberty since his freshman year. He is a strong, physical player who excels at rebounding and defending. Thomas is also a very good scorer inside the paint.

-Center: George Washington is a senior who has been starting for Liberty since his sophomore year. He is one of the best defenders in the state and an excellent shot blocker. George is also a very good rebounder and scorer inside the paint.

Game recaps

The Liberty high school basketball team played their first game of the season on December 3 against rival school, Central High The game was close throughout, with the lead changing hands several times. Liberty ultimately came out on top, with a final score of 54-51. This was a great way to start the season and the team is looking forward to their next game.

Fans’ corner

As the old saying goes, there are two types of people in the world: those who Love Basketball and those who don’t. And, as any Liberty High School fan will tell you, there is nothing quite like a Home game So, if you fall into the first category of people who love basketball or even if you’re just looking for a fun and exciting way to spend an evening, make sure to check out the Liberty high school Basketball Schedule

The games are always packed with energy and excitement, but perhaps one of the best things about them is that they give fans a chance to really show their School Spirit So put on your blue and gold and get ready to cheer your team to victory!


The Basketball Schedule for Liberty High School has many important games, but there are three that stand out above the rest. These are the games against their biggest rivals: East High School West High School and Central High School

Liberty has been playing East since the school opened in 1965, and the two teams have developed a strong rivalry. The games between them are always heated, and both teams bring their best players to try to win.

West has been Liberty’s biggest rival since the early 1970s, when the two teams began competing for the League Championship every year. The games between them are always close, and it is not uncommon for tempers to flare.

Central is a newer rival for Liberty, but the two teams have been playing each other since the late 1980s. Central is usually one of the strongest teams in the league, so the games against them are always tough.


The Liberty High School Alumni Association was created to keep alumni informed about events happening at the school, to encourage them to support the school and its programs, and to provide a way for alumni to connect with each other.

Schedule analysis

Liberty High School’s girls’ Varsity Basketball team has a packed schedule this season, with games almost every week. Let’s take a look at the schedule and analyze what kind of effect it will have on the team.

The first thing to note is that the team has two games back-to-back on three separate occassions. This could be tiring for the players, both physically and mentally. Also, with games almost every week, the team won’t have much time to practice between games. They will have to rely heavily on their game experience and instincts.

However, the schedule is not all bad news. By playing so many games, the team will get a lot of experience and learn how to play under pressure. They will also get to know their opponents well, which could give them an advantage come playoff time.

All in all, it looks like Liberty High School’s girls’ varsity basketball team will have a challenging but beneficial season!


Liberty High School’s basketball team is off to a great start this season. Here are their scheduled games and our predictions.

-Nov 28: Liberty vs. Franklin Prediction: Liberty
-Dec 12: Liberty vs.North County Prediction: Liberty
-Dec 19: Liberty vs. East Valley Prediction:Liberty

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